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Construction of the first trial function

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 453.

We consider first the positive x region. Following Section 2.1, we begin with the usual perturbative power series expansion for


ψ(x)=e-gS(x) (4.18)



gS(x)=gS0(+)+S1(+)+g-1S2(+)+ (4.19)



E=gE0(+)+E1(+)+g-1E2(+)+ (4.20)

in which Sn (+) and En (+) are g-independent. Substituting Figs. (4.18), (4.19) and (4.20) into the Schroedinger equation (4.2) and equating both sides, we find





etc. Thus, (4.21) leads to



Since the left side of (4.22) vanishes at x = 1, so is the right side; hence, we determine


E0(+)=1+λ, (4.24)

which leads to


S1(+)=(1+λ)ln(1+x). (4.25)

Of course, the power series expansion Figs. (4.19) and (4.20) are both divergent. However, if we retain the first two terms in (4.19), the function



serves as a reasonable approximation of ψ (x) for x > 0, except when x is near zero. By differentiating (+), we find (+) satisfies


(T+V(x)+u+(x)) (+)=gE0(+) (+) (4.27)




In order to construct the trial function (x) that satisfies the boundary condition (4.5), we introduce for x 0,






so that + (x) and its derivative +′ (x) are both continuous at x = 1, and in addition, at x = 0 we have +′ (0) = 0. For x 0, we observe that V (x) is invariant under



The same transformation converts + (x) for x positive to (x) for x negative. Define











Both (x) and its derivative ′ (x) are continuous at x = −1; furthermore, + (x) and (x) also satisfy the continuity condition Figs. (4.4) and (4.5), as well as the Schroedinger equation Figs. (4.6a) and (4.6b), with the perturbative potentials v+ (x) and v- (x) given by






in which u+ (x) is given by (4.28),








In order that u+ (x), be positive for x > 0 and u- (x), positive for x < 0, we impose



in addition to the earlier condition λ > 0. From Figs. (4.28) and (4.37), we have






Likewise, from Figs. (4.38a) and (4.38b), we find






Furthermore, as x → ±1,






Thus, for x 0, we have



and, together with Figs. (4.36a) and (4.40a),



for x positive. On the other hand for x 0, is not always positive; e.g., at x = 0,


which is positive for , but at x = −1+,


However, at x = −1, . It is easy to see that the sum can satisfy for x 0,



To summarize: + (x) and (x) satisfy the Schroedinger equation Figs. (4.6a) and (4.6b), with v± (x) given by Figs. (4.36a) and (4.36b),






and the boundary conditions Figs. (4.4) and (4.5). In addition, v± (x) satisfies



and the monotonicity conditions Figs. (4.7a) and (4.7b).

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