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1. COMPLETE THE CENTENCES WITH : A) can / can’t / could / couldn’t : 1. I’m afraid I…come to your party next week. 2. When Tim was 16, he …run 100 metres in 11 seconds. 3. Are you in a hurry? – No, I…wait a bit. 4. I felt sick yesterday. I….eat anything. 5. …you speak louder? – I…hear you well. 6. You look tired. Yes, I…sleep last night.7. Ann…speak English but she…speak Russian. 8. Her daughter is 5 bur she …already read. 9. I…translate the text without a dictionary. 10. I…swim when I was a child. B) can / to be able to IN THE PROPER TENSE FORM : 1. Tom has traveled a lot. He …speak four languages. 2. Although the fire spread quickly, everybody….escape. 3. I looked everywhere for the book, but I…find it. 4. My grandmother loved music and…play the piano very well. 5. I…sleep very well recently. 6. I can’t understand Martin. I never…understand him. 7. Ann had given us good directions so we…find her house quickly. 8. I can’t see you on Monday but I…meet you on Wednesday. 9. Sue wasn’t at home when I phoned but I…contact her at her office. 10. Laura had hurt her leg and …walk very well. 11. Don’t ask Nelly to meet you. She …do it. 12. He was sitting too far from the stage so he …see anything. 13. I …pass this exam successfully tomorrow. 14. Tom…leave the hospital last week, he was too weak. 15. I…read and write, so…most people nowadays.
2. COMPLETE THE SENTENCES. USE could or could have+ A SUITABLE VERB : 1. What shall we do in the evening? – I don’t mind. We…(go)to the cinema. 2. Why did you stay at home yesterday? You… (go)to the cinema. 3. There is an interesting job advertised in the paper. You…. (apply) for it. 4. We…(go) to the concert last night but we decided not to. 5. Where shall we meet tomorrow? – Well, we…(meet) near your house if you like. 6. He…(not drive) to the airport because his car had been stolen. 7. The situation was bad but it…(be) worse. 8. I’m so tired. I…(sleep) for a week. 9. The phone is ringing. It…(be) Tom. 10. You…(warn) me! Why didn’t you do it?
3. EXPRESS STONG DOUBT ABOUT THESE STATEMENTS and translate your sentences: A) example : He knows English well. – Can he know it well? He can’t know it well! 1. He is waiting for somebody. 2. He understands every word you say. 3. She is really fond of the child. 4. They know how to get there. 5. She is crying. 6. She is looking for somebody. 7. They are always fighting. 8. Children like to play here. 9. He is telling the truth. 10. They love each other. B)Example : He didn’t understand me. – Could he have failed to understand me? He couldn’t have failed to understand me. 1. She didn’t like the play. 2. They don’t trust me. 3. She didn’t see you. 4. He was dismissed. 5. They didn’t notice the mistake. 6. He doesn’t like it here. 7. They didn’t realized the danger. 8. I didn’t receive the letter. 9. He didn’t get a 5. 10. She didn’t marry him.
4. TRANSLATE : A) THE WORDS IN BRACKETS: 1. Tom and Bob ( íå ñìîãóò) go with Jane. 2. I (íå ìîãó) sing that song. 3. We (íå ñìîãëè) sleep, they were making so much noise. 4. I (ìîã) swim when I was 5. 5. She (ñìîæåò) write the report tomorrow. 6. The doctor (íå ñìîã) come yesterday, he (ìîæåò) come tomorrow. 7. They (ñìîãëè) already discuss the problem. 8. We (íå ìîæåì) have our holiday this month. 9. She (íå ìîãëà) fly home last week, because she (íå ñìîãëà) find anybody to leave the child with. 10. (íå ìîãëè áû ) you help me? 11. You ( íå ìîæåøü ) speak English properly. 12. I (ñìîã) get a 5, because I learned everything. 13. (ìîæåøü) you lend me your dictionary for a while? 14. Speak louder, I (íå ìîãó) hear you well. 15. She (ìîãëà) play the guitar when she was young, but now she (íå ìîæåò). 16. He ( äà íå ìîã çàáûòü) your address! 17. ( Íåóæåëè îòêàçàëñÿ) he to go there? 18. She (íå ìîæåò áûòü, ÷òîáû íå íàøëà ) your house? 19. You (íåóæåëè íå çíàåøü) about it? 20. He (äà íå ìîã ñäåëàòü) it. B) THE SENTENCES INTO ENGLISH: 1. Îí åùå íå ìîæåò ÷èòàòü òàêèå ñëîæíûå êíèãè. 2. Îíè íå ñìîãëè ïîåõàòü çà ãîðîä â ïðîøëûå âûõîäíûå. 3. Ìû ìîæåì íà÷àòü ðàáîòó ñåé÷àñ æå. 4. Îí ìîæåò õîðîøî ÷èíèòü ìàøèíû. 5. Îíè íå ñìîãëè êàê ñëåäóåò ïîäãîòîâèòüñÿ ê ýêçàìåíó. 6. ß íå ñìîãó ïåðåâåñòè òåêñò áåç ñëîâàðÿ. 7. Âû íå ìîãëè áû ïîêàçàòü ìíå ýòîò ó÷åáíèê? 8. Âàñÿ íå ìîæåò ïðèíåñòè ìíå ñâîé îò÷åò? 9. Äóìàþ, ÷òî îíà âñå ñìîæåò ïîíÿòü. 10. Íå ìîæåøü ïîìî÷ü – íå íàäî. 11. Íå ìîã îí ýòîãî íå çàìåòèòü. 12. Íåóæåëè îíà âåðèò â ýòî? 13. Íå ìîæåò áûòü, ÷òîá ÿ âàñ íåïðàâèëüíî ïîíÿë. 14. Ìîã áû è ïîçâîíèòü! 15. Äà íå ìîã ÿ âñòðåòèòüñÿ ñ òîáîé, çàíÿò áûë!
5. PUT IN THE FOLLOWING VERBS IN THE PROPER TENSEFORM AND EXPLAIN THEIR DIFFERENCE : A) must OR have to 1. I…be very careful not to upset him. 2. They…pay the bill by Friday. 3. We…eat before we go. 4. She…go now, it’s late. 5.You…stop working so hard. 6. When you come to England again, you…come and see us. 7. She…wear glasses since she was very young. 8. I am sorry I couldn’t come yesterday, I…work late. 9. In Britain many children…wear uniform when they go to school. 10. he doesn’t like his new job. Sometimes he…work at weekends. 11. We couldn’t repair our car themselves, so we…take it to a garage. 12. I enjoy parties unless I…make a speech. 13. I always…go shopping on Sundays as I work on weekdays. 14. Today I’m taking a difficult exam, so I…study all yesterday evening. 15. Yesterday Vasya was very ill, so we…call a doctor. B) mustn’t OR don’t / doesn’t have to : 1. I don’t want anyone to know. You…tell that. 2. I’m not working tomorrow, so I…get up early. 3. He…wear a suit to work, but he usually does. 4. Whatever you do, you…touch that. It’s dangerous. 5. You…forget what I told you. It’s very important. 6. You…be a good player to a game of tennis. 7. Fedya has got a beard, so he…shave. 8. We’ve got a lot of time. We…go yet. 9. I promised to be on time. I…be late. 10. Nobody should see you, you…leave your room. C) have to OR be to : 1. We…a seminar the day after tomorrow, I…prepare for it. 2. The meeting…begin at 5 o’clock and so I…take a taxi. 3. The lecture…start at 10 and we…have a snack at the canteen. 4. They…have a test on Monday, so she…work hard at the weekend. 5. He…be there at 3 p.m. sharp and he…walk quickly. 6. He…arrive on Saturday, so I…stay in town. 7. You…disturb him, he is very busy. 8. He …come yesterday as we had arranged. 9. The day came when I…get back to work after holidays. 10. The train…leave at midnight. D) must OR should : 1. The doctor said that I …take this medicine. 2. A polite person…always say “Please” and “Thank you”. 3. Mother says that I…obey her. 4. The boss said: “We…discuss this problem immediately!” 5. Don’t tell anybody. We…keep it secret. 6. I…clean my room before parents come and punish me. 7. You have a temperature, you…call a doctor. 8. Teachers always say that we…study hard. 9. “You….apologize for your behavior.”- Tom said. 10. You…work more, you …miss lessons.
6. TRANSLATE USING must / have to / be to / should : 1. Ìíå ïðèøëîñü èäòè òóäà ñàìîìó. 2. Âû äîëæíû âñòàâàòü ðàíî êàæäûé äåíü? 3. Ìíå íå ïðèøëîñü æäàòü åãî äîëãî. 4. Êîãäà âû äîëæíû áûòü â èíñòèòóòå. 5. Ïîäîæäè, ÿ äîëæíà äî÷èòàòü ãëàâó äî êîíöà. 6. Ìíå íàäî âèäåòü åãî ñåãîäíÿ æå. 7. Òåáå ïðèäåòñÿ âçÿòü ïàëüòî. 8. Âàì ñëåäóåò îáñóäèòü ýòîò âîïðîñ çàðàíåå. 9. Âàì ñëåäîâàëî áû ïîìî÷ü åìó. 10. Êîãäà îí äîëæåí ïðèåõàòü? Ìû äîãîâîðèëèñü âñòðåòèòüñÿ â 8. 11. Âàì íå ñëåäóåò òàê ðàçãîâàðèâàòü. 12. Íå ñìåé òàê äåëàòü. 13. Òåáå íå÷åãî òîðîïèòüñÿ. 14. Âàì ïðèäåòñÿ ïîãîâîðèòü ñ íèì ëè÷íî. 15. Ìíå íå íàäî ñåãîäíÿ çàíèìàòüñÿ. 16. Çäåñü íåëüçÿ êóðèòü. 17. Òåáå ñëåäóåò ïîâòîðèòü ýòó òåìó. 18. Ñåé÷àñ æå èäè äîìîé. 19. ß âûíóæäåí áûë ïåðåïèñàòü îò÷åò. 20. Âû äîëæíû íàéòè îøèáêó. 21. Àâòîáóñ äîëæåí ïðèäòè â 5. 22. Âàì ñëåäóåò ïðèíÿòü ëåêàðñòâî. 23. Ó íàñ äîñòàòî÷íî ïðîäóêòîâ. Íå íàäî íè÷åãî ïîêóïàòü. 24. Íåëüçÿ ïèòü ìíîãî âîäû. 25. Åìó íàäî ïåðåïèñàòü ñî÷èíåíèå.
7. COMPLETE THE SENTENCES, USIG: A) must OR can’t : 1. You’ve been traveling all day. You…(be) tired. 2. That restaurant…(be) very good. There are always a lot of people. 3. That café…(be) very good. It’s always empty. 4. I’ve lost one of my gloves. I…(drop) it somewhere. 5 Ted wasn’t at work last week. He…(be) ill. 6. Ted isn’t at work today again. He…(be) ill! 7. Carol knows much about films. She…(go) to the cinema much. 8. (The door bell rings) It…(be) Mary. She is still at work at that time. 9. Ann was in a difficult situation. It…(be) easy for her. 10. You got here very quickly. You…(walk) very fast. 11. It rained all their holiday, so they…(be) very pleased. 12. Henry often buys expensive things, so he…(be) short of money. 13. Look. Tom is putting his coat on. He…(go) out. 14. I left my bike outside ant it isn’t here anymore. Somebody…(take) it. 15. The light’s on in the room. Vasya …(study) for his tomorrow exam. B) must / mustn’t , need / needn’t , should / shouldn’t : 1. We’ve got plenty of time. We…hurry. 2. Jim gave me a letter to post. I…forget about it. 3. You…return money so soon. I can wait. 4. You…give so mush money to the child. It will spoil him. 5. He…get up early. The work begins at 10. 6. You…have told lies. 7. They…have studied more to pass the exam. 8. You…go to the hospital, we will call the doctor. 9. She…have eaten so much sweets not to put on weight. 10. He…have walk, he could have taken a bus. 11. I knew all the words in the text, so I …have used the dictionary, but still I did. 12. You…have bought this book, you…have taken it from the library. 13. This is an expensive thing. You…look carefully after it. 14. This is a secret between us. You…tell anybody else. 15. I can do the shopping alone. You…come with me.
8. TRANSLATE, USING must / need / should / can : 1. Âû, äîëæíî áûòü, ñ íèì óæå ïîãîâîðèëè. 2. Äîëæíî áûòü, îíà àêòðèñà. 3. Äà íå ìîæåò îí áûòü äîìà. 4. Äà íå ìîã îí ýòîãî ñäåëàòü. 5. Íå íàäî áûëî íè÷åãî ïîêóïàòü. 6. Âàì íå ñëåäîâàëî òàê äåëàòü. 7. Äîëæíî áûòü, îí óñòàë. 8. Âû íå äîëæíû áûëè æäàòü ìåíÿ òàê äîëãî. 9. Íàäî áûëî ïðî÷èòàòü ýòó êíèãó åùå ðàç. 10. Íàäî áûëî ïîçâîíèòü ìíå. 11. Íå íàäî áûëî ñ íåé îáùàòüñÿ. 12. Äà íå ìîæåò îí áûòü åå äðóãîì. 13. Ñëåäîâàëî áû óáðàòü ïîëó÷øå. 14. Âàì íàäî áûëî âûó÷èòü âñå êàê ñëåäóåò. 15. Îíè, äîëæíî áûòü, äîëãî ðàáîòàëè.
9. FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH : A) may AND its equivalents: 1. You…stay here after lessons. 2. We…have done it yesterday, but we couldn’t. 3. I….go to the party yesterday by my parents. 4. …I take your text book? – Yes, you… .5. …I possibly go to the disco? – No, you…. .6. He…be still waiting. 7. He…have already left. 8. If he drives, he…be here any moment. 9. Let’s phone Fedya, we…need his advice. 10. You…swim here. B) may/ might (not) OR can / could (not) : 1. …we leave the room? Is the lesson over? 2. …Stand on your head?- I…when I was at school but I…now. 3. …I smoke here?- No, you… . Smoking isn’t allowed. 4. …you type? – Yes, I…type but I …do shorthand. 5. …I come in? – Please, do. 6. Where…I buy fruit? 7. …I have some more cake? 8. …this be true? 9. …you hear what he is saying? 10. …you lend me 1000$? 11. …we go to the cinema after doing homework? – Yes, you… .12. Mother says I…not go out. 13. It’s very cold. …we shut the window? 14. He said we …use his things how we like. 15. You…walk miles in this district without seeing anybody. 16. …I borrow your umbrella? 17. We…ask him to be a chairman. 18. …I come and see you this evening? – Of course you… .19. He…answer the teacher’s question yesterday, but he…answer the same question today. 20. Sorry, sir, you…speak loud here.
10. TRANSLATE FROM: A) ENGLISH INTO RUSSIAN: 1. Don’t make too much noise. You may wake the baby. 2. Ann might not come to the party. 3. If I knew him better, I might invite him to my house. 4. She may be angry with you for that. 5. Diane might be able to help you with it. 6. I’m not sure where Bob is. He might be having lunch. 7. Sam may be in his office. 8. Your parents might have seen us together. 9. Don’t buy this book for Ann. She might have already read it. 10. Who is that boy? – I’m not sure. He may be Dan’s brother. 11. I wasn’t allowed to smoke in the restaurant. 12. Hanna and Pete might be playing tennis now while I’m working. 13. It might not be true. 14. Ask Kate. She may know it. 15. Sam may not known about it. B) RUSSIAN INTO ENGLISH: 1. Ìíå ðàçðåøèëè âçÿòü ñëîâàðü. 2. Ìîæåò áûòü, îí óæå óøåë. 3. îíà, âîçìîæíî, âñå çàáûëà. 4. Çäåñü íåëüçÿ êóïàòüñÿ. 5. Òû ìîã áû îñòàòüñÿ åùå. 6. Ìîæíî âîéòè? – Äà, ìîæíî. 7. Âîçìîæíî, îíè íå õîòÿò âèäåòü íàñ. 8. Íàì ìîæåò ïîíàäîáèòüñÿ èõ ñîâåò. 9. Ìîæíî ìíå åùå ïèööû? 10. Ïèñüìî, âîçìîæíî, áûëî íàïèñàíî åùå â÷åðà. 11. Âû ìîæåòå âçÿòü ýòó êíèãó â áèáëèîòåêå. 12. Îíà íå ìîãëà âèäåòü íàñ. 13. Ìîæíî ìíå çäåñü ïîäîæäàòü. 14. ß, ìîæåò áûòü, ïîåäó â Èðëàíäèþ. 15. Ïåòÿ, ìîæåò, è íå ïðèäåò.
11. COMPLETE, USING MODAL VERBS: 1. He looks so upset, he…………………. . 2. Your English is quite good for a beginner, you………. .3. There is nothing in my fridge, I………. . 4. The man was very rude and I…….. . 5. If you lose your bag, you…….. .6. he didn’t phone me yesterday, he…….. . 7. Her husband is very strong, he…….. . 8. It’s too stuffy in here…………. 9. The teacher has fallen ill, so we………… . 10. It’s Sunday today and I……….. .
12. RESTORE: 1. can/ some other day 2. were to / airport 3. have /parents / today? 4. may not / letters 5. Shall / needn’t 6. must / yesterday 7. have to / your younger brother? 8. could / child 9. able / get a five. 10. Shall / right now? 11. far more / may / soon 12. mine / could / never 13. should / earlier / ready 14. usually / must / not 15. I / to play / since my childhood 16. you / not / late ! 17. I / your dictionary ? 18. What / we I this text ? 19. No / this / in writing 20. we / by heart ?
13. CORRECT THE MISTAKES IF ANY: 1. We could find him in a quarter of an hour. 2. I had to help my mother but I was too busy. 3. We will able to speak German in two years. 4. We couldn't persuade him anyhow. 5. Had you to go to the concert alone? 6. You may not do it today, you may do it tomorrow. 7. Must we to stand up, when the teacher enters the room? 8. Hi, Mike. Could I possibly have a talk with you? 9. It was difficult but we could find those letters. 10. Have you to get up early? 11. Shall I translate? - Yes, you shall. 12. Must I write it? - No, you mustn't. 13. You shall come earlier. 14. You needn't to stay here till 11 p.m. 15. He wasn't able to help us at that time.
14. TRANSLATE: 1. Êîíå÷íî, âû íå äîëæíû îòâå÷àòü íè íà êàêèå âîïðîñû, åñëè íå õîòèòå. 2. Ìîæíî ÿ ïðèäó ïîïîçæå? - Áîþñü, ÷òî íåò. 3. Âû íå ìîãëè áû îäîëæèòü ìíå íåìíîãî äåíåã? - Êîíå÷íî. 4. Ìîæíî ÿ îò âàñ ïîçâîíþ? - Ïîæàëóéñòà. 5. Òåáå ÷àñòî ïðèõîäèòñÿ ìûòü ïîñóäó? 6. Ìíå îáÿçàòåëüíî îñòàâàòüñÿ ïîñëå çàíÿòèé? - Íåò, íå íàäî. 7. Íè â êîåì ñëó÷àå íå ïîêóïàé ýòîò ñûð. 8. Ðàíüøå ìíå íèêîãäà íå ïðèõîäèëîñü ñàìîé ãîòîâèòü çàâòðàê. 9. Êîãäà ÿ ñìîãó âàñ óâèäåòü ñíîâà? 10. Êòî äîëæåí ñåãîäíÿ âûòèðàòü äîñêó? 11. Íàì íóæíî ðàáîòàòü óñåðäíåå. 12. Êòî äîëæåí ïðèäòè íà âå÷åðèíêó? 13. Íåëüçÿ îãîð÷àòü ðîäèòåëåé. 14. Ìîæåøü âçÿòü ñåáå ÿáëîêî ïîáîëüøå. 15. Íå ñòîèò òàê âîëíîâàòüñÿ. Îíà ñêîðî ïðèäåò. 16. Ìíå íàäî óéòè. 17. Íàì íàäî áûëî ïðèäòè ê ïåðâîé ïàðå, íî ìû çàáûëè. 18. Ìíå ïðèøëîñü çàíÿòü åìó äåíåã. 19. Òàê âû âñå-òàêè óñïåëè íà ïîåçä. 20. ×åì ìîãó áûòü âàì ïîëåçåí? 21. Ãäå íàì òåïåðü èñêàòü åå? 22. À ðàçâå òåáå íå íàäî áûòü òàì â ÷àñ? 23. Ñêîëüêî òåáå íóæíî äåíåã, ÷òîáû áûòü ñ÷àñòëèâîé? 24. Íèêòî íå äîëæåí çíàòü, ÷òî ÿ çäåñü. 25. Íå íàäî åñòü êîíôåòû, åñëè õî÷åøü ïîõóäåòü. 26. Íåò, Ìýðè, ýòî ïå÷àòàòü íå íàäî. Ñïàñèáî. 27. Ìíå íàäî îáÿçàòåëüíî óâèäåòü âàñ çàâòðà. 28. Êàêèå öâåòû ìíå åìó êóïèòü? 29. Íå íàäî òàê ãîâîðèòü î íåì! 30. Íå îáðàùàé âíèìàíèÿ. Îí ìîæåò ñêàçàòü âñå ÷òî óãîäíî.
15. REACT a) ANSWERING THE QUESTIONS AFTER THE SITUATIONS: 1. You see an old lady at the railway station. She is carrying a What is the old lady doing? Is it a light suitcase? What do you say to her? 2. You and your friend are on the motorway. He is driving. He is Who is driving the car? Why is he tired? What do you say? 3. Charles Gripp, the ex-bank robber, is in prison now. He has to HE HAS TO GET UP EARLY EVERY MORNING. HIS FRIENDS DON'T HAVE TO GET UP EARLY. THEY DONT HAVE TO WEAR A BLUE UNIFORM. THEY DON’T HAVE TO GO TO BED AT 10, EITHER. Where is Charles now? What are some of things he has to do? Why does he think his friends are so lucky? 4. Jill is going out with Bert Johnson. Her father thinks Bert is no good. A few days ago he told her "YOU MUSTN'T GO OUT WITH THAT FELLOW BERT ANY MORE!" Jill and Bert are in his sports car now. They are in front of Jill's house. "WE MUSTN’T MAKE ANY NOISE!" Jill says. "MY FATHER MUSTN’T FIND OUT WE'RE OUT HERE!" Why doesn't Jill want her father to know what she is doing? What exactly did he say to her a few days ago? Where is Jill now? What does she say to Bert? B) MAKING SENTENCES WITH "Shall... ?” 1. Two men are trying to push a car. They are finding it very difficult. 2. Your friend cannot do a problem. You already know the answer. 3. You and some other people are sitting inside on a rainy day. You 4. You and your friend are hungry. There is a Greek restaurant 5. Robert and his girlfriend want to go out. He knows there is a good C) MAKING SENTENCES WITH EITHER mustn't OR don't/ 1. Richard always got to work late in his old job. Tomorrow is the first day in his new one. What does his wife say to him? 2. Paula usually has to get up very early but tomorrow is a holiday. Why is she so happy? 3. Jill and Bert are in the front room of her house. Her father is asleep upstairs. What does Jill say when she sees Bert is going to turn the radio on? 4. An old man is shouting at you. He isn't angry but he thinks you are deaf, too. What do you say to him? 5. Jill's mother knows she was out with Bert yesterday but hasn't told her father yet. What does Jill say to her? 6. Mr. Collins often travels abroad. Why does he always take non-iron shirts with him? 7. Tony is on a diet because he weighs too much. His doctor said "No potatoes, no sweets and no beer!" How else can you say this?
16. A) IMAGINE THAT YOU ARE A TEACHER. Give instructions to the group, (doctor/ nurse, boss/ charwoman, charwoman/ boss, headmaster/ teacher) B) SUGGEST DOING SOMETHING : 1. The weather is fine. 2. I'm going to fail the exam. 3. We've received some extra money. 4. Summer holidays are coming. 5. I am hungry/ thirsty/ angry. C) MAKE REQUESTS: 1. There is no bread at home. 2. You're short of time. Your friend has a car. 3. Your bag is very heavy. Your friend is passing by. 4. You can't open the bottle. 5. You want to leave a telephone message. 6. It's stuffy in the room. 7.You've written a letter to your friend in London. A person you know well is going there. D) SUPPOSE YOU ARE A PARENT. 1. Forbid your children to do what you think is dangerous. Use the road, strangers, meals, money, classroom, household chores 2. Say that something is not important. Use the following: E) DO YOU OFTEN HAVE TO ASK YOUR PARENTS/
17. CHOOSE THE CORRECT VARIANT: 1. My father says I … go to the party. a) shall b) may c) had to d) was able to 2.1 really …. do some work tonight, but I feel too tired. a) have b) mustn't c) must d) shouldn't 3….you pass the butter, please? a) May b) Could c) Need d) Shall 4….I use your phone? a) Would b) Will c) Should d) May 5. I don't have enough money to take the bus, so I … walk home. a) must b) need c) should d) have to 6. Johnny, you….play with knives! a) can't b) mustn't c) needn't d) will not 7. The students…answer the questions in any order they like. 8. You…take a taxi if you intend to catch the next train. 9.A good 1500-metre runner…run the race in four minutes. 10. For days the rescuers looked for the lost climbers in the snow. On a) can b) could c) must d) were able to 11. Our teacher says we…speak English fluently in a few months. a) can b) will able to c) are able to d) will be able to 12. I've been trying for hours, but still I…get through on the phone. a) can b) can't to c) haven't been able to d) haven't able to 13. Shall I call the police? - …. . a) Yes, you shall, b) Yes, you will. c) Do, please, d) No, you shan't. 14. Your handwriting …clear, or no one will be able to read it. a) can't be b) must c) must be d) mustn't be 15. You…a nuisance when you're a guest in someone's house. 16. …you smell something burning? a) Are b)Will c) Could d) Can 17. I'm practicing hard because I want to…my driving test first time. a) must b) can c) have to d) be able to 18. It took a long time, but finally Tom…save enough to buy a car . a) can b) could c) was able to d) didn't have 19. You…wait. It's not necessary. a) must b) mustn't c) can d) needn't 20. He's strong enough. He …lift 25 kg. a)must b) can c) has d) should
1. OPEN THE BRACKETS, USING : A) PRESENT SIMPLE PASSIVE: 1. The shop (open) at 6a.m. every day. 2. The room always (clean) by me. 3. This programme (watch) by millions of people. 4. Most of the cars from this factory (export). 5. This road (not use) very often. 6. Service (include) in the bill. 7. Money (change) in the bank. 8. Hair (cut) at the hairdresser’s. 9. Films (show) at the cinema. 10. Bread (sell) at the baker’s. B) PAST SIMPLE PASSIVE: 1. The first book (print) in Germany. 2. John F. Kennedy (kill) in Dallas. 3. The Eiffel Tower (build) in1889. 4. Australia (discover) in the 17th century. 5. Uranium (discover) in 1798. 6. All flights (cancel) because of fog. 7. I (accuse) of stealing the money. 8. My bag (steal) in the shop yesterday. 9. Twenty people (arrest) at the demonstration last night. 10. Military service (abolish) in Britain. C) FUTURE SIMPLE PASSIVE: 1. Kate (meet) by me tomorrow. 2. I (ask) many questions at the exam. 3. The house (sell) next week. 4. We (give) a lot of hometask tomorrow. 5. This book (publish) next month. 6. His new film (stage) in the near future. 7. The flowers (water) in the morning. 8. The car (buy) by him next weekend. 9. This exam surely (pass) by us. 10. The competition (win) by her, I think. D) PRESENT PROGRESSIVE PASSIVE: 1. A new ring-road (build) round the city. 2. My room (repair) now. 3. His car (mend) at the garage. 4. Our house (paint) white. 5. Exercise 1 (write) at the moment. 6. The exams (take) by the students now. 7. The party dinner (cook). I can smell it now. 8. The place of crime (examine) now by the police. 9. A very interesting book (read) by me now. 10. Kelly’s office (redecorate) at the moment. E) PAST PROGRESSIVE PASSIVE: 1. I didn’t realize that our conversation (record). 2. He didn’t use his car yesterday. It (service). 3. Our homework (do) all evening yesterday. 4. The house (redecorate) for all last month. 5. The room (clean) when I arrived. 6. We (follow) by a very strange person. 7. My watch (fix) for the whole last week. 8. This new film (make) for about a year. 9. The test (write) by us for the whole lesson. 10. They were exhausted, because they (ask) at the exam for about two hours. F) PRESENT PERFECT PASSIVE: 1. Three men (arrest) by the police. 2. The date of meeting (change). 3. My favourite vase (break) by Fedya. 4. My bicycle (steal) near the shop. 5. They disappeared six month ago and (not see) since then. 6. The room (paint) since I was last there. 7. Lots of new things (discover) recently. 8. The work just (finish). 9. A new cinema (build) near my house this year. 10. All necessary book (read) by me before my examinations. G) PAST PERFECT PASSIVE: 1. A tree was lying across the road. It (blow) down in the storm. 2. Tom told me that he (attack) and (rob) in the street last night. 3. The room looked nice. It (clean). 4. The vegetables didn’t taste very good. They (cook) for too long. 5. The car was three years old, but it (use) not much. 6. Did you go to the party? – No, I (not invite). 7. When we got to the stadium we found that the match (cancel). 8. Everything (do) before I came. 9. Who told you that the house (sell) already? 10. A lot of letters (send), but there still was no answer. H) FUTURE PERFECT PASSIVE: 1. The book (return) to the library by the end of the week. 2. The documents (sent) to you by tomorrow. 3. The examination results (know) by Monday. 4. Everything (do) by the time you return. 5. The test (write) by the end of the lesson. 6. The work (finish) by next month. 7. A new house (build) by next year. 8. The old car (change) for a new one by the end of the month. 9. I (give) a lot of presents by the end of my birthday party. 10. Our tests (check) by tomorrow. I) INFINITIVE PASSIVE : 1. If something is washable, it can (wash). 2. Something must (do) before it’s too late. 3. A decision will not (make) until the next meeting. 4. A new supermarket is going (build) next year. 5. The room should (clean) yesterday. 6. I haven’t received the letter. It might (send) to the wrong address. 7. This road is in very bad condition. It should (repair) a long time ago. 8. If something is unusable, it can’t (use). 9. I told the hotel receptionist that I wanted (wake up) at 6.30.a.m. 10. Please go away. I want (leave) alone.
2. MAKE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES NEGATIVE. THEN GIVE THE RIGHT INFORMATION. Example: President Kennedy was killed in Denver. President Kennedy wasn’t killed in Denver. He was killed in Dallas. 1. Paper is made from plastic. 2. Coffee is grown in Scotland. 3. “Sunflowers” was painted by Renoir. 4. Walkman cassette players were developed by the Russians. 5. The Berlin Wall was knocked down in 1982. 6. The 2000 Olympic games were held in Salt Lake City. 7. Rolls-Royce cars are made in Japan. 8. Coca-Cola has been produced for over two hundred years. 9. Mount Everest was climbed for the first in 1957. 10. The motor car was invented in1903. 11. Christopher Columbus was born in Spain. 12. The Europe Football Championship in 2004 was won by Portugal. 13. Saint Petersburg was renamed only once. 14. A new beautiful Cathedral is being built in Petrovsky Square in Voronezh. 15. The Egyptian pyramid can be moved by a single man.
3. MAKE QUESTIONS ABOUT THE INFORMATION IN ITALICS: Example: This violin was made in 1720. When was the violin made? 1. The Houses of Parliament were built in the 19th century. 2. Twenty people were hurt in the train crash. 3. Champagne is produced in France. 4. This jumper has been washed twice and it has shrunk. 5. She was fined twenty hundred pounds for speeding. 6. School teachers in Britain are paid about 15 thousand pounds a year. 7. Our post is delivered twice a week. 8. Three teenagers were given an award for bravery yesterday. 9. My old car is being mended at the moment. 10. “Red Hot Chili Peppers” are well known in Europe. 11. My report will have been finished by the evening. 12. You will be met by Mary. 13. The house was being cleaned all the evening yesterday. 14. He was killed with the knife. 15. Chinese food is eaten with special sticks.
4. OPEN THE BRACKETS, USING PASSIVE. THEN TRANSLATE THE TEXT AND WRITE QUESTIONS ABOUT THE ITALICIZED PHRASES: Electricity is a wonderful sort of energy. It (use) to light streets and houses, to power machinery, trams and trains, and to heat rooms. The telegraph and telephone both depend upon electricity. Electricity (not make), but (collect), it (generate). The place where it (generate) is called the generating station. The dynamos (drive) by coal or petroleum, or by water power. Falling water supplies the energy which drives the dynamos in many generating stations. Some physicists think that the power of wind also (use) widely as a source of energy one day. Our ancestors lit their homes by means of candles and oil-lamps. Later the use of gas (introduce). Today powerful lights illuminate not only our houses but also the streets of our cities, towns and villages. Nights (turn) into day.
5. PUT THE SENTENCES INTO THE PASSIVE VOICE WHERE POSSIBLE: 1. Someone will drive you to the airport. 2. Goldfish live in fresh water. 3. The Egyptians built pyramids. 4. We walked 4 miles yesterday. 5. The secretary will mail these letters tomorrow. 6. Someone must wash those dishes right away. 7. The factory produced 5,000 cars every day last year. 8. People drink a lot of tea in England. 9. They sell medicine here. 10. You must return these boors within a fortnight. 11. They arrived at 7 last night. 12. Kate is coking dinner now. 13. They informed me about it. 14. I slept till 8 a.m.15. It’s raining. 16. You should obey the rules. 17. You can buy TV sets everywhere now. 18. They hold a meeting once a week. 19. I owe a lot of money to the bank. 20. He shut the window. 21. I will have finished this work by Friday. 22. She was playing a beautiful melody. 23. They have postponed the concert. 24. Water covers most of the Earth’s surface. 25. While I was on holiday, my camera disappeared from my hotel room. 26. Where did you take these photos? 27. Ron’s parents die when he was young. 28. Laura didn’t invite me to the party. 29. Everybody admires Mary. 30. His colleagues give him a present when he retired.
6. A) USE PASSIVE VOICE IN THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES : Example: They have closed the window. – The window has been closed. 1. Everyone knows this fact very well. 2. They opened the theater only last month. 3. People will soon forget it. 4. You must write the answers in ink. 5. Someone has taken two of my books. 6. We have already filled the vacancy. 7. They can mend this radio. 8. Someone was photographing them at ten p.m. 9. They polish the car every month. 10. Did they say anything interesting? 11. I don’t think anyone can do this. 12. They are cleaning their room. 13. You must finish the work by 7 p.m. 14. They are now manufacturing a new type of transistor in Japan. 15. Have you made all necessary things? 16. Does someone tidy the office regularly? 17. The police kept the man in custody. 18. We will execute all orders promptly. 19. No one had said anything about it. 20. I will have return the papers by tomorrow. 21. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. 22. Did anyone catch the thief? 23. That girl attracted my attention. 24. We are wasting hundreds of tons of water a day. 25. The police has arrested the criminal. B) TRANSFORM THE SENTENCES INTO PASSIVE WITH THE HELP OF prep. “by” 1. God (or Nature) formed man for society. (Sir William Blackstone). 2. People always suspect, and usually oppose new opinions. (John Locke) 3. People often tell the cruelest lie in silence. (R.L. Stivenson) 4. One does not snare the old fox easily. (Proverb) 5. Sir Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin. 6. People did not built Rome in a day. 7. Doctors do not mean people to live on medicine. (Proverb) 8. Man is ruining his environment by his own carelessness. (Julian Huxley) 9. In a nuclear power station they use a nuclear reactor to provide heat. 10. There is a danger that in the fight against starvation we will exhaust the land. 11. The factory workers will like improved conditions of work. 12. People can’t hear the radio outside the room. 13. Is the mechanic repairing Bill’s car? 14. They won’t have finished the new road by the end of the week. 15. James Watt invented the steam-engine. 16. Will man conquer space? 17. An architect didn’t design this house. 18. They weren’t painting the fence at 8 a.m. 19. We haven’t invited Fred to the party yet. 20. You must shake this bottle of medicine.
7. CHANGE THE SENTENCES INTO ACTIVE VOICE : 1. My car was damaged yesterday. Now it is being serviced in the garage. 2. Tests are written by us every term. 3. This work can be done by anyone very easily. 4. You will be met by Kate tomorrow at the station. 5. His speech was being recorded. 6. When I came home, the dinner had been already cooked. 7. A lot of new thing were shown to us at this exhibition. 8. Everything has already been done. 9. My report will have been finished by 4 p.m. 10. 1,000 000 dollars was stolen from the bank. 11. This call should be made today. 12. Coca-Cola is drunk all over the world. 13. They had been informed about it before we learned. 14. This book has been read by me several times. 15. This question will certainly be asked at the exam.
9. REWRITE THESE SENTENSES. INSTEAD OF they / people / somebody USE PASSIVE : 1. Somebody cleans the room every day. (The room is cleaned every day.) 2. They’ve opened a new restaurant here this year. 3. They cancelled the meeting yesterday. 4. People don’t use this way very often. 5. How do people learn languages? 6. People advised us not to out alone. 7. They have agreed upon the plan. 8. They will discuss your report next week. 9. They will have solved this problem by the end of the day. 10. Somebody is playing Mozart next door. 11. They should do something right now. 12. Somebody had done it long before you did. 13. They must have finished the project yesterday. 14. They were showing a very nice game yesterday. 15. Anyone can do this quite easily. 16. Somebody is using computer at the moment. 17. When I got to the concert hall, I found that they had postponed the concert. 18. They are building a new ring road round the city. 19. Somebody called the police. 20. People should eat more fruit and vegetables.
10. REWRITE THE SENTENCES, BEGINNING IN THE WAY SHOWN 1. They didn’t give me the money. ( I wasn’t given the money.) 2. They asked me difficult questions at the exam. ( I………… ) 3. Nobody told me that Diane was ill. ( I………………………) 4. How much will they pay you? ( How much…you…………?) 5. I think they should have offered Tom the job. ( I think Tom….) 6. They didn’t ask me my name. ( I………...…………………..) 7. They never tell her the truth. ( She……………..……………) 8. We’ll send them the documents tomorrow. ( They…….……) 9. We have already forgiven him. ( He………...……………….) 10. They envied Sandra all their life. ( Sandra……………..…..) 11. People like and respect you. ( You…………………..……..) 12. They explained to the students a new rule. (The students….) 13. People thanked me heartily. ( I…………….……………….) 14. Jane’s colleagues gave her a present. ( Jane…………….….) 15. They had invited me to the party, but I couldn’t go. ( I….…) 16. A guide will show the tourists many places. ( The tourists……) 17. The teacher didn’t give us enough time. (We……………....) 18. They haven’t taught the boy good manners. (The boy……..) 19. They praise him much. (He……………...…………………) 20. Someone told us very funny story yesterday. ( We………...)
11. OPEN THE BRACKETS, PAYING ATTENTION TO THE VERB TENSE AND PASSIVE FORMS: 1. Application forms should (return) by 14 December. 2. "The Beatles" (know) all over the world. 3. Five people (kill) in the accident yesterday. 4. Test (write) now. 5. Zaporozhets cars (produce) in Ukraine. 6. I (not tell) about it, so I couldn't do anything.7. Everything (do) already. 8. Good food (sell) in the local market. 9. Lost children (find) by the police 2 days ago. 10. Two new stores (open) this year. 11. I (offer) a well-paid job last week. 12. This picture (paint) by Rafael. 13. It turned out, that he (poison) by his girl-friend. 14. The cakes for the coming party (cook) at the moment. 15. The documents (send) to you tomorrow. 16. The telephone (disconnect) yesterday. 17. That diamond (buy) for 1,000,000$ at the auction last weekend. 18. The gate (lock) at 6 o’clock every night. 19. My room (redecorate) at the moment. 20. Who this job (do) by? 21. The expensive pictures (steal) from the museum. 22. The thief (arrest). 23. She (give) a lot of presents for her last birthday. 24. Our key (lose) that night. 25. Such results (not expect). 26. Dictionaries may not (use) at the examination. 27. Why the car (not lock) and (put) into the garage? 28. Bicycles must not (leave) in the hall. 29. The living-room (sweep), (mope) and (dust). It’s clean now. 30. Thousands of new houses (build) every year. 31. The tea (sweeten) before I put sugar into it. 32. She looked a different girl. Her face (wash), her hair (comb). 33. You can’t go in. She (interview) for the TV. 34. A new metro line (reconstruct) now. One of its stations (build) in our street soon. 35. The place looked wonderful. Everything (prepare) for the ball. 36. If he comes in, you (find) looking through his papers. 37. The children are very excited this morning. They (take) to the circus in the afternoon. 38. Normally this street (clean) every day, but it (not clean) yesterday. 39. I had an unpleasant feeling that I (watch). 40. Corn (use) by many peoples of the world to make bread. 41. The letter (bring) recently. 42. The envelope just (find) on my desk. 43. When Tom was young, he (teach) two languages. 44. The houses (make) of stone, brick and wood. 45. A special rule (make) for students to be taken in the Academy. 46. Last Friday he (meet) at the railway station. 47. Such mistakes (make) even by the best students. 49. The timetable (change) in a week. 50. Everything (do) by tomorrow morning.
12. PUT THE VERB IN THE CORRECT FORM, ACTIVE OR PASSIVE 1. I (see) an accident last night. Somebody (call) an ambulance, but nobody (injure), so the ambulance (not need). 2. I was born in London, but I (grow) up in the north of England. 3. Cheese (make) from milk. 4. The company is not independent. It (own) by a much larger company. 5. While I was in the shop, my car (disappear). 6. Water (cover) most of the Earth’s surface. 7. Mary’s parents (die) when she was 7. She and her brother (bring) up by their grandparents. 8. Why Kate (leave) her job? Didn’t she enjoy it? 9. Why Tom (sack) from the factory? What did he do wrong? 10. When these photos (take)? On holidays? You (take) them? 11. The boat (sink) quickly but fortunately everybody (save). 12. The letter (post) a week ago and it (arrive) yesterday. 13. Originally the book (write) in Spanish but a few years ago it (translate) into several languages. 14. You (invite) to the wedding. Why didn’t you go? 15. The park gates (lock) at 6 p.m. every evening. 16. It’s a big factory. Five hundred people (employ) here. 17. In Russia, elections for President (hold) every four years. 18. I already (watch) this film. 19. Many accidents (cause) by dangerous driving. 20. A cinema is a place where films (show). 21. The roof of the building (damage) in the storm a few days ago. 22. We were driving along quite fast but we (overtake) by lots of other cars. 23. What silver (use) for? 24. When television (invent)? 25. When Australia (discover)? 26. How glass (make)? 27. The experiments (take) during all last year. 28. My decision just (make). 29. Mother often (prepare) something tasty. A delicious dinner (cook) at the moment. 30. You must (do) your best to get a five. 31. The last attempt (take) tomorrow. 32. Everything (do) by Saturday. 33. This shop (not close) during the night. 34. Unbreakable things can’t (break). 35. We (write) exercise ten at the moment. 36. Petrol prices (increase) recently. 37. If somewhere smoking (not permit), you can’t (smoke) there. 38. Computers now can (buy) anywhere, and almost everybody can (use) it. 39. The battle (fight) in 1623. 40. New employees (welcome) by the manager. 41. Teachers may (offer) apartments in the college. 42. The car (sell) to pay the debts. 43. The meeting (hold) every Monday. 44. The windows (clean) while I was there. 45. All the documents (sign) before I arrived. 46. When we arrived home, we found that everything (eat). We thought that Vasya (do) it. 47. This jacket (make) in China. 48. The old town theatre currently (rebuild). 49. Competition! 5000 prizes can (win)! 50. It turned out, that the phone bill (not pay).
13. CORRECT THE MISTAKES IF ANY : 1. We was woken up by a loud noise at night. 2. Our car cleans every weekend. 3. He was killed by a knife. 4. The books will be send to you as soon as possible. 5. How beer is made? 6. The classrooms are being cleaned every day. 7. Richard Gere liked by a lot of women. 8. They say, that cooked frogs adore by French. 9. When I saw the vase, it was already broken. 10. The results will be known by everybody by next week. 11. My grandfather was built this house in 1923. 12. Haven’t the letter been sent yet? 13. The dinner has being prepared, darling. 14. Walt Disney was borned in 1901. 15. Smoking not permitted anywhere on this station. 16. I was gave many presents for my last birthday. 17. This fruit is edible, so it can eaten. 18. A new hospital is built near my house now. 19. Is it true that Mr. Johnes had been arrested yesterday? 20. Jobs are still lost at our factory at the moment. 21. Have you been hurt badly? – Yes, I was. 22. How often your post delivered is? 23. I have been never seen that man before. 24. All his money were lost in casinos. 25. The Technological Academy was found by outstanding scientists 75 years ago. 26. For the doctor was sent. 27. My room is always cleaned by myself. 28. People advised me not to do it. 29. I never listened for. 30. When was the telephone invented?
14. RESTORE THE SENTENCES : 1. made / by? 2. sushi / adored / Chinese 3. liked / lot/ men 4. the / written / yesterday 5. being /moment 6. when /she / the / been 7. were /left /at 8. isn’t / cleaned / now 9. was / hurt/ in 10. the / doctor / sent / for 11. told / about 12. was /being/all 13. known /over /the 14. my / lost 15. who / helped /by?16. been/ recently17. that / had / been 18. will/ done / next 19. were / paid / to 20. are/ never/ by
15. REACT : 1. What marks were received by you at school? 2. Can the next exercise be done for a minute? 3. How many exercises have already been done? 4. Who are you taught English at the Academy by? 5. Is anything new being built in Voronezh now? 6. How long was your homework being done yesterday? 7. Will all your exams have been passed by the end of the term? 8. Are you respected in your group? 9. Have you ever been robbed? Whom by? 10. Have you ever been given a very expensive present? What was it? 11. Will you be marked as the best student of your group this year? 12. Is the meal cooked by you in your family? 13. Have you been paid for any work? What for? 14. What to your mind can’t be forgiven? 15. Whose jokes in your group are always laughed at? 16. Who were you advised by to enter the Technological Academy? 17. Was the previous task done by you without mistakes? 18. Who is sent for when you are ill? 19. Is our Academy equipped with computer classes? 20. Has your house been redecorated recently? 21. What must be done with a bad tooth? 22. What should be done with the dirty plates after meal? 23. What may happen to a man who has committed his first offence? 24. What happens to traffic in a traffic jam? 25. What may have happened if you can’t find your purse?
16. TRANSLATE THE TEXT INTO RUSSIAN : Three new breath-test machines are being tried out by the police. But one has been found to have a fault. A very big fault. It gets drunk. The guilty machine is a mini computer. A driver blows into it and straight away the driver’s alcohol level is printed on a screen. But the machine being tried out in Smethwick has been hiccupping the wrong figures. Police took it into custody, and found it was too keen on the smell of alcohol. Each time it was “topped up” by the machine. This meant an innocent driver could be accused of being over the legal limit. Fortunately the machines have only been used for practice. No driver has been wrongly convicted. Experts are now trying to find a cure for the tipsy machine. The machines are being tested for three months. Then the best of them will be used by the police all over Britain. The need for separate blood and urine tests will be cut out. This will make them cheaper to use.
17. TRANSLATE THE SENTENCES INTO ENGLISH : A) GIVING TWO VARIANTS, PASSIVE AND ACTIVE : 1. Îí ñêàçàë, ÷òî óæå ðàáîòàë íàä ýòîé òåìîé. 2. Íå ÿ åå áðîñèë, à îíà ìåíÿ. 3. ß äåëàë äîìàøíåå çàäàíèå âåñü âå÷åð. 4.  äàííûé ìîìåíò ìû ïåðåâîäèì ïðåäëîæåíèÿ. 5. Àíãëèéñêèé ïîñåùàþò âñå ñòóäåíòû. 6. Âñå áåç óìà îò Ìýðè. 7. Òðè ìèëëèîíà äîëëàðîâ áûëî óêðàäåíî èç áàíêà. 8. Êòî ïðèãîòîâèë ýòî óæàñíîå áëþäî? 9. ÂÃÒÀ îñíîâàíà â 1927 ãîäó. 10. Òû ðàçáèë ìîþ ëþáèìóþ âàçó?!?! 11. Âû ÷èòàëè “ Ïðåñòóïëåíèå è íàêàçàíèå” Äîñòîåâñêîãî? 12. Ýòîò ìàãàçèí îòêðûâàåòñÿ â 6 óòðà. 13. Ãäå òû ýòî âçÿë? 14. Ïèñüìî äîëæíî áûòü îòïðàâëåíî íà ñëåäóþùåé íåäåëå. 15. Äýâèä Êîïïåðôèëüä èçâåñòåí âî âñåì ìèðå. 16. Ê ìîåìó ïðèõîäó âñå óæå áûëî ñäåëàíî. 17. Äîêóìåíòû ñëåäóåò âåðíóòü ê ïîíåäåëüíèêó. 18. Òîãäà êàê ðàç ñòðîèëàñü øêîëà. 19. Äåòåé ÷àñòî âîäÿò â çîîïàðê. 20. Êîãäà ÿ âåðíóñü äîìîé, ìîè âåùè áóäóò óæå çàïàêîâàíû. 21. Ýòîò ìîñò åù¸ ñòðîèòñÿ. Îí ñòðîèëñÿ, êîãäà ÿ åãî óâèäåë â ïåðâûé ðàç. 22. Íàøè òåñòû ïðîâåðÿåò ïðåïîäàâàòåëü. 23. Ýòîò ó÷åáíèê ïðîäà¸òñÿ âî ìíîãèõ ìàãàçèíàõ. 24. Îí ñäåëàåò äîêëàä çàâòðà. 25. ß óæå íàïèñàë ñî÷èíåíèå. 26. Ýòîò òåàòð áûë ñïðîåêòèðîâàí çíàìåíèòûì àðõèòåêòîðîì. 27. Ãëèíêà ñîçäàë îïåðó “Èâàí Ñóñàíèí.”28. Àðåíäà áóäåò îïëà÷åíà íà ñëåäóþùåé íåäåëå. 29. Åãî ñáèëà ìàøèíà ïðîøëîé íî÷üþ. 30. Ãäå îáû÷íî õðàíÿòñÿ äåíüãè? B) 1. Åãî ñêîðî ïðîñòèëè. 2. Ìåíÿ íå ñïðàøèâàëè. 3. Ýòîò âîïðîñ íå çàäàâàëè. 4. Åãî îøèáêà áûëà çàáûòà. 5. Ÿ îòñóòñòâèå ìîæíî áûëî èçâèíèòü. 6. Òåáÿ ìîãóò ñïðîñèòü. 7. Èì ïðîäèêòîâàëè çàäàíèå. 8. Ñòóäåíòàì îáúÿñíèëè íîâîå ïðàâèëî. 9. Ìíå ïîñîâåòîâàëè áîëüøå ãóëÿòü. 10. Íàñ ïîáëàãîäàðèëè. 11. Ÿ óâàæàþò è ëþáÿò â ãðóïïå. 12. Íàì íèêòî íå çàâèäóåò. 13. Ìíå îá ýòîì íå ðàññêàçûâàëè. 14. Çèìîé ñâåò çàæèãàþò ðàíî. 15. Êîìïüþòåð ïî÷èíÿò ê çàâòðàøíåìó äíþ. 16. Âàì ïîìîãóò ðàçîáðàòüñÿ. 17.  ïîñëåäíåå âðåìÿ âûïóñêàþò ìíîãî íèçêîïðîáíûõ ôèëüìîâ. 18. Åé ïîîáåùàëè õîðîøóþ ðàáîòó. 19. Åìó äàëè íîâîå çàäàíèå. 20. Ìíå ïîêàçàëè, êàê ýòî äåëàåòñÿ. 21. Íèêàêèõ îáúÿñíåíèé ìíå íå äàëè. 22. Âàì ïðåäëîæèëè ÷òî-íèáóäü ïîåñòü? 23. Òåáå ïîêàæóò ýòîò ïðèáîð. 24. Åé äàäóò êâàðòèðó â ýòîì äîìå. 25. Êàæäîìó ñòóäåíòó äàäóò ñòèïåíäèþ. 26. Èì äà¸òñÿ ÷àñ íà îáåä. 27. Íàñ ïðîâåëè â çàë è ïðåäëîæèëè õîðîøèå ìåñòà. 28. Ìíå ïðåäëîæèëè êîôå. 29. Íå áåñïîêîéñÿ, åé ïîìîãóò. 30. Âàì ïðèíåñóò ýòîò æóðíàë ÷åðåç äâà ÷àñà. Ñ) 1. Çà òàêñè óæå ïîñëàëè. 2. Ïî÷åìó íàä íåé âñåãäà ñìåþòñÿ? 3. Î íåé âñåãäà ìíîãî ãîâîðÿò. 4. Åãî íèêîãäà íå ñëóøàëè. 5. Çà ñàäîì âñåãäà ïðåêðàñíûé óõîä. 6. Îá ýòîì ñëó÷àå áóäóò åù¸ äîëãî ãîâîðèòü. 7. Íà ýòè ôàêòû íåëüçÿ ïîëîæèòüñÿ. 8. Íà íàñ íèêòî íå ñìîòðåë. 9. Òåìó äîêëàäà íå ïðîäóìàëè êàê ñëåäóåò. 10. Íà øóì íå îáðàùàëè âíèìàíèÿ. 11. Íà íåãî ìîæíî ðàññ÷èòûâàòü? 12. Òåáÿ èñêàëè âåñü äåíü. 13. Ñ íåé íàäî ñîãëàñèòüñÿ. 14. Ýòà êíèãà óæå îáðàáîòàíà. 15. Íà ýòó ñòàòüþ ÷àñòî ññûëàþòñÿ. 16. Î íèõ ìíîãî ïèøóò â ïðåññå. 17. Ìåíÿ ðàññìàòðèâàëè, êàê Ýéôåëåâó Áàøíþ. 18. Òåáÿ ïðîâîäèëè íà âîêçàë? 19. Íà íåãî íåëüçÿ ïîëîæèòüñÿ â òðóäíûé ìîìåíò. 20. Îòêóäà ýòî âçÿëîñü? 21. Íà êàêèå èñòî÷íèêè âû ññûëàåòåñü? 22. Ãäå Âàñÿ? – Åãî èùóò. 23. Åãî ñëóøàëè ñ áîëüøèì âíèìàíèåì. 24. Îá ýòîì ñëó÷àå ìíîãî ãîâîðÿò â Àêàäåìèè. 25. Î íåé çàáîòÿòñÿ å¸ äðóçüÿ.
18. CHOOSE THE CORRECT VARIANT : 1. A lot of films…….by Steven Spilberg. a) was made b) were made c) have been made d) have been maked 2. These photos…….when we were on holidays. a) are taken b) were took c) were taken d) have been taken 3. Hamburgers…….all over the world. a) are eaten b) eaten c) eat d) is eaten 4. The letter you are waiting for……..by the weekend. a) will come b) will have come c) will be come d) will have been come 5. My car…….. in the garage at the moment. a) is being mended b) is mending c) is mended d) is being mend 6. Many people……. in this factory. a) employed b) are employed c) are being employed d) are worked 7. The job was very difficult. It……..for a long time. a) did b) was done c) was doing d) was being done 8. I ……..my room since morning. a) am cleaning b) have been cleaning c) is being cleaned d) has been being cleaned 9. The Russian Revolution……..in 1917. a) happened b) was happened c) has happened d) has been happened 10. A new thriller ………in “Spartak” now. a) shown b) is being shown c) is shown d) shows 11. I wasn’t……..the truth. a) told b) being told c) tell d) known 12. Milk…….. for making cream. a) use b) used c) is used d) is being used 13. The roof of our house……..yesterday in the storm. a) was damage b) were damaged c) was being damaged d) was damaged 14. I’m always…….. good presents for my birthday. a) give b) given c) gives d) gave 15. You’ll…….by our special agent. a) meet b) met c) been met d) be met 16. I noticed that something……….since last. a) changed b) had changed c) has changed d) was changed 17. Don’t you see? We……….. . a) are followed b) is being followed c) are being followed d) are being follow 18. Everything………before I came. a) was done b) had been done c) had done d) has been done 19. Are you going to the party? – No, I………. . a) haven’t invited b) have invited c) have been invited d) haven’t been invited 20. Please go away. I want……….alone. a) to be left b) being left c) be left d) been left
1. MAKE THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS INDIRECT: A) 1.“I live here”, she said. 2. “She works in a factory”, I said. 3. “He never lies”, they said. 4. “We are students,” we said. 5. They seldom come here,” he said. 6. “ I have to work tonight”, John said. 7. “He has no money”, I said. 8. “I hope she comes soon”, he said. 9. They said: “We want to go home.” 10. He said: “I don’t know her well”. B) 1. “She is still sleeping now”, I said. 2. “The baby is crying”, she said. 3. “We are translating the text at the moment”, we said. 4. “I’m waiting for you “, he said. 5. “They are working this week”, I said. 6. She said: “I’m going home.” 7. “Kate is reading this book now”, he said. 8. “We aren’t translating at the moment”, the students said. 9. “They are visiting us today”, uncle said. 10. “I’m not studying at the moment”, Sam said. C) 1. “He has just returned from his holiday”, I said. 2. “I was there a year ago”, he said. 3. “He lived here some years ago”, they said. 4. “We have already finished the work”, we said. 5. “Yesterday I visited my group-mate”, she said. 6. “I have known him for a long time”, he said. 7. “We didn’t see her yesterday”, they said. 8. “He hasn’t come yet”, I said. 9. “A new shop was built here last year”, she said. 10. “I have never been to Los Angeles”, J.Lo. said and went there. D) 1. “ I was doing my homework all yesterday evening’, he said. 2. “She has been working since morning”, I said. 3. “We have been living here all our live”, they said. 4. “ They were studying hard for the whole last week”, she said. 5. “She was crying for a long time”, he said. 6. “I was having dinner when you came”, she said. 7. “She has been teaching them since September”, he said. 8. “We were watching the TV when mother came”, Tom said. 9. “I wasn’t living in Scotland then”, McGregor said. 10. “They have been learning English for 7 years”, the teacher said. E) 1. “ We will visit you soon”, they said. 2. “I will have finished this work by the end of the week”, he said. 3. “She will be taking her exam at this time”, I said. 4. “ He’ll leave in an hour”, she said. 5. “They will become engineers next year”, we said. 6. “I’ll be back”, terminator said. 7. “I will still be sleeping at this time tomorrow”, Sonya said. 8. “We will have already graduated from the Academy by this time”, students said. 9. “ He will visit you next week”, the manager said. 10. “Sally will return in a year”, father said.
2. YESTERDAY YOU MET YOUR GROUP-MATE, VASYA. HERE IS WHAT HE SAID: 1. I’m living in a hostel now. 2. My father isn’t very well. 3. I went to my native place last weekend. 4. Tanya ant Petya are getting married. 5. My sister has had a baby. 6. I don’t know what Fedya is doing. 7. I saw Kate at the party last month and she seemed fine. 8. I haven’t seen Lena recently. 9. I’m enjoying my classes very much. 10. You can come to see me some day. 11. My mobile phone was stolen last week. 12. I want to go on holiday to the Crimea but I can’t afford it. 13. I’ll tell Ann I saw you. 14. I’m going to pass my driving test. 15. I’m visiting Alex tonight. NOW TELL THE TEACHER WHAT YOU’VE LEARNED. USE REPORTED SPEECH.
3. CHANGE THE DIRECT QUESTION INTO INDIRECT: A) 1. He asked me: “Do you live in Moscow?” 2. We asked him: “Are you busy now?” 3. He asked me: “Have you got a large family?” 4. They asked her: ”Will you go to the theatre?” 5. She asked her friend: “Do you like detective stories? 6. He asked me: “Have you read this book?” 7. I asked him: “Can you swim?” 8. They asked me: “Did you go to the seaside last summer?” 9. We asked him: ”Do you speak English?” 10. She asked the child: “Are you sleeping?” 11. We asked them: “Have you finished your work?”12. He asked me: “Can you do me a favour? 13. “ Will you help me?”- he asked her. 14. “Were you speaking to Jane? “ she asked her brother. 15. “Is he coming to the party today?” I asked them. 16. “Can I use your phone?” I asked the woman. 17. “Did you post my letter?” she asked her husband. 18. “Will you be back early?” mother asked me. 19. “Do you like to go out for a meal?” he asked his wife. 20. “Have they seen Kate today?” I asked the students. 21. “Are you free tomorrow?” Sam asked her. 22. “Will you be at home tomorrow?” She asked him. 23. “Did they say so ?” I asked Fred. 24. “ Were you at the party yesterday?” He asked me. 25. “Have you ever been to Paris?” Claire asked me. B) 1. He asked me “Where do you work?” 2.“Why are you late?” he asked us. 3. “Where are you going?” they asked me. 4. “Where have you come from?” she asked him. 5. “How long are you going to be on holiday?” I asked her. 6. “When do you have to go to work?” she asked me. 7. She asked me: “When did you begin learning English? 8. They asked me: “When will you come back?” 9. She asked me: “What are you doing?” 10. He asked her: “What films do you like?” 11. He asked us: “Who can speak English here?” 12. She asked me: “Where do you live?” 13. They asked her: “Why have you done it?” 14. We asked him: “ When are you leaving?” 15. They asked me: “How long will it take us to get to the station?”16. I asked him: “When will you have done the work?” 17. “Who told you that?” I asked. 18. “What will you be doing tomorrow?” he asked me. 19. “Where were you yesterday? “ they asked him. 20. “How long have you been studying here?” the teacher asked us. 21. She asked us: ”When will you be at home? 22. “What have you read today?” the teacher asked the students. 23. “What will you be doing tomorrow at 12?” he asked me. 24. “What do you think of this idea?” Max asked her. 25. “When did you enter the Academy?” I asked him.
4. A) COMPLETE THE DIRECT QUESTIONS: A is Marina Petrova, who is talking to B, a bank manager, about getting a loan. B. Come and sit down, Mrs.Petrova. A. Thank you very much. B. Now you want to borrow some money. a) _____________________________? A Five thousands pounds. B. b) _____________________________? A. Because I want to buy a car. B. I see. Could you give me some personal details? c) _________________________________? A. I’m a computer programmer. B. And d)______________________________? A. Twenty thousand pounds a year. B. e) __________________________________? A. Yes, I am. I have been married for six years. B. f) ___________________________________? A. Yes, we’ve got two children. B. I see you live in a flat. g) _________________? A. We’ve lived there for three years. B. Well, that seems fine. I don’t think there’ll be any problems. h) ______________________________________? A. I’d like it as soon as possible, actually. B. All right. Let’s see what we can do. B) NOW REPORT THE BANK MANAGER’S QUESTIONS: a) First he asked Mrs. Petrova_______________________. b) Then he wanted to know_________________________. c) He needed to know______________________________. d) She had to tell him______________________________. e) Then he asked__________________________________. f) For some reason he wanted to know_________________. g) He asked her____________________________________. h) Finally he wondered______________________________.
5. REPORT THE FOLLOWING COMMANDS. USE THE VERBS ask, beg, advise, invite, order, persuade, encourage, tell, warn, forbid, remind : 1. Mary said to her brother, “Take the letter to the Post Office, please.”2. The teacher said to Tom, “Collect the essays and put them on my table.”3. The old man said to the little girl, “Don’t run across the street.” 4. The teacher said to the students, “ Do this work by Saturday.” 5. I said to my friend, “Meet me outside the cinema at 6 o’clock. 6. I said to the students, “Open your books at page 60.” 7. The doctor said to his patient, “Don’t go back to work for a fortnight.” 8. Kate’s mother said to her, “ Don’t go out without your coat.” 9. Jack said to the policeman, “Tell me the time, please.” 10. The father said to us, “Don’t come into my study without permission!” 11. I said to Sam, “Give me, please, your dictionary.” 12. Inspector said to us: “You mustn’t park here.” 13. The guide said to the tourists, “You should see that wonderful place.” 14. Mother told me, “Close the window, please.” 15. The conductor said to the passengers, “Don’t get off the bus while it is going.” 16. “Please, please, don’t tell my parents”, Kate said to me. 17. “You really should paint professionally”, Fred said to me. 18. “You must pay a fine of $1000”, the judge said to Harry. 19. “ Buy the red dress, not the green one”, Dolly said to Sally. 20. “It’s better to sell your shares”, Peter’s accountant said to him. 21. Greg said to Jane, “Marry me, please.” 22. I said to Vasya, “Hurry up or we’ll be late!” 23. “Don’t ring me any more”, she said to him angrily. 24. “Forget about my existence”, he said to her. 25. “Don’t be silly!”, Maggy said to Jane.
6. CHANGE THE DIALOGUE INTO INDIRECT SPEECH: In the train. A talkative passenger asked a lady who was in the same compartment: “Have you any family, madam?” “Yes, sir, one son,” she answered. “Indeed! Does he smoke?” he continued to ask. “No, sir, he has never touched a cigarette,” she said. “So much the better, madam. Tobacco is poison. Does he belong to a club?” asked the passenger. “He has never set foot in one,” she answered. “Then I congratulate you. Does he come home late at night?” he asked again. “Never. He always goes to bed directly after dinner,” she said. “He is a model young man, madam. How old is he?” “Ten months today,” was the answer.
7. FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH say or tell IN THE CORRECT FORM : 1. Ann… goodbye to me and left. 2. …us about your holiday. Did you have a nice time? 3. Don’t just stand there! …something! 4. I wonder where Sue is. She…she would be here at 4 o’clock. 5. Jack…me he was fed up with his job. 6. The doctor…that I should rest for at least a week. 7. Don’t….anybody what I… . It’s a secret just between us. 8. Did she…what happened? – No, she didn’t…anything to me. 9. George couldn’t help me. He…me to ask Kate. 10. George couldn’t help me. He …to ask Kate. 11. I …Jim not to shout. 12. Sonia…me that you were ill. 13. Tom …he wanted to go to Paris. 14. What did you…to the police? 15. He often…things like this. 16. That little boy is very bad. He…a lot of lies. 17. My grandmother always…me about her childhood. 18. When I was introduced to the teacher he …a few words to me. 19. She …me she didn’t know what to do. 20. “Don’t do that!” she …them.
8. CORRECT THE MISTAKES IF ANY: 1.Ann said that we are friends. 2. He asked where does she work. 3. I advised him that he went abroad. 4. Mother wanted to know had I done my homework. 5. She said that she is going to the disco. 6. We asked when would they be ready. 7. He said me that he had been there before. 8. She wondered what he would come for. 9. She begged me didn’t
Äàòà äîáàâëåíèÿ: 2014-10-14; ïðîñìîòðîâ: 880; Íàðóøåíèå àâòîðñêèõ ïðàâ ![]() Ìû ïîìîæåì â íàïèñàíèè âàøèõ ðàáîò! |