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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 708.

Working practices of a travel company.

Case study Faredeal Travel Agency: Reorganize the structure, layout and


Describing structures

Know, in about 100-150 words. Use the following verbs common for

Make up the description of any organization chart, or a company you

consist of contains includes is composed of is made up of

is divided into to be in charge of to be responsible for to support

to be supported by to assist or to be assisted by to be accountable to

to report to to be involved in to deal with to delegate to authorize

to be authorized with

Listen to the talk between Alistair Burton, a novice in the company, and Martin Brown, his mentor. The talk focuses on the informal power hierarchy in the organization chart.

As you listen, number the relationships based on Martin's analysis. How important can be connections (family, friendship, school, etc) in any organization?

Faredeal Travel Agency was founded by its owners, Claudia and Manual Ortega. It is now one of the largest travel agencies in the city, the financial center of London. In a few months' time it plans to open branch offices in Birmingham and Edinburgh.

Almost 60% of profits come from its corporate business accounts. Its goals and philosophy are set out in its mission statement:

Our objective is to provide an outstanding travel service to the City of London.

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