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Let's talk

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 389.

1. How do you understand the word ‘rapport'? How important is rapport in teacher-student relationships?

2. When we build rapport in relations, what are we to take into consideration? What are the possible problems?

3. Why do so many teachers prefer distance in their relations with students?

4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of an open type of relations?

5. Do you believe in the statement “They have to like us”?

6. Do you believe in the statement “Set the rules and relations first, get right into the content and the relationship will build over time”?

7. How will your personality change if you decide to build rapport in your relations with students?


A. Draw a scheme of rapport. What are its stages, components, and results?

B. What are the verbs that combine with the nounsatmosphere, relations, relationships, rapport'?

C. What metaphor would you choose for rapport? What are its stages, components, results? Be ready to present it in class.



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The degree to which we enter our students' world is the degree of influence we have in their lives. | Do you believe that rapport is important in teacher-student relationships?
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