Construction of the first trial functionDate: 2015-10-07; view: 438. We consider first the positive x region. Following Section 2.1, we begin with the usual perturbative power series expansion for
in which Sn (+) and En (+) are g-independent. Substituting Figs. (4.18), (4.19) and (4.20) into the Schroedinger equation (4.2) and equating both sides, we find
etc. Thus, (4.21) leads to
Since the left side of (4.22) vanishes at x = 1, so is the right side; hence, we determine
which leads to
Of course, the power series expansion Figs. (4.19) and (4.20) are both divergent. However, if we retain the first two terms in (4.19), the function
serves as a reasonable approximation of ψ (x) for x > 0, except when x is near zero. By differentiating (+), we find (+) satisfies
In order to construct the trial function (x) that satisfies the boundary condition (4.5), we introduce for x 0,
so that + (x) and its derivative +′ (x) are both continuous at x = 1, and in addition, at x = 0 we have +′ (0) = 0. For x 0, we observe that V (x) is invariant under
The same transformation converts + (x) for x positive to − (x) for x negative. Define
Both − (x) and its derivative −′ (x) are continuous at x = −1; furthermore, + (x) and − (x) also satisfy the continuity condition Figs. (4.4) and (4.5), as well as the Schroedinger equation Figs. (4.6a) and (4.6b), with the perturbative potentials v+ (x) and v- (x) given by
in which u+ (x) is given by (4.28),
In order that u+ (x), be positive for x > 0 and u- (x), positive for x < 0, we impose
in addition to the earlier condition λ > 0. From Figs. (4.28) and (4.37), we have
Likewise, from Figs. (4.38a) and (4.38b), we find
Furthermore, as x → ±1,
Thus, for x 0, we have
and, together with Figs. (4.36a) and (4.40a),
for x positive. On the other hand for x 0, is not always positive; e.g., at x = 0,
which is positive for , but at x = −1+,
However, at x = −1, . It is easy to see that the sum can satisfy for x 0,
To summarize: + (x) and − (x) satisfy the Schroedinger equation Figs. (4.6a) and (4.6b), with v± (x) given by Figs. (4.36a) and (4.36b),
and the boundary conditions Figs. (4.4) and (4.5). In addition, v± (x) satisfies
and the monotonicity conditions Figs. (4.7a) and (4.7b).