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(1) The worst and longest economic crisis in the twentieth century, the Great Depression in the United States, had devastating consequences for American society. At its lowest depth (1932–33), more than 16 million people were unemployed, more than 5,000 banks closed, and over 85,000 businesses failed. Millions of Americans lost their jobs, their savings, and even their homes. The homeless built shacks for temporary shelter - these emerging shantytowns were nicknamed “Hoovervilles,” a bitter homage to President Herbert Hoover, who refused to give government assistance to the jobless. Farmerswere hit especially hard. A severe drought and the economic crisis ruined small farms throughout the Great Plains as productive farmland turned to dust and crop prices dropped by 50%. Severe unemployment rates and a sharp drop in the production and sales of goods as the effects of the American depression could also be felt abroad,where many European nations were still trying to recover from World War I. (2) Though the stock market crash happened in 1929 marked the onset of the depression, it was not thecause of it: deep underlying fissures already existed in the economy of America’s Roaring Twenties. For instance,the tariff and war-debt policies after World War I contributed to the instability of the banking system. American banks made loans to European countries following World War I. However, the United States kept high tariffs on goods imported from other nations. These policies worked against one another: if other countries could not sell goods in the United States, they could not make enough money to pay back their loans or to buy American goods. (3) While the United States seemed to be enjoying a prosperous period in the 1920s, the wealth was not evenly distributed. Businesses made gains in productivity, but only one segment of the population - the wealthy - got large profits. Workers received only a small share of the wealth they helped produce. At the same time, Americans spent more than they earned. Advertising encouraged Americans to buy cars, radios, and household appliances instead of saving or purchasing only what they could afford. Easy credit polices allowed consumers toborrow money and accumulate debt. Investors also wildly speculated on the stock market, often borrowing money on credit to buy shares of a company. Stocks increased beyond their worth, but investors were willing to pay inflated prices because they believed stocks would continue to rise. The situation changed tremendously in the fall of 1929, when investors lostconfidence that stock prices would keep rising. As investors sold off stocks, the market went down. The stock market crash affected the economy excessively. Задание 2. Ответьте на вопросы по содержанию текста. 1. The passage is best described as a. an account of the causes and effects of a major event. b. a statement supporting the value of federal social policies. c. a condemnation of outdated beliefs. d. a polite response to a controversial issue. e. a comparison of economic conditions in the 1930s and that of today. 2. The author cites the emergence of “Hoovervilles” as an example of a. federally sponsored housing programs. b. the resilience of Americans who lost their jobs, savings, and homes. c. the government’s unwillingness to assist citizens in desperate circumstances. d. a new paradigm of “safety net” social programs introduced by the government. e. the effectiveness of the Hoover administration in dealing with the crisis. 3. The term policies most nearly means a. theories. b. practices. c. laws. d. examples. e. problems. Задание 3. Найдите слова в тексте, которые: 1. начинается на букву “h” и означает respect, esteem (параграф 1); 2. начинается на букву “s” и означает strict (параграф 1); 3. начинается на букву “o” и означает beginning, start (параграф 2); 4. начинается на букву “a” и означает machine, device (параграф ); 5. начинается на букву “w” и означает rich (параграф 3). Задание 4. Подберите антонимы к следующим словам из текста. 1. sharp, 2. instability, 3. allow, 4. borrow, 5. rise. Задание 5. Выпишите из текста все неправильные глаголы в трех формах и переведите. Задание 6. Измените следующие предложения, используя конструкцию there + be. 1. American banks made loans to European countries following World War I. 2. Businesses made gains in productivity, but only one segment of the population - the wealthy - got large profits. Задание 7. Подчеркните сказуемое в следующих предложениях, укажите видовременную форму, залог. 1. At its lowest depth (1932–33), more than 16 million people were unemployed, more than 5,000 banks closed, and over 85,000 businesses failed. 2. While the United States seemed to be enjoying a prosperous period in the 1920s, the wealth was not evenly distributed. 3. These policies worked against one another: if other countries could not sellgoods in the United States, they could not make enough money to pay back their loans or to buy American goods. Задание 8. Преобразуйте предложения в пассивную форму и переведите. 1. The situation changed tremendously in the fall of 1929, when investors lostconfidence that stock prices would keep rising. 2. The stock market crash happened in 1929 marked the onset of the depression. Задание 9. Cоставьте 5 вопросов различного типа к любым предложениям из текста. Задание 10. Изложите краткое содержание текста в 100 словах (артикли и предлоги считаются отдельными словами).
Вариант № 8 Задание 1. Прочтите текст и переведите пятый абзац письменно.
Дата добавления: 2014-11-24; просмотров: 297; Нарушение авторских прав ![]() Мы поможем в написании ваших работ! |