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Pilates is a unique method of exercises
Core strength and torso stability, along with the six Pilates principles, set the Pilates method apart from many other types of exercises. Weight lifting, for example, can put a lot of attention on your arm or leg strength without paying much attention to the fact that those parts are connected to the rest of the body! Even running or swimming can seem to train all arms and legs, with either a floppy or tense core. Ultimately those who really succeed at their sport exercises learn to use their core muscles, but in Pilates this integrative approach is known from the very beginning. Pilates exercises are usually done on a mat or on the floor. It is well known as Pilates Mat Work, it is recommended to do their exercises on special equipment developed by Joseph Pilates. The workout equipment that we use in Pilates generally utilizes pulleys and resistance from the participants, using own body weight and graduated levels of springs. The reformer is probably the best-known piece of resistance equipment that you will encounter at a Pilates studio. Joseph Pilates The Pilates Method of special exercises was developed by Joseph Pilates in 1920. It was Joseph Pilates the inventor of a unique system, who was born in Germany and lived in England. He was a well known circus artist and boxer, when he was taken to prison in England; he began developing his traditional floor exercises which would let him preserve his physical form that are known as the Pilates mat work. Joseph Pilates wanted to help those people who suffered from diseases and injuries. He developed special exercises which would give people relief and joy. It was invention born of necessity that inspired him to utilize items that were available to him, like bedsprings and beer rings, to create resistance exercise equipment for his patients.
beer rings кольца на баночном пиве (принцип открывашки)
1.Переведите предложения на английский язык, употребляя сложное дополнение. 1) Я хочу, чтобы эти упражнения использовали каждый день. 2) Я знаю, что эти люди участники соревнований по пилатесу. 3) Болезнь заставила ее заняться спортом. 4) Мой друг хочет, чтобы я показал ему новое оборудование. 5) Она почувствовала, что ей стало лучше. 6) Она увидела, как он занимался спортом. 2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в пассивном залоге. 1) He said that coach’s instruction (to receive) yesterday. 2) The new documents (to sell) everywhere. 3) He told me that the new athlete (to speak) much about. 4) The coach said that one more participant (to expect). 5) The sportsmen say that the conference much (to talk) about. 3. Переведите предложения на английский язык, обращая внимание на пассивный залог. 1) Нас послали на занятия спортом. 2) Инструкцию для спортсменов прочитали до занятий спортом. 3) Над новичком посмеялись. 4) Новые упражнения были разработаны нашим инструктором. 5) Им рассказали о новых упражнениях. 4.Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в соответствующем времени. 1) You (to come) to my place next Sunday? 2) They (to read) their books now. 3) My mother (to train) every day. 4) My sister (not to like) Pilates. 5) My brother (to leave) for work yet? 5. Образуйте причастие I от следующих инфинитивов. To go, to make, to cook, to look, to read, to type.
Participle I может иметь простую reading и сложные формы being read, havingread, Participle II имеет только простую форму read. Причастие обозначает признак предмета, который указывает на действие или состояние предмета. Причастие в функции обстоятельства переводится на русский язык обстоятельственными придаточными предложениями. Being translated into Russian, the text lost its importance. Так как текст перевели на русский язык, он потерял свою важность. Perfect Participle Active выражает действие, предшествовавшее действию, выраженному сказуемым и переводится деепричастием. Having finished our training session, the students went home. Закончив тренировку, студенты пошли домой. Perfect Participle Passive, в функции обстоятельства времени и причины и выражает действие, предшествовавшее действию сказуемого, и переводится на русский язык обстоятельственными придаточными предложениями. Having been shown the exercises, the young man could improve his health. Когда молодому человеку показали упражнения, он смог улучшить свое здоровье. Все перечисленные нами сложные формы причастий в функции обстоятельства являются так называемыми зависимыми причастными оборотами. Независимый причастный оборот в отличие от зависимого, имеет собственное подлежащее, выраженное в общем падеже или личным местоимением в именительном падеже. На русский язык этот оборот переводится придаточным обстоятельственным предложением, и начинаются словами: если, так как, когда, после того как, если оборот стоит в начале предложения. The weather being fine, we went for a walk. Так как погода была хорошей, мы пошли гулять. Если причастный оборот стоит в конце предложения, то он переводится сложносочиненным предложением с союзами причем, а, и, но. He sat silently, his chin being on his knees. Он молча сидел, а подбородок покоился на коленях.
6. Переведите следующие предложения, учитывая формы и функции причастий в предложении. Определите тип причастного оборота. 1) Having invented the exercises, he became popular. 2) Having finished our work we went to the cinema. 3) The article being very difficult, we were translating it for hours. 4) Having lost the key we could not get into the room. 5) The weather being rainy, they stayed at home.
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Joseph Pilates developed his famous exercises using his personal experience in fitness. Joseph Pilates studied many kinds of different self-improving physical systems. He drew his system from Eastern practices such as yoga and Zen Buddhism, and was inspired by a well known ideal of a man who had existed in ancient Greek. The man achieved great progress in development of his own body, mind and spirit. On his way to developing a new method he had to work hard to create so called Pilates Method which is very popular among people all over the world. Joseph Pilates studied anatomy, biology and developed his method combining different kinds of sport: body building, wrestling, skiing and diving. After war, Joseph Pilates suddenly returned to Germany where his reputation as a physical trainer or healer was very high and his system became very popular all over the country. In Germany, he worked for Hamburg Military Police as a trainer. He was so fine in teaching self-defense and physical training. In 1925, he was asked to train soldiers of German army. But he refused to that, he could realize the difference between positive and negative significance of sports activities. Instead of this he packed his bags and took a boat to New York City. On the boat to America, Joseph met Clara, a medical nurse on the boat, who became his wife and partner. He went on his work to establish his studio in New York and Clara worked with him. They worked out their famous method of exercises, helped to invent equipment, and of course, worked hard to train a lot of students.
1.Образуйте причастия 1 от следующих инфинитивов. To write, to make, to go, to combine, to develop, to work 2. Переведите следующие словосочетания, обращая внимание на перевод причастий. A smiling boy, a running car, a broken cup, a finished story, a developed system of exercises, a unified method. 3. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на Past Participle. 1) He put a plate of fried fish instead of meat. 2) Tied to a wall, the ball attracted a child’s attention. 3) The exercises developed by Pilates give us a good possibility to help our sick body. 4) We stopped before the closed door of the gymnasium. 5) This is a system developed many years ago and became very popular now. 6) I like typed letters, they are very easy. 4 Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Participle, или Past Participle. 1) (to live) in Germany, he worked as trainer. 2) (to sit) near the fire, he was dreaming about his success. 3) The book (to find) by him was very useful. 4) When we came nearer, we saw a sportsman (to run) to the river. 5) We couldn’t see the sun (to cover) by clouds. 5. Переведите предложения на английский язык. 1) Просмотрев множество книг, мы поняли огромное значение упражнений. 2) Разговаривая о новой системе упражнений, мы не заметили, как стемнело. 3) Потерянная книга была найдена на столе. 4) Я нашла телеграмму полученную вчера. 5) разработанный метод приносит огромную пользу человеку. 6. Напишите аннотацию к тексту, используя образцы из Приложения А.
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Joseph Pilates lived and studied in New York. During that time, he trained a number of students who devoted their lives to a very important work. He and his wife became teachers of their method and helped a lot of people to improve their health. The first generation of teachers was trained by Joseph Pilates, the researcher of the method and they were often called as the ‘Pilates Elders’. Some of these pupils began training other people without any changes as Joseph Pilates had taught them to do it. This approach is referred to a so called “classical style” of Pilates. Other students went on to integrate system they had learned with their own research and personal experience in sports anatomy and exercise training practices. Joseph Pilates' New York studio was very popular as a popular dance studio. A lot of dancers visited this studio and he was accepted by a folk dance community. Many dancers and well-known persons of New York were grateful to Pilates’ method training for their health, strength and grace. His exercises were very popular for its rehabilitative effects. Joseph Pilates was 87 in 1967 but he was full of energy and he demonstrated remarkable physical power for his old years. He smoked cigars, liked parties with drinks and dancing, but he often did exercise breaks wherever he wanted (even in the streets of New York). It was a very good demonstration of importance sport in people’s lives. Clara Pilates continued to teach people and run the studio for another 10 years after his death. Today, Joseph Pilates’ methods are carried on by his pupils, by the Pilates Elders, and by a large group of contemporary teachers all over the world.
1.Прочитайте и переведите предложения, содержащие причастные обороты. 1) Having finished the work they began reading for pleasure. 2) Being written in a very bad writing, the instruction was difficult to read. 3) Having spent twenty years abroad he was happy to be coming to New York. 4) Being an old person he continued training. 5) Having done everything I went for a walk. 6) The contest being exciting, we became very tired. 2. Переведите следующие причастия на английский язык. Приносящий, будучи сделанным, читающий, прочитанный, сделанный, законченный, сказав, решив, занимающийся. 3.Переведите предложения на английский язык, употребляя правильную форму причастия. 1) Мальчик, идущий по улице, вдруг забежал в спортивную студию. 2) Будучи очень популярным, Пилатес постоянно занимался упражнениями. 3) Пилатес наблюдал за людьми, занимающимися спортом. 4) Погуляв на вечеринке, Пилате голодал на следующий день. 5) Услышав его шаги, люди думали, что это идет молодой человек. 6) Он часто прерывался на тренировочные упражнения. 4.Передайте следующие предложения в Passive Voice. 1) The trainer recommended her a new exercise. 2) They offered us a lot of interesting facts about the usefulness of the Pilates. 3) We have looked for a coach the whole morning. 4) They offered Pilates a very interesting work. 5) People often spoke about Pilates. 5. Переведите предложения на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в страдательном залоге. 1) Нам показали новую систему упражнений. 2) Его повсюду знали, а его упражнения стали очень популярны. 3) Всех участников пригласили в спортивный зал. 4) Нам всем дали билеты на посещение занятий бесплатно. 5) Мне велели рассказать о пользе спортивных упражнений.
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The Olympic Games bring together thousands of the world’s finest athletes to compete against one another. No other sports event attracts so much attention. Several million people attend the games, and hundreds of millions throughout the world watch them on television. The Olympic Games consist of the Summer Games and the Winter Games. The Summer Games are held in a major city, and the Winter Games are held at a winter resort. The Olympics have normally been held every for years, with both the Summer Games and the Winter Games taking place the same year. Beginning from 1994, the Summer Games and the Winter Games are scheduled to occur on a four year cycle two years apart. For example, the Winter Games were held in 1994 and 1998 and the Summer Games in1996 and 2000. Colourful ceremonies combined with athletic competitions are to create the special feeling of excitement that surrounds the Olympics. The opening ceremony is particularly impressive. The athletes of Greece march into stadium first, in honour of the original Olympics held in ancient Greece. The other athletes follow in alphabetical order, depending on the spelling of each nation’s name in the language of the host country. The athletes of the host country enter last.
1.Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на независимый причастный оборот. 1) There being no chance to win, the man went away. 2) There being little time left, they run up to the gates. 3) It being cold, a sportsman hastened home. 4) The man stood silent, his hands crossed. 5) The sportsman faced the audience, his hands raised. 2.Переведите предложения на английский язык, употребляя причастные обороты. 1) Если погода будет хорошей, спортсмены могут показать отличные результаты. 2) Когда солнце село, противники развели костер. 3) Если условия позволят, Олимпийские игры будут проводиться в стране. 4) Так как игра была закончена, мы пошли домой. 5) Когда мы узнали все о футболе, мы захотели участвовать в игре. 3. Переведите предложения. 1) We noticed a man running with a ball. 2) I want you to win. 3) Now and then he could hear a game passing. 4) Nobody noticed him entered the room. 5) They had some photographs taken in Olympics. 4.Переведите предложения с инфинитивными оборотами. 1) The lesson to be delivered by a well known coach is devoted to health of old people. 2) The competition seemed to be successful. 3) London is known to be the capital of sports life of England. 4) We consider Pilates to pay much attention to rehabilitation with the help of special exercises. 5) Exercises are known of three types. 6) The patient wants me to help him. 7) He was said to have arrived by that time. 8) The tournament was reported to attract a lot of people. 5.Напишите аннотацию к тексту, используя образцы из Приложения А.
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