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A Listen to the tape and make any necessary corrections.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 770.

Taking exercise


11 One of the ways you can get medical information in Britain is by phoning a number in the HEALTHCALL directory. This is recorded information provided by the telephone company. You are going to hear the recorded tape for exercise.


Section 1

Section1 of the tape mentions five parts of the body. Here is a summary of Section 1 of the tape. The information is not all correct.

SummaryExerciseis good because it:

a) helps you to keep slim
b) stimulates circulation

c) encourages deep breathing

d) is good for the heart, lungs, muscles, skin and joints

Section 2

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What do these expressions mean? Choose the correct answer using the context in the article to help you decide. | Section 3
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