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Translate into Russian paying attention to the words in bold type

1. He plansto begin his scientific work in May. 2. His scientific plansare very interesting. 3. Professor Ivanov headsthe Student scientific Society. 4. He was the headof the delegation at the Congress.

7. Make sentences from the following words:

1. in future, become, doctors, will, we. 2. in Anatomy, yesterday, had, we, a lecture. 3. the library, take, the, students, from, books. 4. my, hostel, in, friend, a, lives, students’. 5. work, seminars, hard, biology, usually, I, at.

8. Translate the sentences:

1. Мой брат планирует поступить в мединститут и стать хирургом.

2. Студенты нашей группы еженедельно проводят химические эксперименты.

3. На втором курсе я вступлю (присоединюсь) в анатомическое научное общество, где студенты изучают различные органы тела.

4. Если ты много работаешь на занятиях и в лабораториях, ты будешь хорошим специалистом в медицине в будущем.

5. Многие студенты получают повышенную стипендию за отличные оценки по всем предметам.

Lesson 2

1. Read and translate:

general:in general, a general meeting, general knowledge, general subjects, general attention;

surgery:surgical, the knowledge of Surgery, a surgical department, a surgical nurse. Surgery is a clinic subject;

necessary:necessary help, necessary time, necessary knowledge, good knowledge of anatomy is necessary for us;

complete:to complete the work, to complete the course of studies, complete period of rest;

field:an important field of medicine, to work in the field of Surgery, in the field of medical research. He is a specialist in many fields;

course:in the course of events, the course of illness.

2. Translate the following words and phrases:

1. human anatomy; 2. during the three-years' period; 3. to diagnose a disease; 4. to carry out laboratory analyses; 5. at the end of; 6. to gain knowledge (experience); 7. work appointment; 8. to treat people for different diseases with medicines.

3. Fill in the blanks with the proper pronouns:

1. I would like some ice in … orange juice. 2. We would like to have breakfast in … room. 3. Would you like wine with … meal? 4. The children would like to watch TV in … room. 5. We’d like some milk on … cereal. 6. Would you like tonic with … gin? 7. They’d like lunch in … cabinet. 8. She’d like a slice of lemon in … tea.

4. Translate the pronouns in brackets:

1.1 saw (его) and (его) sisters. 2. We know (их) and (их) children. 3. She teaches (нам) Biology. 4. (Наш) Institute is in Kirov street. 5. He likes (свою) work. 6.1 see a car. I see (ее) well. (Ее) colour is black. 7. Do you know (ее) and (ее) brothers? 8. He meets (меня) every day.

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