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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 389.


Субъектный причастный оборот (СПО)


Подлежащее   A Глагол** в Passive v. в функции сказуемого B Причастие   C Остальные члены предложения D
The substance was supposed (as)containing admixtures.
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Предполагали, чтовещество содержит примеси.



1. Употребляющиеся в Passive voice и выражающие умственную деятельность и чувственное восприятие – assume, believe, consider, expect, find, hear, know, observe, realize, say, show, see, suppose, think, understand

2. Употребляющиеся в Active voice – appear, seem, prove, turn out, come out, happen, chance.

3. Словосочетания – be likely, be unlikely, be not likely, be sure, be certain.


XIV. Пользуясь схемой СПО переведите следующие предложения на русский язык:

1. Forging is known as being one of the oldest metalworking processes. 2. Forging is known as performed by a smith using hammer and anvil. 3. Die castings seems being used when a fine surface quality and dimensional tolerances are essential. 4. Forged metal was shown demonstrating greater resistance to fatigue and impact. 5. Machine-forging operations could be expected as accomplished by use of a series of dies. 6. The formation of oxide layer has been observed occurring on the device to protect it against wear. 7. Sand is often used for molds because a certain amount of vapor and gas is assumed escaping the molten metal when it is poured in a sand mold. 8. Molds made of wood, plastic, cast iron, steel, aluminum, or other metal appear producing the castings with finer detail and finish.


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