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TEXT 9. Health
I think almost everyone has been ill at least once in his life, and even those lucky few who are never ill sometimes have to visit a doctor. So everyone shares this experience. When you are not well, you go to the doctor. For example you do not sleep very well or you have a cough. You may have a pain in your chest, a headache, a stomach-ache, a sore throat, a cold or something more serious. The doctor usually says that you need an examination. He looks at your tongue. Doctors can see at once if something is wrong by your tongue. Then the doctor examines your throat. He says: "Open your mouth. Say "Ah". You say it two or tree times. The doctor feels your pulse. If your pulse is faster than normal it is another sign or, as doctors say, symptom that you are unwell. Sometimes the doctor wants to know your temperature. The normal temperaure is 36,6. A higher temperature indicates some disorder in your body. You take off your coat and unfasten your shirt and the doctor listens to your heart and chest. Then he is ready to say what is the matter with you. In some cases there is nothing really serious wrong with you. Then the doctor just tells you to rest and stay at home for a day or two. In case of real trouble doctor prescribes some medicine. Usually you take the prescription to a chemist's. Chemist's shops are also called pharmacies. In the United States people preparing and selling medical goods are called druggists. A chemist's shop in America is a drug-store. Chemists make up medicines according to the doctors' prescriptions, or sell ready-made medicines or drugs. You buy what has been prescribed by your doctor and the chemist usually tells you how to take your medicine. It can be a tablet or some tablets two or three times a day. Some medicines are taken before and some after meals. With liquid medicines we usually take a spoonful before having a meal. Sometimes you don't feel well enougth to go to the surgery. For example, people call a doctor when they have a very high temperature. In this case the doctor comes to your house and examines you there. He leaves some prescriptions for you and your relative or friend goes to the chemist's to buy the necessary medicines. If it's serious, for example a heart attack, or an accident, then it needs urgent medical assistance and you call an ambulance. The ambulance arrives with a doctor who examines the person and gives him the aid he needs. In most cases the person is taken to hospital for a more intensive examination and therapy. When an operation is required it is performed by a surgeon. In Britain, when you're ill, you go to a doctor near your home. Doctors are men and women, and you can say who you prefer. You usually only spend about ten minutes with the doctor. They can usually say what the matter is very quickly, and often give you a prescription for some medicine. You get this at the chemist's shop. If not, they may suggest you go to a specialist. Most people only go to their doctor when they're ill. People with colds and coughs don't go to their doctor but to the chemist, to buy medicine. Doctors only come to your home when you're very ill. In an emergency you can call an ambulance on 999. The ambulance takes you to hospital for treatment. Friends and relatives visit you in hospital at certain hours of the day, but they don't stay there. You don't pay for a visit to the doctor or to the hospital in Britain, but when you work you pay a government tax for your medical care. You also pay for prescriptions if you're over 18. Questions: 1. How do diseases vary according to the difficulty in getting over them? 2. What helps promote health? 3. When does illness occur? 4. How is illness discovered? 5. What are infectious diseases? 6. Is there any vaccine against the cold? 7. What do you do when you fall ill? 8. What does the doctor do when he comes to examine you? 9. What kinds of diseases do you know? 10. What must we do to be in good health?
Vocabulary: medicine лекарство treat for лечить от do good помочь give direction, recommendation дать предписание, назначение relieve the pain облегчить боль write out a prescription, a sick leave выписать рецепт, бюллетень make out a medicine certificate выписать справку take a medicine for принимать лекарство от mixture микстура pills таблетки on an empty stomach натощак pain relieve (killer) болеутоляющее prescription рецепт chemist's shop аптека hospital больница treatment облегчение ambulance скорая помощь be in good health быть здоровым feel well/be fine/all right хорошо себя чувствовать be in good shape/fit быть в хорошей форме patient больной in-patient стационарный больной out-patient амбулаторный больной hurt пострадавший be sick быть больным be ill/feel ill (with) болеть be out of order быть не в себе be in poor/ill health иметь плохое здоровье be in a bad (poor) shape быть в плохой форме take a turn for the worse наступило ухудшение get better выздоравливать be out of danger быть вне опасности ache боль(продолжительная, тупая) toothache зубная боль headache головная боль stomachache (upset) боль в желудке I'm all ache. У меня все болит pain боль feel pain (suffer from pain) испытывать боль have a sharp pain острая боль the pain was gone боль прошла sore воспаленный have a sore throat болит горло sneezing чихание runny nose/cold in the head насморк catch a cold простудиться cough/bad cough кашель, сильный кашель anxiety беспокойство(нервное) fatigue утомление be low стресс be run down переутомление a bout приступ a bout of depression приступ депрессии Dialogues: 1. - Good morning. How are you? - Fine, thanks. - So, if you're fine, why are you here to see me? - No, what I meant was, oh, it doesn't matter. I've got a headache. I seem to have it all the time. - I see. Any other symptoms? - Well. I've got a cough as well. - Do you smoke? - Yes, I do. And I feel tired all the time. - Okay, let's have a look. 2. - And what seems to be the trouble? - I've hurt my leg. - How did you do that? - In a game of football. - Football? Don't you think you're too old to play football? - Well, I'm only seventy-three. - Really! Well, let me see now... Translate into English: 1. Можно записаться к врачу? 2. У меня болит голова, я кашляю, повышена температура. 3. Сколько раз в день мне принимать лекарство? 4. Я буду следовать вашим рекомендациям, доктор. 5. Разрешите войти, доктор? 6. Если вы хотите лекарство, то доктор выпишет рецепт. 7. В аптеке, кроме лекарств, вы можете купить всякие виды других вещей, таких как мыло, щетки, расчески, зубные пасты и многое другое. 8. Ты больна? Ты выглядишь совсем плохо. 7. Вы должны лежать в постели. У вас все болит. 8. Я хорошо себя чувствую. 9. Как здоровье вашего брата? Спасибо, прекрасно. 10. Пожалуйста, дайте мне что-нибудь от зубной боли. СОГЛАСИЕ Согласие в ответ на просьбу и разрешение что-либо сделать выражается словом: Пожалуйста. Certainly. Sure. Of course. Naturally. Подтверждение словом «да» в английском языке может быть выражено по-разному: Да, пожалуйста. Yes, of course. (Most) certainly. Sure. Стилистически сниженными являются варианты: Дай... - На. Give me... - Here you are. Согласие сделать что-либо немедленно: Сейчас. Сию минуту. Right away. Схожу. I will (go there). Принесу. I will (bring it). Ответами на просьбу с оттенком некоторого нежелания что-либо сделать могут быть: Так и быть. Very well, then. Придется. I'll have to. Что же делать. Can't be helped. Согласие с мнением собеседника выражается такими репликами: О да! Вы правы. Oh yes! You're right. Right you are! Я вполне согласен с вами. I quite agree with you. Вне всякого сомнения. No doubt whatever. Beyond all doubt. Я так и думал. I thought as much. Конечно. Sure. Certainly. Точно. Exactly / Precisely (so). That's it. Вот именно. You said it. Договорились. ОК. Agreed. Settled. He продолжайте. Все ясно. Say no more. Я так и предполагал, I guessed as much. Вполне вероятно (возможно). Very likely. Тем лучше! So much the better!
Дата добавления: 2014-09-08; просмотров: 590; Нарушение авторских прав ![]() Мы поможем в написании ваших работ! |