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1. Раскройте скобки и используйте глаголы в соответствующей форме и залоге. 1) All sportsmen (to invite) into sports performance. 2) The young athlete (to take care) of. 3) We like (to practice) sport for pleasure. 4) The competition can (to see) at five o’clock. 5) We (tell) much about effective sports training by a president of sports league. 6) The race (to take place) first at Henley in 1829. 2. Переведите следующие предложения. 1) Нам показали спортсменов-любителей. 2) Эти документы были пересмотрены. 3) Меня пригласят на спортивные соревнования. 4) Вас пригласят в большой зал скоро. 5) Проведена спартакиада среди жителей нашего города 6) Мне рассказали о новом чемпионе по шахматам. 3. Выберите требующуюся форму причастия. 1) We saw a (crying, cried) child. 2) A (broken, breaking) cup was on the floor. 3) We saw the girl (crossed, crossing) the sports ground. 4) The book (reading, read) by students was interesting. 5) A (chosen, choosing) road was long. 6) A (gathering, gathered) team consisted of 234 sportsmen. 4. Переведите предложения, учитывая особенности перевода модальных глаголов. 1) We were allowed to watch the match. 2) You must not come in during the match. 3) Can you help me? 4) He must have overslept today. 5) You might have written a letter to your trainer. 5. Напишите следующие предложения в Passive Voice. 1) The trainer explained the importance of the exercise to us. 2) The sportsman often speaks about his trainer. 3) They offered her some new kinds of sports activity. 4) We shall insist on strict discipline. 5) Everybody laughed at the goalkeeper. 6. Напишите аннотацию к тесту, используя образцы из Приложения А.
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Each national committee provides uniforms for its country’s athletes while they prepare for and compete in the Games. Each committee also furnishes transportation for its team to the Games and back. The host country provides food and housing for all athletes. Most countries use government funds to pay the expenses. Every country represented in the Olympics has a National Olympic Committee that selects the athletes who compete in the Games. Each committee is responsible for ensuring that the athletes the Olympic and international sports federation eligibility requirements. An athlete who represents a country in the Olympics must be a citizen of that country. Until 1988, only amateur athletes competed in the Games. Professional athletes are not eligible to compete in basketball, ice hockey, football and tennis. In addition, the IOC voted in 1974 to allow national Olympic committees to pay athletes during an unlimited training period before the Olympic Games. Each athlete may receive expense money, plus the equivalent of the salary that he or she would earn by working instead of training.
Придаточные условные предложения являются частью сложных предложений, которые состоят из двух предложений: главного и придаточного предложения, соединенных подчинительной связью. Придаточное условное предложение вводится союзами if, unless, in case, when. Условные предложения I типа выражают реальные условия получения результата в будущем времени If you do this exercise faultlessly, you will win the competition. - Если ты будешь выполнять упражнения безупречно, ты выиграешь соревнования. Условные предложения II типа выражают маловероятное условие совершения действия в настоящем или будущем времени If I were taller, I would practice basketball. - Если бы я был выше ростом, я бы занимался баскетболом Условное предложение III типа выражают предположения, относящиеся к прошедшему времени, и поэтому являются нереальными. If I had known about it earlier, I would have never done such a thing. - Если бы я знал об этом раньше, я никогда такого не сделал.
1. Определите тип условных предложений и переведите их на русский язык. 1) If you trained more regularly, you would win the gold medal. 2) If you get up early, you will have time for training. 3) If you had done everything, you would have success. 4) If you ran in the morning regularly, you would be a good runner. 5) If you go in for sports, you will have a good figure. 6) If you had a dictionary, you would translate a text easily. 7) If you had trained more regularly, you would have been the winner. 2.Переведите условные предложения. 1) Если бы вы пришли раньше, мы бы успели вовремя. 2) Если бы мы не пропустили занятия вчера, вы бы знали как выполнять упражнение правильно. 3) Если бы я взял зонт, то не промок бы. 4) Если погода будет хорошая, мы будем заниматься спортом на открытом воздухе. 5) Если вы будете регулярно тренироваться, вы победите в соревновании. 6) Если бы мы не пропускали занятия (to miss classes), мы говорили бы по-английски лучше. 3.Раскройте скобки, поставьте глаголы в нужную форму. 1) If he (to come) to the sports ground, he (to meet0 friends. 2) If she (not help) me, I (be) in a very difficult situation. 3) We (to meet) him in the street, if we (to come) earlier. 4) If you (to read) English, you (to learn) more words. 5) If he (to come) to our house yesterday, he (to meet) his friend. 6) If only you ( to let) me know, I (to go) there immediately. 4. Выберите верную форму инфинитива. 1) The exercise is difficult (выполнить). (to have done, to do, to be done) 2) You do not seem (иметь) a good knowledge of Biology. (to have had, to be having, to have) 3) Let the children (собраться) in a gymnasium. (to have been gathered, to gather, to be gathering) 4) The children are glad (заниматься) sports. (to practice, to have practiced, to be practicing) 5. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на причастия. 1) When we entered the room, we saw students writing plans of their training. 2) The students listened to the coach criticizing their last performance. 3) Entering the room, I saw my friends reading a new text. 4) Criticizing her work, we wanted to help her to overcome mistakes. 5) Everybody ran to meet our athletes having returned from the competition. 6. Напишите аннотацию к тексту. 7. Расскажите о спортивной жизни университета.
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In many countries, athletes are qualified by winning or finishing high, in competitions called selection trials. Participation in most of these trails is by invitation only. In some Olympic sports, a nation may enter as many as three athletes in each individual event and one team in each team event. Five sports – archery, athletes, shooting, swimming and weightlifting – require athletes to meet a minimum standard of performance if their country enters more than one competitor in an event within the sport. Up to 12 teams can compete in each man’s sport, except football, which involves 16 teams. No more than 20 teams take part in each team sport that has competition for both men and women. If more than the maximum number of nations wants to compete in sport, a qualifying tournament is held before the Olympics. Such tournaments are the responsibility of the international governing body of the sport involved. Several methods of judging are used in various Olympic events. For example, the eight fastest athletes qualify for the finals in most swimming and athletics events. The medals in diving, figure skating and gymnastics are awarded on the basis of points given by judges.
1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в соответствующем времени, учитывая особенности условных предложений. 1) If I hear that people play darts, I (to play) with them. 2) If he offered me to play, I (to agree). 3) If it (stop) raining, we will play tennis. 4) If I had money, I (to buy) a personal set of darts. 5) If people were a little tolerant, our world (to be) a better place. 2. Употребите соответствующую форму глагола- сказуемого. 1) The Olympic Games are (to take place) every four years. 2) People who (to take part) in sports are called athletes. 3) The athletes who (to enter) the games are called competitors. 4) In the 1998 Nagano Olympics there (to be) over 3000 competitors. 5) The Olympic flame was (to carry) to the games by the best sportsmen. 3. Закончите предложения в соответствии с образцом. Образец: A sportsman is a person who goes in for sport. 1). The winner is a person who … 2). The champion is a person who … 3). A coach is a person who … 4). An athlete is a person who … 5) A champion is a person who … 4.Скажите по-английски. 1) Если бы ты тренировался больше, ты бы достиг лучших результатов. 2) Когда придешь домой, позвони мне. 3) Если ты не сможешь сделать это сам, я помогу тебе. 4) Если я найду эту книгу, я дам тебе почитать. 5) Если он придет в университет, скажи ему об этом. 6) Если ты мне поможешь выполнить это упражнение, мы успеем на фильм.
Бессоюзные условные предложения. В условных предложениях второго типа союзif опускается, когда в предложениях имеются глаголыhad, were, could, should. В таких случаях эти глаголы ставятся перед подлежащим. Had I free time, I would go to the club. - Будь у меня свободное время, я бы пошел в клуб.
5.Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на бессоюзные условные предложения. 1) I wish I would have passed my exams. 2) I wish I spoke English better. 3) Should he come, I will ask him about it. 4) Had she had time, she would have done it herself. 6) I wish I spoke English better. 7) Had I time, I would help her. 8) Were she more serious, she would work harder? 6. Напишите аннотацию к тексту, используя образцы из Приложения А.
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Training Tips for Old Athletes The influence of age on health and physical state of people may be seen when we watch the old athletes training. Usually they lose their physical strength. It is a great problem for old athletes to keep their health and body. Many doctors, coaches, sportsmen try to find the way out of this tragic situation. They offered a good training system to old athletes. The system is proved to help old athletes to preserve their physical abilities. The statistic data proved that some training methods that have been suggested for all athletes may greatly improve their health and stop or reduce age diseases. But these exercises were reported to be more effective for reducing the age-related decline in health and physical form of old people: Hill Running or Interval Training must be very useful and you may combine both the aerobic and the anaerobic exercises which may lead to significant fitness improvements. Weight training can maintain muscle tone, strength and keep twitch muscle fibers in good condition. Intensive physical exercises can increase power and strength. The common fitness exercises decline may occur with years and usually include different changes in body composition with increased body fat and decreased muscle mass, lose of height (sometimes due to osteoporosis), diminished cardio respiratory capacity and muscle atrophy. But sometimes there are examples of extraordinary physical feats among old athletes if they follow these training tips and regularly pay great attention to different types of exercises.
1.Напишите предложения в пассивном залоге. 1) An old athlete reads a lot about training systems. 2) Our friend won the first prize. 3) Our coach is visiting a hospital. 4) Steven has written a training program. 5) Our sport leader organized a meeting. 6)The old people are discussing their problems. 2. Переведите на английский язык. 1) Вчера мне показали новую программу для тренировок. 2) Нашего атлета сейчас осматривает доктор. 3) Тренировку начнут вовремя. 4) Мне объяснили разницу упражнений. 5) Огромная ловкость была проявлена атлетом. 6) Этой работе необходимо уделять большое внимание.
Инфинитивный оборот может выступать в функции сложного дополнения или сложного подлежащего. Инфинитивный оборот в качестве сложного дополнения образуются при помощи существительного (в общем падеже) или личного местоимения в объектном падеже и инфинитива. Инфинитивный оборот в функции сложного дополнения употребляется после глаголов чувственного восприятия и состоит из: Существительного (в общем падеже) + инфинитив = инфинитивный оборот или Местоимения (в объектном падеже) Переводится сложное дополнение придаточными предложениями. I want you to stay - Я хочу, чтобы вы остались. We like children to go to the park. - Мне нравится, когда дети гуляют в парке. 3. Переведите данные предложения, используя сложное дополнение. 1) We saw a sportsman running in the field. 2) I want you to do morning exercises every day. 3) We made him be careful during his morning training. 4) All people like sportsmen to win competitions. 5) I hate people to waste their time. 6) Let him talk to her. 7) They made me repeat my story. 4. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя сложное дополнение. 1) Я хочу, чтобы вы были более внимательны во время тренировки. 2) Тренер заставила меня повторить это упражнение еще раз. 3) Нам лучше войти в спортзал: я не хочу, чтобы вы простудились. 4) Она не ожидала, что у вас возникнут проблемы. 5) Мы рассчитывали, что он нам поможет. 6) Мы ожидаем, что он победит завтра. 5.Измените следующие предложения, употребляя сложное дополнение Example: I expect that she will send me a letter. I expect her to send me a letter 1) I know that my friend is a good sportsman. 2) He expected that she would do the work. 3) I know that my brother is a good fighter. 4) I did not expect that the students would forget about tests.
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Old athletes are often able to compete in endurance exercises with young people because old athletes often have higher proportions of slow twitch fibers. Additionally, their physical abilities seemed to decline due to a so called “detraining effect” that may result from a decrease in training and influence of age on the levels, frequency or intensity of training. Researchers have found that old athletes make quick improvements when they start training and do regularly exercises. Proper nutrition for old athletes may also help them to protect their joints from age-related degeneration and preserve their physical form and memory. Old athletes know that their joints become less flexible and as a result they lose their previous range of motion during their training. Lack and limitation of physical exercises can compromise physical abilities of old athletes. The following nutrients are said to be of particular importance for every old athlete, and may help everyone: Vitamin C is necessary for collagen formation, it improves joints. Omega - 3 oils (you may take it from nuts, seeds, oily fish and wheat) are useful for state of skin. Sulphur - containing amino acids (you may find in some vegetables, meat, poultry, fish and dairy products) are helpful for joint cartilage health. Bioflavonoid (all fruit and vegetables, and buckwheat) are necessary for improving local circulation. Antioxidants (selenium and vitamin E) are well enough for protection against the damaging free radicals that are concentrated in the body with age. The scientists pointed out that endurance performance for men may reach their peaks when they are twenty and may decline by 4 percent by age of 55, as for women’s endurance may reach peaks when the women are 30. So we may see that there is a difference between men’s and women’s strength and physical power. There is evidence that old athletes who usually do different exercises improve their physical state and protect their brains, minds (particularly memory) from age-related decline.
Инфинитивный оборот в функции сложного подлежащего Сложное подлежащее состоит из существительного в общем падеже или местоимения в именительном падеже и инфинитива. Существительное (в общем падеже) или + инфинитив = инфинитивный оборот Местоимения (в именительном падеже) He is believed to know English. – Считается, что он знает английский язык. Сложное подлежащее употребляется с глаголами в физического восприятия: to see, to hear, to notice, Принуждения: to make, предположения, ожидания: to expect, to think, to believe, to know, to say. to report, to consider и др. The girl was seen to dance. – Видели, как девочка танцевала.
1. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на инфинитивные обороты. 1) Many athletes are known to take part in competitions. 2) You are supposed to come in time for training. 3) The old athletes were seen in the field. 4) He was known to be a good sportsman. 5) The proper nutrition seemed to improve his health. 6) The old people are known to have some problems with their health. 2. Переведите предложения с русского на английский язык. 1) Пожилой атлет, кажется, устал. 2) Оказалось, что мы видели этого атлета на экранах телевизоров. 3) Вы случайно не видели нашего тренера? 4) Он оказался хорошим спортсменом. 5) Мы хотим, чтобы вы занимались больше. 6) Мы видели, как он занимался самостоятельно. 7) Считают, что физические упражнения помогают продлить молодость. 3. Раскройте скобки, учитывая особенности употребления условных предложений. 1) If my friend (to come) to see me, I (to be) very glad. 2) If the athletes (to return) early, we (to watch) football match. 3) If I (to live) near a big river, I (to swim) in it. 4) If we (not to come), you (to be angry)? 5) If our athlete were in Poland, he (to win) in the contest. 4. Переведите следующие предложения. 1) Ей рассказали об этом спортсмене. 2) О нем напишут интересную статью. 3) Ее пригласили на соревнования по дартсу. 4) Им позволили заниматься спортом. 5) О юных спортсменах хорошо заботятся. 5.Измените следующие предложения, употребляя сложное подлежащее. Example: It seemed that they had lost their money. They seemed to have lost their money. 1) It appeared that he had not done the exercise yet. 2) It seemed they have heard about importance of sport. 3) It turned out that my prediction was correct. 4) It seemed that their discussion was coming to an end. 5) It happened that this work had taken much time. 6. Напишите аннотацию к тексту, смотрите образец в приложении А.
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