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The star product formalismDate: 2015-10-07; view: 435. We first want to introduce the star product formalism in bosonic and fermionic physics with the example of the harmonic oscillator [5]. The bosonic oscillator with the Hamilton function
The star product replaces the conventional product between functions on the phase space and it is so constructed that the star anticommutator, i.e., the antisymmetric part of first order, is the Poisson bracket:
This relation is the principle of correspondence. The states of the quantized harmonic oscillator are described by the Wigner functions
where Hn
The energy levels and the Wigner functions fulfill the
and for the harmonic oscillator one obtains
where the Ln are the Laguerre polynomials. The Wigner functions
The same procedure can now be used for the grassmannian case [6]. The simplest system in grassmannian mechanics [8] is a two-dimensional system with Lagrange function
With the canonical momentum
the Hamilton function is given by
Together with Eq. (2.9) this Hamiltonian suggests that the fermionic oscillator describes rotation. Indeed, calculating the fermionic angular momentum, which corresponds to the spin, leads to
so that the Hamiltonian in (2.10) can also be written as H = ωS3. As a vector the angular momentum points out of the θ1-θ2-plane. Therefore, we consider the two-dimensional fermionic oscillator as embedded into a three-dimensional fermionic space with coordinates θ1, θ2, and θ3. Note that we choose both for the fermionic space and momentum coordinates the units Quantizing the fermionic oscillator [6] involves a star product that is given by
We will call this star product the Clifford star product because it leads to a cliffordization of the Grassmann algebra of the θi. This can be seen by considering the star-anticommutator that is given by
Since the Grassmann variables
fulfill the relations
with [σi,σj] In the space of Grassmann variables there exists an analogue of complex conjugation, which is called the involution. As in [8] it can be defined as a mapping
where c is a complex number and We now define the Hodge dual for Grassmann numbers with respect to the metric δij. The Hodge dual maps a Grassmann monomial of grade r into a monomial of grade d−r, where d is the number of Grassmann basis elements (which is in our case three):
With the help of the Hodge dual one can define a trace as
The integration is given by the Berezin integral for which we have ∫dθiθj=
With the fermionic star product (2.12) one can—as in the bosonic case—calculate the energy levels and the
where the Wigner functions are given by
respectively. Furthermore, they correspond to spin up and spin down states since (2.21) corresponds to the spin projectors and the expectation values of the angular momentum are
where the spin In the fermionic θ-space the spin
where we used the definition