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Read and translate the text


October 15, 2006

Dear Alexander,

I am eager to tell you that I am a first-year student of a Medical Institute at present. In six years I'll graduate from this Institute and become a doctor. My duty will be to treat people and fight against different diseases.

In July I arranged all my affairs to be admitted to the Institute. I got a medical certificate, handed in my matric­ulation certificate and the application for admission to this higher school. I followed my father's advice and began to work hard for my competitive entrance examinations. I passed my competitive entrance examinations and was admitted to the Institute.

Let me tell you something about our group. There are 20 students in our group. All of us attend our classes regu­larly and never miss the lectures. We all take an active part in the Institute social life. Our students who live at the Institute hostel as well as those who live with their parents can always have their dinner at our Institute canteen. Most of us get scholarships and have all the necessary textbooks which we get from our library.

The first-year curriculum includes many subjects. Anat­omy is the most important subject in the first year. Our timetable includes six periods of Anatomy weekly. I am greatly interested in Anatomy and Histology and pay great attention to these subjects. During our practical studies in some other subjects we often carry out experiments in differ­ent laboratories. Sometimes we receive very interesting findings. We also take notes of the lectures delivered by professors of medicine.

Some of my fellow students belong to our scientific circles. They .carry on different experiments on animals, spend much time on research work and cope with it well. Most of the members of these circles are senior students who have a good knowledge of medicine. Many of them are going to attend post-graduate courses.

As I am friendly with most of my fellow students I spend all my spare time together with them. We attend discussions, go to the theatre and the cinema and arrange evening parties.

I expect to go home for my winter vacation because I miss my parents and all my old schoolmates.

I hope to hear from you soon.

Your friend,


5. Answer the questions:

1. Whom did George write the letter to? 2. What is George eager to tell his friend? 3. When will George graduate from the Institute? 4. When did George arrange all his affairs to be admitted to the Institute? 5. What did George hand in to be admitted to the Institute? 6. Whose advice did George follow? 7. Where do the students live? 8. Where can the students have their dinner? 9. What subjects does the first year curriculum include? 10. What subjects does George pay great attention to? 11. What do the students do during their prac­tical studies? 12. What do the students do at the lectures? 13. What do the students do in scientific circles? 14. How do the students cope with their research work? 15. Who is going to attend post-grad­uate courses? 16. How do the students spend their spare time?


6. Find English equivalents in the text of the following word combinations and sentences:

1. справляются с ней (научной работой) хорошо; 2. я первокурсник; 3. ставить (проводить) опыты на животных; 4. программа первого года обучения включает много пред­метов; 5. подать заявление о поступлении в высшее учеб­ное заведение; 6. мне очень хочется рассказать вам, что; 7. лекции, которые читают профессора; 8. знания по медицине; 9. интересные данные (опытов); 10. мы записываем лекции; 11. напряженно работать к конкурсным вступи­тельным экзаменам; 12. принимать активное участие в об­щественной жизни института; 13. обращать большое внима­ние на; 14. моим долгом будет лечить людей; 15. заниматься в аспирантуре; 16. некоторые из моих сокурсников являются членами научных кружков; 17. через шесть лет я окончу институт.


7. Put in articles where required:

1. ... first year curriculum of our Institute includes many subjects such as ... Biology, ... Physics and so on. 2. My fellow student knows ... Anatomy well because he works hard at it. 3. ... subjects, which ... second-year students of our Institute study, are not difficult. 4. He knows ... Chemistry because it is his favourite subject. 5. In ... May we shall take ... examination in ... Anatomy and I hope to cope with it well. 6. ... medical students carry on ... experiments on ... animals in ... differ­ent laboratories. 7. ... my sister graduated from ... Insti­tute ... last year. 8. We arranged ... evening party on ... 8th of ... March to celebrate ... International Women's Day. 9. He always copes with ... work which he carries on.


8. Fill in the blanks with prepositions and adverbs where required:

A. Last year my best friend graduated … the Medical Institute and became one ... the great army ... Russian doctors. Besides practical medicine my friend is greatly interested ... research work and carries .... different experi­ments... animals. Some findings ... his experiments are very interesting. His research work will help him to fight ... all diseases.

B. 1. We carry ... interesting experiments... the Institute laboratories which have all the necessary equipment. 2. All the students ... our group attend lectures delivered ... professors ... medicine. 3. My sister is a third-year student ... this Medical Institute. She is greatly interested ... Anatomy and pays great attention ... this subject. 4. Some ... my fel­low students belong ... our scientific circles where they carry ... different experiments. 5. Professor Smirnov is interested ... the findings ... my experiments. 6. I hope my brother will cope ... studies. 7. Yesterday we studied the plan … your research work. 8. Everybody took part ... the discussion ... some findings ... this experiment. 9. This experiment is .difficult. Please pay more attention ... it. 10. All the stu­dents ... our group take an active part ... the Institute social life. 11. Most ... us live ... the Institute hostel, only my fellow student lives ... his parents. 12. I usually have my dinner ... our Institute canteen. 13. Our Government pays great atten­tion ... the whole system ... education. 14. ... our practical studies we receive much knowledge ... medicine. 15. Last year doctor Ivanov treated me ... the grippe ... penicillin.

9. Make the following sentences negative:

1. Olga graduated from the Institute a year ago. 2. 1 shall study in the second year in 2007. 3. My fellow student copes with his task well. 4. My friend is eager to be admitted to this Institute. 5. Professor Smirnov will deliver lectures in Chemistry every morning. 6. My elder brother carried on experiments in the physics laboratory every day. 7. These students study in the second year. 8. That senior student arranged all his affairs in time. 9. Yesterday the students of our group took notes of the lecture in Biology. 10. My fellow student is interested in Physics.


10. Put in the proper form of the required Objective pronoun:

1. Do you know my fellow student? I am friendly with ... as we are greatly interested in the same subjects. 2. Some days ago I got some interesting laboratory findings of my experiments. Did you pay attention to ...? 3. 1 went home for my winter vacation. Let … tell ... how I spent ... . 4. The lec­tures are very interesting. The students never miss ... . 5. Her father is a doctor. He carries on research work in medicine and devotes (посвящает, отдает) his whole life to… . 6. They know ... and my sister well. 7. The students of our group like to attend symphony concerts. There are many music lovers among .... 8. This is a book on Physics. I am going to read ... . 9. Last term (семестр) we worked hard for our examinations. This work was useful for ... and we passed ... successfully. 10. My fellow student has just returned from Moscow. I am eager to see ... .


11. Make up special questions on the words in bold type:

1. Anatomy is a very important subject for medical students. 2. My fiend's brother entered this Medical Insti­tute last year. 3. He attends post-graduate courses because he wants to be a scientist. 4. .My elder brother handed in an application for admission to the Polytechnical Institute the day before yesterday. 5. All our students take notes of the lectures delivered by Professor Semyonov. 6. This doctor treated my fellow student for the grippe two weeks ago. 7. On the 10th of June my fellow student will attend an interesting lecture in Biology. 8. I decided to work hard at my Anatomy because I am greatly interested in this sub­ject. 9. The findings of our experiments are very important. 10. All the students of our group cope with their English.


12. Change the tense of the sentences from the Present Simple into the Past and Future Simple and make all other necessary changes:

1. All the students of our group cope with their task. 2. Our students take an active part in the Institute social life. 3. He arranges his affairs for admission to the Institute. 4. My fellow student goes home .for his winter vacation in January. 5. I hand in an application for admission to the Medi­cal Institute. 6. The students carry on experiments on animals during their practical studies. 7. We get our matriculation certificate after finishing school. 8. The doctor treats this little girl for the grippe at her home.


13. Express the following sentences in the Plural:

1. That subject was very important. 2. This doctor carries on his experiment on a rabbit. 3. That is my fellow student's text-book. 4. My fellow student pays great attention to this subject. 5. That student lives at our Institute hostel. 6. That doctor treated a patient successfully.


14. Make up your own situations on the following topics using the given words:

1. My fellow students...

to study in the first year; to belong to a scientific circle; to live at a hostel; to take an active part in smth; to be friendly with smb

2. My Institute studies...

a curriculum; to include; to take notes of a lecture; to attend practical classes; to miss a lecture; to carry on an experiment; to pay great attention to smth; to be interested in smth.; knowledge of medicine.


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