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(1) A successful businessman Milton S. Hershey was born near the small village of Derry Church, Pennsylvania, in 1857. It was a start that did not foretell his later popularity. Milton attended school through the fourth grade; at that point, he was apprenticed to a printer in a nearby town. Fortunately for all chocolate lovers, Milton did not excel as a printer. After a while, he left the printing business and was apprenticed to a Lancaster, Pennsylvania candy maker. It was apparent he had found his calling in life, and at the age of eighteen, he opened his own candy store in Philadelphia. In spite of his talents as a candy maker, the shop failed after six years.

(2) It may seem as a surprise to current Milton Hershey fans, but his first candy success came with the manufacture of caramel. After the failure of his Philadelphia store, Milton headed for Denver, where he learned the art of making caramels. There he took a job with a local manufacturer who insisted on using fresh milk in making his caramels; Milton saw that this made the caramels especially tasty. After a time in Denver, Milton once again attempted to open his own candy-making businesses, in Chicago, New Orleans, and New York City. Finally, in 1886, he went to Lancaster, Pennsylvania, where he raised the money necessary to try again. This company - the Lancaster Caramel Company - established Milton’s reputation as a master candy maker.

(3) In 1893, Milton attended the Chicago International Exposition, where he saw a display of German chocolate-making implements. Fascinated by the equipment, he purchased it for his Lancaster candy factory and began producing chocolate, which he used for coating his caramels. By the next year, production had grown to include cocoa, sweet chocolate, and baking chocolate. The Hershey Chocolate company was born in 1894 as a subsidiary of the Lancaster Caramel Company. Six years later, Milton sold the caramel company, but retained the rights, and the equipment, to make chocolate. He believed that a large market of chocolate consumers was waiting for someone to produce reasonably priced candy. He was right.

(4) Milton Hershey came back to the village, which was his motherland, in the heart of dairy country, and opened his chocolate manufacturing plant. With access to all the fresh milk he needed, he started producing the finest milk chocolate. The plant that opened in a small Pennsylvania village in 1905 is today the largest chocolate factory in the world and its production is favorite all over the world.

(5) The area where the factory is located is now known as Hershey, Pennsylvania. Within the first decades of its existence, the town of Hershey thrived, as did the chocolate business. A bank, a school, churches, a department store, even a park and a trolley system all appeared very quickly; the town soon even had a zoo. Today, a visit to the area reveals the Hershey Medical Center, Milton Hershey School, and Hershey’s Chocolate World - a theme park where visitors are greeted by a giant Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup. All of these things - and a huge number of happy chocolate lovers - were made possible because a caramel maker visited the Chicago Exposition of 1893!

Задание 2. Ответьте на вопросы по содержанию текста.

1. According to information contained in the passage, the reader can infer which of the following?

a. Chocolate is popular in every country in the world.

b. Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups are manufactured by the Hershey Chocolate Company.

c. Chocolate had never been manufactured in the United States before Milton Hershey did it.

d. The Hershey Chocolate Company now makes more money from Hershey’s Chocolate World than from the manufacture and sale of chocolate.

2. Which of the following best defines the word subsidiary as used in paragraph 3?

a. a company owned entirely by one person

b. a company founded to support another company

c. a company that is not incorporated

d. a company controlled by another company

3. The writer’s main purpose in this passage is to

a. recount the founding of the Hershey Chocolate Company.

b. describe the process of manufacturing chocolate.

c. compare the popularity of chocolate to other candies.

d. explain how apprenticeships work.

4. The mention of the Chicago International Exposition of 1893 in the passage indicates that

a. the exposition in Chicago is held once every three years.

b. the theme of the exposition of 1893 was “Food from Around the World”.

c. the exposition contained displays from a variety of countries.

d. the site of the exposition is now a branch of the Hershey Chocolate Company.

Задание 3. Найдите слова в тексте, которые:

1. начинается на букву “a” и означает obvious, evident (параграф 1);

2. начинается на букву “f” и означает misfortune, flop (параграф 2);

3. начинается на букву “p” и означает buy, gain (параграф 3);

4. начинается на букву “d” и означает creamery (параграф 4);

5. начинается на букву “t” и означает prosper (параграф 5).

Задание 4. Подберите антонимы к следующим словам из текста.

1. attend,

2. excel,

3. necessary,

4. reasonably,

5. giant.

Задание 5. Выпишите из текста все неправильные глаголы в трех формах и переведите.

Задание 6. Подчеркните сказуемое в следующих предложениях, укажите видовременную форму, залог.

1. It was apparent he had found his calling in life, and at the age of eighteen, he opened his own candy store in Philadelphia.

2. The Hershey Chocolate company was born in 1894 as a subsidiary of the Lancaster Caramel Company.

3. The area where the factory is located is now known as Hershey, Pennsylvania.

Задание 7. Измените следующие предложения, используя конструкцию there + be.

1. In spite of his talents as a candy maker, the shop failed after six years.

2. By the next year, production had grown to include cocoa, sweet chocolate, and baking chocolate.

Задание 8. Преобразуйте предложения в пассивную форму и переведите.

1. Six years later, Milton sold the caramel company, but retained the rights, and the equipment, to make chocolate.

2. The plant that opened in a small Pennsylvania village in 1905 is today the largest chocolate factory in the world.

Задание 9. Cоставьте 5 вопросов различного типа к любым предложениям из текста.

Задание 10. Изложите краткое содержание текста в 100 словах (артикли и предлоги считаются отдельными словами).


Вариант № 7

Задание 1. Прочтите текст и переведите третий абзац письменно.

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