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(1) Our life goes on and nothing can stay the same for a long time without being changed to satisfy modern needs. The College plans to modernize its current site in a multimillion pound investment to upgrade its buildings and create a new campus. The College has secured support and funding for the project and is now looking for a suitable developer to take the project forward. Although no formal plans have been filed at this stage, the College administration aims to reconstruct the existing location with new buildings in one area and sell the remaining land for further development. The total amount of spending for the whole project will be about £40 million. (2) We are aware of people’s worries concerning the redevelopment of the site, but we cannot continue in the present buildings in the long term. They have become tired and unworkable and are now proving very costly to maintain – that is money that should be spent directly on teaching and learning. The buildings do not meet our needs for the 21st century and our students’ requirements. Frankly speaking they are outdated. (3) The quality of the teaching and learning at the College will always be the most important thing. That’s why we intend to create a brand new College campus. We want our students to have the opportunity to learn in modern, up-to-date facilities. This investment is timed to make sure that our future students will also have top-class facilities. (4) During the creation of our new campus, we aim to ensure that the reconstruction takes place away from any buildings that will still be in use. An appraisal of all the existing buildings will be carried out to make sure that they are capable of providing a suitable learning environment until the new buildings are complete. If necessary, some money will be available to ensure that these buildings remain fit-for-purpose until the new buildings are ready. (5) We are determined to work closely with our local neighbors on this project. Though there will be a formal public consultation process as part of the planning procedures, we will also be inviting our immediate local residents to more informal meetings where we can pay our full attention to their views and opinions. Our consultants are beginning to work on putting together plans that will give us an idea of what the new campus will look like. We will consult closely with local people as the project progresses. Our intention is to create a College that benefits everyone. Задание 2. Установите соответствия заголовков A-F абзацам текста 1-5. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. Один заголовок в задании лишний. A Classes will continue B The financial benefit for others of staying in the same place C Our attitude will never change D The plan and the cost E No choice F Friendly discussions Задание 3. Найдите слова в тексте, которые: 1. начинается на букву “s” и означает help, assistance (параграф 1); 2. начинается на букву “r” и означает need, want (параграф 2); 3. начинается на букву “o” и означает chance, occasion (параграф 3); 4. начинается на букву “a ” и означает evaluation (параграф 4); 5. начинается на букву “i” и означает aim, goal, purpose (параграф 5). Задание 4. Отметьте правдивые и ложные высказывания в соответствии с содержанием текста. 1. The amount of £40 million is already being spent on repairs. 2. There will be new college buildings constructed. 3. The quality of teaching is still the main thing for the college administration. 4. The consultations will take place with foreign partners only. No local people will be involved in the process. Задание 5. Выпишите из текста все неправильные глаголы в трех формах и переведите. Задание 6. Измените следующие предложения, используя конструкцию there + be. 1. That’s why we intend to create a brand new College campus. 2. We will consult closely with local people as the project progresses. Задание 7. Подчеркните сказуемое в следующих предложениях, укажите видовременную форму, залог. 1. The College has secured support and funding for the project and is now looking for a suitable developer to take the project forward. 2. We are determined to work closely with our local neighbors on this project. 3. If necessary, money will be available to ensure that these buildings remain fit-for-purpose until the new buildings are ready. Задание 8. Преобразуйте предложения в пассивную форму и переведите. 1. The total amount of spending for the whole project will be about £40 million. 2. Our intention is to create a College that benefits everyone. Задание 9. Cоставьте 10 вопросов различного типа к любым предложениям из текста. Задание 10. Изложите краткое содержание текста в 100 словах (артикли и предлоги считаются отдельными словами).
Вариант № 3 Задание 1. Прочтите текст и переведите первый абзац письменно. SUSHI IN THE USA (1) Pizza, hot dogs, burgers, fries, raw fish. Raw fish? Junk food in America is changing. Sushi, the thousand-year-old Japanese delicacy, was once thought of in this country as unpalatable and too exotic. But tastes differ. Starting in the 1970s, Americans became increasingly more aware of diet and health issues, and began refusing from their traditional red-meat diets in favor of healthier, lower-fat choices such as fish, poultry, whole grains, rice, and vegetables. The way food was cooked began to change, too; rather than frying food, people started opting for broiled, steamed, and raw versions. Sushi, acombination of rice and fish, fit the bill. Besides, that same decade saw Japan become an important global economic force, and companies began flocking to the country to do business. All Japanese things, including decor, clothing, and cuisine, became popular. (2)Sushi started small in the United States, in a handful of restaurants in big cities. But it caught on. Today, sushiconsumption in American restaurants is 40% greater than it was in the late 1990s, according to the National Restaurant Association. The concession stands at almost every major league stadium sell sushi, and many colleges and universities offer it in their dining halls and canteens. But they’re not just eating it out. The National Sushi Association reports that there are over 5,000 sushibars in supermarkets, and that number is growing monthly. This incredible growth in availability and consumption points to the fact that Americans have decided that sushi isn’t just good for them, or just convenient, but that this once-scorned food is truly delicious. The origins of this food trend may be found in Asia, where it was developed as a way of preserving fish. Fresh, cleaned fish was pressed between rice and salt and weighted with a heavy stone over a period of several months. During this time, the rice fermented, producing lactic acid that pickled and preserved the fish. For many years, the fish waseaten and the rice was cast. But about 500 years ago, that changed, and hako-zushi (boxed sushi) was created. In this type of sushi, the rice and fish are pressed together in a box, and are consumed together. (3) In 1824, Yohei Hanaya of Edo (now called Tokyo) eliminated the fermentation process, and began serving fresh slices of seafood onbases of vinegared rice. The vinegar was probably used to mimic the taste of fermented sushi. In fact, the word sushi actually refers to any vinegared rice dish, and not to the fish, as many Americans believe (the fish is called sashimi). In Japanese, when sushi is combined with a modifier, it changes to the word zushi. Chef Yohei’s invention, called nigiri zushi, is still served today. It now refers to a slice of fish (cooked or uncooked) that is pressed by hand onto a serving of rice. Popular choices include ama ebi (raw shrimp), shime saba (marinated mackerel), and maguro (tuna). In addition to the vinegar flavor in the rice, nigiri zushi typically contains a taste of horseradish (wasabi), and is served with soy sauce for dipping. Maki zushi contains strips of fish or vegetables rolled in rice and wrapped in thin sheets of nori, or dried seaweed. Popular ingredients include smoked salmon, fresh crab, shrimp, octopus, raw clams, and sea urchin. Americans have invented many of their own maki zushi combinations, including the California roll, which contains imitation crabmeat and avocado. They have also made innovations in the construction of maki zushi. Some American sushi bars switch the placement of nori and rice, while others don’t use nori, and instead roll the maki zushiin fish roe. These colorful, crunchy eggs add to the visual and taste appeal of the dish. Задание 2. Ответьте на вопросы по содержанию текста. 1. According to the passage, what other food also gained popularity in the 1970s? a. salads b. pepperoni pizza c. fried chicken d. fast-food burgers e. fried rice 2. What was Yohei Hanaya’s contribution to sushi? a. He pressed the fish and rice together in a box. b. He introduced the population of Edo to the dish. c. He smoked the fish before putting it on vinegared rice. d. He used wasabito flavor it. e. He used raw fish. 3. The passage describes Americans’ sushiconsumption as a. more than it was five years ago. b. important when watching baseball. c. taking place firstly in their homes. d. a trend due to supermarket marketing. e. beginning for many in college. 4. What happens when fish is pickled? a. It becomes crisp. b. It turns green. c. It melts into the rice. d. It is preserved. e. It gets dry. Задание 3. Найдите слова в тексте, которые: 1. начинается на букву “u” и означает distasteful (параграф 1); 2. начинается на букву “f” и означает power, energy (параграф 1); 3. начинается на букву “c” и означает use (параграф 2); 4. начинается на букву “c” и означает handy (параграф 2); 5. начинается на букву “f” и означает taste, smell (параграф 3). Задание 4. Подберите антонимы к следующим словам из текста. 1. refuse, 2. change, 3. major, 4. include, 5. wrap. Задание 5. Выпишите из текста все неправильные глаголы в трех формах и переведите. Задание 6. Измените следующие предложения, используя конструкцию there + be. 1. In Japanese, when sushi is combined with a modifier, it changes to the word zushi. 2. Popular ingredients include smoked salmon, fresh crab, shrimp, octopus, raw clams, and sea urchin. Задание 7. Подчеркните сказуемое в следующих предложениях, укажите видовременную форму, залог. 1. Sushi, the thousand-year-old Japanese delicacy, was once thought of in this country as unpalatable and too exotic. 2. The origins of this food trend may be found in Asia, where it was developed as a way of preserving fish. 3. In this type of sushi, the rice and fish are pressed together in a box, and are consumed together. Задание 8. Преобразуйте предложения в пассивную форму и переведите. 1. TheNational Sushi Association reports that there are over 5,000 sushi bars in supermarkets, and that number is growing monthly. 2. Americans have invented many of their own maki zushicombinations, including the California roll, which contains imitation crabmeat and avocado. Задание 9. Cоставьте 5 вопросов различного типа к любым предложениям из текста. Задание 10. Изложите краткое содержание текста в 100 словах (артикли и предлоги считаются отдельными словами).
Вариант № 4 Задание 1. Прочтите текст и переведите третий абзац письменно.
Дата добавления: 2014-11-24; просмотров: 497; Нарушение авторских прав ![]() Мы поможем в написании ваших работ! |