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___1___ and so they buy tickets every week hoping for a dream come true. People think that when they win they will be able to stop working and live a luxurious life. But if their numbers really do come up, that dream often becomes a nightmare.

___2___ When he found out he was going to receive a $2 million payout in the lottery, he immediately quit work, lent money to all his friends, whether or not they would be able to pay it back, and went out on a wild spending spree. Within months he had huge credit card debts and no money left to pay them. A year later, he took a job as a sales clerk to try to make ends meet.

___3___ Did it bring her happiness? Not exactly. She and her husband immediately started fighting over money. She couldn't believe that he was wasting money on electronic toys and devices for himself, while he objected to her buying expensive cars for her family. They ended up in court in a trial that cost them both hundreds of thousands of dollars and, of course, they're now divorced.

___4___ Everyone, from crazy inventors to people needing help putting their kids through college, wanted a donation from them. Their own kids lost all their friends when they moved house to a more expensive neighborhood and they spent way too much time and energy worrying about their own safety. And to make matters worse, they both lost their jobs as accountants.

___5___ Well, it seems that a large win can put enormous stress on people who are not prepared for it. The majority of people who win are people who did not have a lot of money before. They tend to come from blue-collar backgrounds and have been used to working full time and living 'pay-check to pay-check'. When they get this unexpected windfall, they don't know how to cope. Very often they stop working and they move house. But these are probably the two worst things they can do. Who lives in wealthy neighborhoods? Wealthy people of course - people who are used to having and spending money. Moving to these areas alienates lottery winners from their familiar world and friends. Little by little, they lose the structure that the working day offers and they no longer have the support system of neighbors who come from similar backgrounds around them. They find themselves surrounded by strangers from a different world with different life experiences, and on top of that, they have plenty of free time on their hands.

___6___ Their friends expect them to be generous and pay for everything and they receive requests from strangers asking them to donate money to a particular cause. Very often, lottery winners do not have much experience in investing money wisely and end up making disastrous financial decisions, which quickly eat up their winnings. Plenty of past lottery winners have commented on how easy it is to spend a lot of money very quickly once they started to believe, on a daily basis, that 'money is no object'.

___7___ If you do win, the best advice is probably to get yourself some good, independent financial advice and, more importantly, to be aware that becoming rich overnight could radically change your life - and not necessarily for the better.

Задание 2. Вставьте предложения a-g в текст.

a Lynette Nichols was a bookkeeper before she won about $17 million in the lottery. 3

b So why does a sudden win cause so many problems?

c Brett Peterson was just 19 and working as a busboy in a small restaurant in California.

d So, do you still want to win the lottery?

e On top of this, big winners are not prepared for the new expectations that people now have of them.

f For many, a big win in the lottery is their dream.

g John and Sandy from Ohio won about $12 million and almost immediately the letters and phone calls started.

Задание 3. Заполните таблицу в соответствии с содержанием текста.

  Brett Lynette John and Sandy
Job(s) a) busboy b) ………… f) …………… j) …………………
How much did they win? c) ………………… g)……………… k) …………………
Main problems d) ……………… e) ………………   h) ……………… i) ………………… l) ………………… m) ………………… n) …………………

Задание 4. Объясните значения следующих слов из текста.

1. spending spree (paragraph 2).

2. objected to (paragraph 3).

3. donation (paragraph 4).

4. windfall (paragraph 5).

5. alienate (paragraph 5).

6. wisely (paragraph 6).

7. disastrous (paragraph 6).

8. eat up (paragraph 6).

9. overnight (paragraph 7).

Задание 5. Выпишите из текста все неправильные глаголы в трех формах и переведите.

Задание 6. Посмотрите, как данные фразы используются в тексте, а потом вставьте их в следующие предложения. Вы можете их немного видоизменять.

a dream come true to end up (doing something)

(to have) time on one's hands to make matters worse

money is no object way too much (something)

a Sarah is never at school and when she has _______ she gets into trouble.

b They spent all their money and _______ they then borrowed money to buy a car.

c The cost of the project doesn't matter at all._______

d We didn't know what to buy and we ______ depositing it all in a bank account that gives high interest.

e Kevin had _______ money as a kid - his parents gave him everything he wanted - and now he doesn't know how to manage his own financial affairs.

f Getting this new job was ________ for me. I really enjoy it, the hours are great and the salary is good.

Задание 7. Измените следующие предложения, используя конструкцию there + be.

1. People think that when they win they will be able to stop working and live a luxurious life.

2. But if their numbers really do come up, that dream often becomes a nightmare.

Задание 8. Подчеркните сказуемое в следующих предложениях, укажите видовременную форму, залог.

1. When he found out he was going to receive a $2 million payout in the lottery, he immediately quit work, lent money to all his friends, whether or not they would be able to pay it back, and went out on a wild spending spree.

2. A year later, he took a job as a sales clerk to try to make ends meet.

3. Very often, lottery winners do not have much experience in investing money wisely and end up making disastrous financial decisions, which quickly eat up their winnings.

Задание 9. Преобразуйте предложения в пассивную форму и переведите.

1. And to make matters worse, they both lost their jobs as accountants.

2. They find themselves surrounded by strangers from a different world with different life experiences, and on top of that, they have plenty of free time on their hands.

Задание 10. Cоставьте 5 вопросов различного типа к любым предложениям из текста.


Вариант № 9

Задание 1. Прочтите текст и переведите первый абзац письменно.

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