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capital- столица


3. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. Where is the United Kingdom situated? _____________________________________________

2. What ocean and seas are the British Isles washed by? ___________________________________

3. How many parts does Great Britain consist of and what are they called? ____________________


4. Are there any high mountains in Great Britain?________________________________________

5. What mineral resources is Great Britain rich in? _______________________________________

6. What is the climate like in Great Britain? ____________________________________________

7. What is the population of Great Britain? _____________________________________________

8. What city is the capital of the UK?________________________________________________



Lesson 11

Grammar theme: Особые случаи образования степеней сравнения прилагательных.


Некоторые прилагательные образуют степень сравнения не по правилам (исключения):

1. Исключения:    
good better the best
bad worse the worst
little less the least
many/much more the most
far farther/further the farthest/the furthest
old older/elder the oldest/the eldest
2. as…as as long as My brother is as tall as me.
  as soon as  
not so…as not so tall as My brother is not so slim as my sister.

Для сравнения двух предметов одинакового качества прилагательное ставится между as …as (такой же …как). В отрицательных предложениях употребляется so…as.



1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся фор­му прилагательного.

1. We should eat (healthy) _______________food. 2. Today the streets aren't as (clean) _________as they used to be. 3. It's (bad) ___________mistake he has ever made. 4. This man is (tall)______________ than that one. 5. Asia is (large) ____________than Australia. 6. The Volga is (short) _____________than the Mississippi. 7. Which build­ing is the (high) ____________in Moscow? 8. Mary is a (good) ____________stu­dent than Lucy. 9. The Alps are (high)______________ than the Urals. 10. This garden is the (beautiful) __________________in our town. 11. She speaks Italian (good) ____________than English. 12, Is the word 'newspaper" (long) _____________than the word "book"? 13. The Thames is (short) ____________than the Volga. 14. The Arctic ocean is (cold) __________________than the Indian Ocean. 15. Chinese is (difficult) ___________________than English. 16. Spanish is (easy) _________________than German. 17. She is not so (busy) ___________________as I am. 18. It is as (cold) _________________today as it was yesterday.


2. Вставьте as ... as, so ... as или than.

1. Our house is not ... big ... yours. 2. The new cinema in our district is much bigger ... the old one. 3. We are ... proud of our district ... you are of yours. 4. The house I live in is ... old ... the one my sister lives in. 5. Exercise No.2 is easier ... Exercise No.3. 6. Nevsky Prospect is more beauti­ful ... our street. 7. My composition is not ... long ... yours.


3. Вставьте as ... as или so ... as.

1 Mike is ... tall ... Pete. 2. Kate is not ... nice Arm- 3- My room is ... light ... this one. 4. This book is not ... thin ... that one. 5. Sergei is ... old ... Michael. 6. She is ... young ... Tom's brother. 7. This woman is ... good ... that one. 8. Nick's English is not ... good ... his friend's. 9. I am not ... tall ... Pete. 10. This woman is ... young ... that one. 11. I am ... thin ... you. 12. Kate is ... lazy ... her brother. 13. This child is not ... small ... that one.


Lexical theme: "Great Britain: industry and agriculture"


1. Прочитайте, переведите текст.

The population of the United Kingdom is about 60 million people. Great Britain is a highly industrialized country. London is an important industrial centre. Clothes, food, planes and cars are made in London.

Machines, cars and lorries, TVsets and radios are produced in Birmingham.

Manchester is the center of the cotton textile industry. Computers and electronic equipment are produced here.

Coal-mining is important in South Wales.

Ship-building is developed in London, Glasgow, Belfast.

There are a lot of cattle-farms and farms where milk, cheese and butter are produced.

Wheat is grown in the east of England. Vegetables and fruit are grown in the south.


2. Выучите следующие слова наизусть.

highly industrialized – высоко промышленный

clothes – одежда

food – еда

planes – самолеты

to be made – производиться

machines – оборудование

lorry – грузовик

cotton - хлопок

equipment – оборудование

сoal-mining – угледобыча

ship-building – кораблестроение

cattle-farm – скотоводческая ферма

wheat – пшеница


3. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. What is the population of the UK?

2. What is produced in London?

3. What is produced in Birmingham?

4. What is produced in Manchester?

5. Where is ship-building developed?

6. Where are fruit, wheat and vegetables grown?

Lesson 12

Grammar theme: Количественные и порядковые числительные.

1. Числительным называется часть речи, обозначающая количество или порядок предметов при счете.
2. Числительные делятся на количественные, обозначающие количество, и порядковые, обозначающие порядок при счете.
Количественные числительные отвечают на вопрос how many? сколько?, порядковые числительные отвечают на вопрос which? который?



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