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БиологияВойнаГеографияИнформатикаИскусствоИсторияКультураЛингвистикаМатематикаМедицинаОхрана трудаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРелигияТехникаФизикаФилософияЭкономика

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!

Структура пособия

Читайте также:
  1. I. Страховой рынок и его структура.
  2. II. Административно-штатная структура, положения по управлению клуба
  3. IV. 1. Организация (структура) экосистем
  4. Абсолютные величины: понятие, структура, используемые единицы измерения
  5. Алекситимия и психосоматическая структура
  7. Базовый синтаксис С#. Структура программы
  8. Балльная структура оценки
  9. Банковская система, ее структура. Функции Центрального банка. Операции коммерческих банков.
  10. Беседа: общая структура


Настоящее учебное пособие предназначено для студентов высших учебных заведений, которые изучали английский язык в средней школе, однако, в силу различных причин не сталкивались с английским языком длительное время.

Настоящее учебное пособие состоит из двух частей. Первая часть — Вводный курс — содержит повторение правил чтения различных английских гласных и согласных. Кроме того, в первой части дается повторение глаголов to be , to have, различных местоимений, прилагательных и наречий. Вводный курс содержит 10 разделов, в которых есть уроки, содержащие фонетический и грамматический материал. В каждом уроке есть упражнения на закрепление грамматического материала, тексты для чтения и развития навыков разговорной речи, а также упражнения для выполнения дома. В конце вводного курса дана контрольная работа.

Вторая часть — Основной курс — содержит 6 разделов, в которых дан грамматический материал, тексты для чтения и беседы, образцы написания английского письма и домашние упражнения. Основной курс также оканчивается контрольной работой. В конце учебного пособия дан список неправильных глаголов.

Вводный курс




PHONETICS: правила чтения: гласные (a,e,i,y,o,u)открытый (1 тип слога), закрытый (2 тип слога), согласные Cc, Gg


GRAMMAR: повелительное наклонение, артикли.


Правила чтения


Все английские гласные буквы в открытом (1 типе слога) слоге читаются так, как они называются в алфавите.


[ei] - открытый слог : name, date, play


[æ] - закрытый слог : man, Dad, plan



[i:] открытый слог : see, tea, speak


[e] закрытый слог: send, ten, pen


[ai] открытый слог : tie, nine, fine , my, fly, type

Ii, Yy

[ i ] закрытый слог : tin, pin, miss, system, baby, lady


[ou] открытый слог : so, no, boat


[o] закрытый слог : hot, pot, spot


[ju:] открытый слог : tube, tune, student


[^] закрытый слог: bus, trust, up



Exercise I. Listen, repeat and read:


[ei] name, fate, late, table, plane


[æ] man, pan, bad, sad, glad


[ ei ], [æ] pan, flat, Ann, tape, apple, date, baby, lady, take, am, day, plan, table, ant.


Exercise II. Listen, repeat and read:


[i:] sea, tea, seat, be, bee, sea


[e] pen, seven, bed, ten, men


[i:], [e] met, meet, meat, beef, keep, kept, men, pet, bed, me, need, deep seed.


Exercise III. Listen, repeat and read:


[ai] time, my, mine, fine, fly, type, I.


[i] tin, pin, system, silly, is,it.


[ai], [i] lady, six, baby, milk, die, tie, kite, pie, fine, time, is, it, me, mine, try, dry, cry.


BUT!!! [ai] перед nd, kind, mind, find, ld, child,


Exercise IV. Listen, repeat and read:


[ou] so, no, bone home, dome


[o] on, odd, off, often, not, hot


[ou], [o] note, boat, not, hot, pot, tone, lot, bottle, dome, sofa, rose, robe, sob.


BUT!!![ou] перед ld cold, old, bold, gold.


Exercise V. Listen, repeat and read:


[u] tube, tune, student, duty,


[^] up, sun, bus, but, pub, run,


[u:], [ ٨] butter, up, student, duty,


[s] перед e, i, y - face, nice, cent, city, cycle


[k] в остальных случаях - cat, cup, clean, cap


ck [k] clock, black, kick, Jack


[g] big, glad, god, dog, go


[dз] на конце слова page, age, stage

перед e, y в начале слова general, gentle, Geography, gymnastics.


Exercise VI. Listen, repeat and read:


[s] Alice, face, nice, ice, cell


[k] sick, back, click, clap, lack, cake.


[s], [ k ] act, fact, pence, pencil, stock, block, nice, cite, city, cake, can, capital, carry, castle, catch, celebrate, century, citizen, clean, clock, crack


Exercise VII. Listen, repeat and read:


[g] gift, grace, get, glad, go


[dз] сage, page, age, bridge, storage


[g], [dз] sledge, badge, egg, age, get, glad, edge, game, gas, German, give, glass, gold, grass, general, green, grey, gun.


Повелительное наклонение (The Imperative).


to send Send a letter, please!
to read Read a letter, please!
to meet Meet Pete, please!
to stand Stand still, please!
to take Take a pen, please!
to repeat Repeat it, please!


Let’s = Let us

Let’s read

Let’s meet


Конструкция Let’s употребляется при приглашении к совместному действию, т.е. вы являетесь участником действия: Давай (те) познакомимся – Let’s meet!


Do + not + V Do not (Don’t) send a letter, please.

Don’t read a letter, please.

Don’t meet Pete, please.

Don’t stand still, please.

Don’t take a pen, please.

Don’t repeat it, please.

Don’t let’s visit him.

Don’t let’s make a cake.


Exercise YIII. Read, please and translate.


Don’t take it. Eat it, please. Let’s meet at home. Don’t help him. Translate the text for me. Don’t let’s go home. Don’t clean it. Spell it, please. Don’t let’s say it. Ask him to get it.


Exercise IX. Read, please.


Jill: It’s late.

Jane: Let me see. It’s nine.

Jill: It is. Alice is still in bed. It’s bad.

Jane: Alice, it’s late. It’s nine.

Jill: She needs tea, it seems to me. I can make nice tea.

Alice: Please, Jill. And give me a piece of cake and an apple.


Артикли (Articles)






a snake an egg
a rabbit an apple
a dog an orange
a cat an umbrella
a pen an old man


Exercise I. Use a or an


….friend, ...ball,…..boy,…..cup, …cap, …owl, …pineapple,….goldfish, …..name,…plan,

… elephant, …..astronaut, …. engineer, ….horse, ….cake, …..bottle, ….baby, ….clock.




It’s a pen. The pen’s red.

It’s a cap. The cap’s big.

It’s an apple. The apple’s red.

The map, the maps, the dog, the dogs, an egg, the eggs.


The earth, the sky, the sun, the moon, the Nile, the Angara, the Red sea, the Atlantic Ocean, the Alps, the USA, the guitar, the piano, the Chinese.




Jane, Tom, Angarsk, Italy, England, to play golf, to play tennis, to have dinner, to have lunch.


Exercise II. Write the where necessary.


…Volga, …. golf, …earth, ….UK, …..sky, ….Black sea, ….Mary, ….Urals, ….piano, …..Japanese, …Blacks, …..dinner, …Arctic Ocean.


Exercise III. Fill in: a, an or the where necessary.


1. I’ve got … umbrella.

2. …Sophia is from ….England.

3. …Mr. Black is ….doctor. He is in ….hospital now.

4. …Tom is … actor. He is …good actor.

5. ….London is in ….UK.

6. It’s ….house.

7. Earth ….is …planet.

8. …Mark is …student.

9. …Browns are in …Paris.

10. …..horses are ….domestic animals.



Exercise 1: Read the dialogue. In pairs, use your names to act out similar dialogues.


- Hi, I am Kate.

- Hi, I am Ann.

- Nice to meet you, Kate.

- Nice to meet you, too, Ann.




Exercise I. Read the words. Copy and put the nouns in the correct table.



I (открытый тип слога) II (закрытый тип слога)


name man

Pen, six, snakes, meet, tea, nine, tin, nice, five, days, names, seven pets, flat, kite, face, kind, is read, deep, often, off, home, bus, gym, tube, seat, tape, pub, fine, it, be, bee, go, cent, butter, type, sofa, hot, die, pie, keep, clock, deep, need, man, men, take, lady, my fly, egg, send, meet, god, cage, begin, cube, student, bed, bell, pencil, still, late, tell, time, ill, see, little, coat, cinema, box, sold, dog, pupil, Sunday, lazy, doll, film, nose, like, seem, visit, rice, ugly, uncle, unit, University, use, usually, over, office, oak, offer, open.


Exercise II. Fill in a, an where necessary.


1. It’s …. office.

2. I am…businessman

3. She is not …teacher.

4. He is …visitor to Russia.

5. It is …easy word.

6. Mr. Petrov is…Russian businessman.

7. These are…big offices.

8. He is …Swiss teacher.

9. Are you …Dutchman?

10. Mr. Smith is …Englishman.

11. She is …visitor to Spain.




PHONETICS: правила чтения: III тип слога; согласные: j, h, r x; буквосочетания: ch, sh, th, kn.


GRAMMAR: множественное число существительных; глагол to be. Типы вопросов (Общий вопрос, альтернативный вопрос, разделительный вопрос, специальные вопросы).



Правила чтения


Сочетание гласных букв a,e,i, y, o, u + r принято называть III типом чтения гласных.


a + r [a:] car, park, dark, far, farm


o + r [o:] form, fork, for, pork, sport


e + r [ə:] her

i + r [ə:] girl

y + r [ə:] Byrd

u + r [ə:] fur



j [dз] jam, Japan, job, join, joke


h [h] hand, hat, ham, happen, happy


r [ r ] перед гласной - read, run, river, rose, road


x [ ks ] box, fox, six


[ t∫ ] chair, cheese, teacher

ch [ k] chemistry, mechanic, school, chorus

[ ∫ ] machine


sh [ ∫ ] she, shake, shall, share, shark, shave


местоимения: they, their, them, this, that, these, those

[ð] между гласными : father, bathe, mother, brother

определенный артикль: the


[θ] в остальных случаях: thin, thick, bath, teeth, tooth


kn [ n] knight, knee, knit, knife




Exercise I . Listen, repeat and read:


[a:] car, bark, garden, start, arm, argue, army, artist, art, article, park, star, party, part.


[o:] fork, pork, short, port, lord, ford


[ə:] her, fur, turn, burn, first, girl


Exercise II. Listen, repeat and read:


[dз] June, July, Japanese, jacket, job, joke, joy, juice, jump, just


[h] help, heat, head, headache, heavy, has, hat, hard, have, her, hide


[r] rest, ride, read, red, radio, rain, reach, rich, reason, recently, remember


[ks] Rax, box, fox


Exercise III. Listen, repeat and read:


[t∫] teach, reach, speech, catch, match, touch,


[∫] mash, flash, fish, dish, she, sharp, shave, sheep, ship, shelf, shoes, shine, shirt


[Ө] - [δ] thank, than, then, theatre, there, thing, thief, think, third, three, Thursday


[n] knife, knee, know, knew, knock, knot, knowledge


Множественное число существительных


[ s, z ] ch, tch, sh, ge, ss, x + es = [ iz ] f (fe)> v+es =[ z ]
a cat - cats a match – matches a leaf – leaves
a park – parks a dish – dishes a shelf – shelves
a pen – pens a sledge – sledges a wife – wives
a girl - girls a glass – glasses BUT !!! a roof – roofs
a play – plays a box – boxes a belief – beliefs



a man – men a sheep – sheep
a woman – women a fish – fish
a tooth – teeth a deer – deer
a goose – geese an ox –oxen
a foot – feet a mouse – mice
a child – children  


The verb “to be” (present simple)


to be
am is are
I he, she, it you, we, they
I am a student. He is a student. You are students.
Am I a student? Is he a student? Are you students?
Yes, I am. Yes, he is. Yes, you are.
No, I am not. No, he is not. No, you are not.
I am not (I’m not) a student. He is not (isn’t) a student. You are not (aren’t) students


Alternative Questions.


Are trees green or yellow in winter? - They are without leaves.

Is his friend in London or Paris? - He is in Paris.

Special Questions.



what + существительное



why am

how much + is + подлежащее ?

how many are

how old

how long



Who are you? I’m Bob.
What is he? He is a doctor.
Where are they? They are at the University.
When are you at a bank? I’m at a bank at eight o’clock.


Tag (tail) questions.

+ _

You are from Russia, aren’t you? - Yes, I’m. (No, I’m not).

_ +

You aren’t from London, are you? - No, I’m not.


Dane is at the University, isn’ t he? Yes, he is.


My friend and I aren’t at work, are we? - No, we aren’t.


Bess and Betty are bosom friends, aren’t they? - Yes, they are. (No, they aren’t).


Exercise I. Put in am, is or are.


1.London…a big city. 2. My mother ….at home. 3. We…..students. 4. David …..English. 5. Mary and Steve …..very happy. 6. I ….Russian. 7. He ….from London. 8. What ……his name? 9. His name …..Dane. 10. She …..married. 11. This man …my friend. 12. It ….cold today.


Exercise II. Make the following sentences negative.


1. She is twenty. 2. My friend is ill. 3. We are at the University. 3. Pete is from Russia. 4. I am tired. 5. Mr. Black is a businessman. 6. These students are lazy.7. I am old. 8. That hat is funny. 9. This apple is red. 10. The exam is easy. 11. I am hungry. 12. He is interested in hockey.


Exercise. III. Make up general questions.


1.This seat is free. 2. He is late. 3. His pen is on the table. 4. You are interested in art. 5. My parents are from Italy. 6. It is nine o’clock. 7. It is cold today. 8. It is frosty today. 9. I am hungry.10.They are on holidays. 11. This winter is warm. 12. Ben and Tom are tall.


Exercise IV. Ask questions with Who/ What/ When/ Where/ How/ How much/ How many/How old/


1. My bag is on the bench. 2. His parents are from Canada. 3. Betty is at home at five. 4. I am twenty. 5. Ten students are at the lesson. 6. My dress is twenty nine dollars. 7. He is tired. 8. I am cold. 9. She is an economist. 10. Our teacher is angry. 11. It is seven o’clock. 12. Her name is Pat.


Exercise V. Transform these sentences into tag questions.


1. His wife is a housewife. 2. David is very busy. 3. Their children are at home. 4. The students are at the English lesson. 5. Mr. Brown is from Canada. 6. His office is not far from here. 7. The keys are in the bag. 8. It is windy today. 9. They are married. 10. My friend is a first year student.11. It is late. 12. Her child is in bed.


Exercise VI. Read the text.



London is the capital of England. It is a very big city.

There are lots of things to see in London. Trafalgar Square is popular with tourists. There is a statue of Lord Nelson there, and two beautiful fountains.

Oxford Street is a very busy place. It is famous for its shops and restaurants.

The River Thames is in the middle of London. It is 200 miles long. Tower Bridge is over the River Thames. It’s next to the Tower of London.

Buckingham Palace is where the Queen of England lives. It is very big and beautiful.

London is a wonderful city. It is a great place for a trip.




Exercise I. Read the text and ask the questions.


My name is Boris. I am Russian. I am from Sochi. I am a student. I am a first year student at the Technical University. Our University is not far from my hostel. It is a big four storey building. Our University is young. Our studies and computer studies are very comfortable. The library of our University is very rich. The swimming pool is very large and clean. My fellow students are very kind and well brought up. My friend’s name is Pete. He is a good student. He is from Pskov. He is tall and handsome. His eyes are blue. He is a fair-haired man. He is my bosom friend.


Exercise II. Translate from Russian into English.


Сегодня пятница. День холодный. Ветрено и морозно. Петр и Дейн в университете. Они на уроке английского языка. Их классная комната большая и светлая. Сегодня отсутствует два студента. Они больны?- Нет, они опаздывают. Они хорошие или плохие студенты? Они хорошие студенты, но ленивые.

-Петр, возьмите учебник, пожалуйста. Откройте его и читайте текст. Текст легкий, не так ли? – Да, он легкий.

-Дейн, дайте мне, пожалуйста, ручку.

- Это красная ручка?

- Нет, это синяя ручка.

- Дайте мне, пожалуйста, красную ручку.



PHONETICS : Gg, Rr, igh, qu, ng,nk,Ww, wh,


GRAMMAR: Местоимения (личные, притяжательные). Притяжательный падеж существительных. Глагол to have



Правила чтения



[g] bag, get, gift, girl, go, glad, begin


[dз] - на конце слова page, stage, age, badge


Rr [ r ] -перед гласным звуком red, bread, rain, train, tree, free


Qu [ kw] queen, quiet, quality, quick, question


Ng [ή] long, spring, ring, sing, song


Nk [ηk] ink, sink, bank, think, thank


Ww [w] wet, well, wind, we

Wh [w ] what, when, where, why


Wh + o [h] who, whom, whose


A + ll [o:] small, tall, ball, all, call


Y + гл. [j ] yes, yard, yet


Igh [ai] high, night, knight, bright, right



[u] перед к look, book, cook


[u:] zoo, food, tool, moon, room




Exercise I. Listen, repeat, read.


Gas, garden, game, gate, give, sledge, edge, badge, page, rain, raise, run, rich, ready, receive, remember, rest ,return, right, ring, roof, room, drink, sing, song, rink, tank, tongue, thank, which, while, whisper, wake, walk, wall, want, war, watch, way, weather, week,west,whole, whoever, yellow, yesterday, year, you, your, zoo, fool, soon, shook, hook, spoon, moon, proof, took, might, sight, bright, knight, high.


The verb to have (Present Simple)


I have (got) a son He has (got) a son
You have (got) a son She has (got) a son.
We have (got) a son It has (got) a tail.
They have (got) a son  


Have I (got) a son ? Has he(got) a son ?
Have you (got) a son ? Has she(got) a son?
Have we (got) a son? Has it(got) a tail ?
Have they (got) a son?  


I have not (got) a son. He has not (got) a son.
You have not (got) a son. She has not (got) a son.
We have not (got) a son. It has not (got) a tail.
They have not (got) a son.  


Have you a family?

John has (John’s) a flat.

I have (I’ve) got a nice dress.

We have not (haven’t) got children.

Mary has not (hasn’t) got a husband.


Exercise I. Read the sentences.


a) 1. I have a brother. 2. He has a sister. 3. She has a son and a daughter. 4. We have two children. 5. You have a niece. 6. They have an uncle and an aunt. 7. Mary has a nice house. 8. Bob has a new car. 9. I have parents. 10. She has a nephew. 11. You have a pretty baby. 12. They have a beautiful garden. 13. We have a small house. 14. He has a nice wife.

b) I don’t have a red pen. 2. He doesn’t have a new car. 3. She hasn’t got a flat. 4. We haven’t got a garden. 5. They haven’t got children. 6. Mary hasn’t got a child. 7. Bob hasn’t got a niece. 8. They haven’t got an aunt. 9. We haven’t got English books. 10. I haven’t a sister.

c) 1. Has he a family? 2. Has she a sister? 3. Have you a brother? 4. Have we an English classs on Monday? 5. Have they a nice house? 6. Has Mary a baby? 7. Has Bob a new car? 8. Have we an uncle? 9. Have I a nephew? 10. Has he a wife? 11.Has she a husband? 12. Have you a flat?


Exercise II. Change these sentences according to the model.

I have a sister. (Mary).

Mary has a sister.

1. They have a nice house (Mr. Brown). 2. Mr. Smith has a nice car (I). 3. We have breakfast at six o’clock (Mr. Black). 4. He hasn’t parents (she). 5. Have you English classes on Friday? (the students). 6. Has she a boy-friend? (he). 7. Have you an uncle? (he). 8. Has she a baby? (Pat).9. Have they two children? (Mr. and Mrs. Blake). 10. When has he breakfast? (they).


Exercise III. Fill in have (got), has (got), then write questions and negations as in the example:


1. Betty has got a cat. Has Betty got a dog? – No, Betty hasn’t got a dog.

2. Pete…. a car (a bicycle).

3. Katy …… a computer (a camera).

4. My friends …. a nice house (a flat).

5. A girl …. blonde hair (black hair).

6. They …. a calculator (a video camera).

7. We …. a fireplace (a CD player).


Exercise IV. Ask questions.


1. I’ve got three children (How many)

2. He’s got a nice flat (What).

3. We’ve got English classes today (When).

4. They’ve got many toys in the box. (Where).

5. Susan’s got a dog and a cat. (Who).


Личные местоимения Притяжательные местоимения
I my
You your
He his
She her
It its
We our
They their


Exercise V. Read and translate.


I am a teacher. I like my job. You are young and your elder sister is twenty. He’s got a wife. His wife’s nice. Betty’s got a son. Her son’s small. We are at the room. Our room’s big. They are at home. Their children are at the University.


Exercise VI. Read the text and speak about Bob’s family.


This is Bob. His family is not big: his wife and his son. Bob is an engineer. He is thirty. His wife Pat is a teacher. But now she is at home. Her son is only two years old. His name is Robert.

Bob has got parents. Their names are Ann and Pete. They are fifty-five. They have a big house not far from Bob. They are very busy in their garden. They have got a lot of beautiful flowers in their garden.


Притяжательный падеж существительных


Единственное число Множественное число
Ann has a cat = Ann’s cat children have toys = children’s toys
Pete has a hat =Pete’s hat my sisters have cats =my sisters’ cats
Bess has a dress= Bess’s dress = Bess’dress  
Max has a wife = Max’s wife = Max’ wife  
Ben Page has a dog = Ben Page’s dog  


BUT !!! yesterday’s news

today’s menu

the town’s oldest part

the world’s best chocolate


Exercise VII. Read and translate


1. Ben’s nice ties; Bill’s black pens; Em’s nice face; Pete’s black caps; Nick’s fine maps, Eve’s bad hat.

2. Tess’s neat flat; Bess’s dark car; Max’s bad knife; Page’s six lamps; Nash’s nice face.

3. His brothers’ books; these students’ parents; men’s caps; her sisters’ apples; our teachers’ magazines; their pupils’ copy books; these painters’ pictures; the girls’ coats.

4. Yesterday’s news is very exciting. Bring me, please, today’s menu. The town’s oldest part is very quiet. Russian chocolate is the world’s best chocolate.


Exercise VIII. Translate into English.


1.Ручка моего друга. 2. Комната моей сестры. 3. Сын наших друзей. 4. Преподаватели нашего университета. 5. Учебники студентов. 6. Письма матерей. 7. Квартиры врачей. 8. Дома рабочих. 9. Имена детей. 10. Диктанты студентов. 11. Слова этого урока.




Exercise I. Translate into English.


1. Комната вашей сестры большая? – Нет, она небольшая. Она маленькая и очень уютная. 2. Тесты этого студента всегда хорошие. Он очень трудолюбивый. 3. Вопросы учителя очень трудные? – Да, но у меня есть все ответы. 4. Чьи это учебники? – Это учебники моих друзей. 5. Жена мистера Блэка врач. Она хороший врач. 6. Тетя мистера Брауна в Париже. У нее там друзья. 7. У меня есть адрес дяди Тома. – Отправь его (адрес), Пэт.




PHONETICS : IV тип слога (гласная + r +e); ph, wr, qu+ гласная,

GRAMMAR: указательные местоимения; количественные и порядковые числительные.


Правила чтения


Сочетание гласных букв a,e,i, y, o, u + r +e принято называть IV типом чтения гласных.


a+r+e [εə] Mary, hare, care, parents


o+r+e [o:] more, store,


e+r+e [iə] here, deer, engineer


i,y+r+e [aiə] fire, tyre, tired, mire


u+r+e [uə] pure, during, cure, mure, sure


ph [f] phone, photo, phloy


wr [r ] write, wrong, wrist


qu+гл. [kw] queen, quite, quest




Exercise I. Listen, repeat, read.


Mare, bare, dare, fare, hare, stare, chair, hair, pair, mere, beer, deer, steer, mure, pure, cure, mural, question, quick, quality, quantity, quarrel, quarter, quiet, photograph, phrase, physics, physicist, wrap, writer, write, wrote, written.


Указательные местоимения


Ед. число Мн. число

This These


That Those


Exercise II. Read and translate these sentences.


1. This is a pen. 2. That is a pencil. 3. This flat is not big. 4. That picture is very nice. 5. This little flat is very cozy. 6. That nice lake is deep. 7. These flowers are so beautiful. 8. This dentist is very clever. 9. That theatre is far away. 10. This text is very difficult. 11. This kitchen is rather small. 12. These children are so noisy. 13. Those houses are very old. 14. These dresses are out of fashion. 15. That man is my uncle. 16. This book is very interesting. 17. This tea is hot.


Exercise III. Work in pairs.


Model: What’s this? (that).

This (that) is a picture. This (that) picture is nice.

a jacket, a cake, a theatre, a house, a sea, a text, a film, a letter, a plan, a doctor, a student, a tie.





Количественные числительные (1-12) Порядковые числительные(1-12)
one the first
two the second
three the third
four the fourth
five the fifth
six the sixth
seven the seventh
eight the eighth
nine the ninth
ten the tenth
eleven the eleventh
twelve the twelfth


Количественные числительные (13-19) Порядковые числительные (13-19)
six….+….teen the…+…числит….+…th
thirteen the thirteenth
fourteen the fourteenth
fifteen the fifteenth
sixteen the sixteenth
seventeen the seventeenth
eighteen the eighteenth
nineteen the nineteenth


Количественные числительные (десятки) Порядковые числительные
six… +…ty the…+…числит….+…ieth
twenty the twentieth
thirty the thirtieth
a (one) hundred
a (one) thousand
a (one) million
one hundred and seven
two hundred
two hundred and fifty –five
one thousand three hundred
one thousand three hundred and twenty-six
two thousand and eight

Exercise IV. Read and translate


Thirteen rooms- room thirteen; fifteen texts – text fifteen; nineteen lines – line nineteen; sixteen flats – flat sixteen; fourteen lessons – lesson fourteen; eighteen seats – seat eighteen.


Exercise V. Read paying attention to the article the


a) the first car; the fifth man; the twelfth shelf; the ninth knife; the third bath; the eighth cap; the sixth pill; the fourth egg; the tenth time;

b) the second paper; the seventh letter; the thirteenth pencil; the hundredth notebook; the thousandth question; the fourteenth apple; the eighteenth bookcase; the thirtieth bookshelf; the fortieth taxi; the fiftieth window; the sixtieth blackboard; the eightieth student; the ninetieth letter


Exercise VI. Translate into English


a) 417, 314, 318, 817, 916, 619, 513, 215;

b) 420, 530, 940, 650, 860, 470, 380, 290;

c) 305, 207, 304, 509, 401, 602, 208, 107;

d) 3568, 1673, 9648, 2421, 2144, 6332, 6991, 4287, 8461, 4632, 5482, 3685;

e) 1004,3006,5008,7009,2001,4003,6002;

f) cто книг, сто мужчин, сто пальто, сто недель, сто комнат, сто дверей, сто дней, сто месяцев

g) тысяча автомобилей, тысяча ручек, тысяча ламп, тысяча имен, тысяча строк, тысяча ночей, тысяча комнат

h) миллион автомобилей, миллион книг, миллион ламп, миллион роз, миллион студентов, миллион мужчин, миллион детей



GRAMMAR: Предложения с вводящим THERE, предлоги места


Русским предложениям типа «В стакане мало воды», «В году 12 месяцев», «Во дворе много детей» и т.п. в английском языке соответствую предложения с вводящим there:

There is little water in the glass.

There are twelve months in a year.

There are a lot of children in the yard.


Конструкция с вводящим there употребляется для выражения факта наличия или отсутствия какого-либо предмета (предметов) в определенном месте или в определенное время. Перевод предложений с вводящим there обычно начинается с обстоятельства места или времени.

Структура предложений с вводящим THERE


+ -
There is a pen on the table. There are pens on the table. There is no pen on the table There are no pens on the table


Is there a pen on the table? – Yes, there is No, there is not (isn’t). Are there pens on the table? – Yes, there are. No, there are not (aren’t). What is there on the table? – There are pens on the table.


Remember!!!   There is a table and three chairs in the room. There are three chairs and a table in the room. There is a lot of snow on the roof. There are a lot of books on the table.


Exercise I. Read the sentences and translate them into Russian


1. There are some masters of sports among the students of our Institute.

2. There is a theatre in our town.

3. There is a good museum of clocks in our town.

4. There are some difficult exercises in this text-book.

5. There is a shop in our house.

6. There are many easy texts in this book.

7. There is a telephone in your flat.

8. There are many pieces of furniture in your room.

9. There is a student in the laboratory.

10. There are five lifts in our ten-story house.

11. There are only five-storey houses in the street I live in.

12. There is much fresh air in the room.

13. There is little light here.

14. There is no noise in our street.

15. There is a teacher in the classroom.

16. There is much snow on the roofs.

17. There are some forms of matter.

18. There is an interesting museum in this building.

19. There are many ancient buildings in this part of the city.

20. There is a new film in our club.

21. There are twelve girl-students in our group.

22. There is much work to do at home.


Exercise II. Make these sentences interrogative and negative.


1. There is a television on the table.

2. There are some books on the floor.

3. There is a house near the park.

4. There are five children in the car.

5. There is meat in my shop.


Exercise III. Read the text and answer the questions.


Our classroom is large. There are two big windows in it. The classroom walls are light green. The floor is yellow and the ceiling is white. There is a blackboard on the wall. The blackboard is dark brown. There are some maps and pictures on the walls. There are two bookshelves along the walls. There are books on the bookshelves.

There are twenty desks and twenty two chairs in the classroom. The desks are brown and the chairs are yellow. There are twenty two students in the classroom. Some of the students are busy and some of the students are lazy.


1. Is our classroom large?

2. Our classroom is small, isn’t it?

3. How many windows are there in our classroom?

4. What colour are the walls?

5. What is there on the walls?

6. What is there on the bookshelves?

7. How many desks are there in the classroom?

8. There are twenty students in the classroom, aren’t there?

9. Are the students busy or lazy?


Exercise IV. Ask and answer.


Model: What is there in the park? –There are a lot of children in the park.

1. What is there in the house? (Three bedrooms, a sitting room, a kitchen, a bathroom).

2. What is there on the floor? (a carpet).

3. What is there on the shelf? (a lot of English books).

4. What is there at the door? (a bookcase, a sofa).

5. What is there in the street? (a lot of cars, buses, lorries).

6. What is there in the flat? (a lot of furniture).

7. How many windows are there in this room? (three).

8. How many schools are there in this town? (twenty).

9. How many students are there in your group? (twenty five).

10. How many parks are there in your city? (ten).

11. How many cinemas are there in this area? (one).

12. How many desks are there in this classroom? (twelve).


Предлоги места (Prepositions Of Place)


Мы используем предлоги места, для того чтобы сказать, где кто-то или что-то находится. К ним относятся: on, under, in, in front of, behind, beside/next to, near, between, among, over, above, below, opposite.

We use at: at school/college/university, at work, at home, at a station, at an airport, at the seaside, at the cinema, at the theatre, at someone’s house (at Tom’s house or at Tom’s), at the top of the page, at the bottom of, at 20, Oxford Street.

We use in: in the middle, in the air, in the sky, in bed, in hospital, in prison, in a picture, in England, in Africa, in London, in street, in an armchair.

We use on: on the left, on the right, on the first floor/on the second floor, on a chair,



in on under behind



near in front of next to between




Exercise V. Fill in the gaps with in , at, on.


1. What have you got ….your pocket?

2. Where’s Paul? He is … his bedroom.

3. Mother is …home.

4. I like to sit ….an armchair by the fire.

5. We live ….number 37, King’s Road.

6. Glasgow is a large city … Scotland.

7. The answer is ….the bottom of the page.

8. My house is the first one ….the left.

9. She has left her purse ….the chair.

10. The manager’s office is ….the second floor.

11. Dinner is …the table.

12. Paul is …hospital because he is ill.


Exercise VI. Underline the correct word(s).


1. I’m studying French on/in/atschool.

2. Your shoes are under/between/atthe bed.

3. The cat is lying among/in front of/atthe fire.

4. Sue is standing under/at/behindNancy.

5. The boy is standing on/in/amonghis friends.

6. Who was that woman beside/under/onyour mother.

7. Our house is among/near/inthe fire station.

8. He has a computer in front of/on/athis desk.

9. The children are playing at/on/in the garden.

10. The sofa is at/next to/amongthe table.

11. I sit at/in/betweenmy two best friends in class.

12. George studied Historyin/on/atthe University of Essex.



Exercise I. Use to be in the right form.


1. There…a table, four chairs, a TV set and a sofa in my sitting room. 2. There…no fire-place in the house; it is cold in winter. 3. …there hot water in your kitchen? 4. There…two large windows in the sitting room. 5. There…a clever article in this magazine. 6. There…a lot of apples on the plate. 7. There …many people here, aren’t there? 8. There…some cups on the shelf. 9. There… a text-book and two pencils on the table. 10. There…eight pens in my bag. 11. There… a lot of beautiful buildings in Moscow. 12. ….there a cinema in this street? 13. What ….there on the walls? 14. There…. nice pictures on the walls.


Exercise II. Fill in the prepositions.


1. … this picture Jerry is sitting…..Alex and Ted.

2. The postman is ….the door. He’s got some letters for us.

3. The flowers are …the vase.

4. The cat is sitting ….the fireplace.

5. It’s better to stay …home.

6. I live ….a house …the country.



GRAMMAR: неопределенные местоимения: a lot of (lots of), many, much, few, a few, little, a little; some, any, not any. Предлоги времени.


Неопределенные местоимения A lot of (Lots of), Many, Much, Few, A few, Little, A little

неопределенные местоимения исчисляемые сущ. примеры
+ a lot of (lots of) много, множество books, students There are a lot of books on the shelf There are lots of students at college  
? - (how)many, not many много people, friends Are there many people in the park? not many friends.
a few (five or six) немного, несколько chairs There are a few chairs in the room.
few(almost none) мало, очень мало knives There are few knives on the table
неопределенные местоимения неисчил. сущ. примеры
+ a lot of bread, coffee I have a lot of bread at home There is a lot of coffee in a cup
? - (how)much not much butter, sugar Have we much butter? There is not much sugar at home  
a little(not much but enough) juice There is a little juice in a jug
little(almost nothing) money I have got little money


Exercise I. Fill in many, much, a lot of (lots of)


1. There is……milk in the carton.

2. Are there …….people at the cinema today?

3. He has got …money.

4. There isn’t…….sugar in this coffee.

5. Is there ……orange juice in the jug?

6. She has got …..books in her bag.

7. Have you got ….friends?

8. There aren’t ……biscuits in the packet.

9. We haven’t got ….. bread.

10. There are …….. animals in the zoo.

11. Are there ……. shops in this street?

12. There isn’t …..pepper in the soup.

13. The children have got …. toys.

14. Is there …. tea in the cup?

15. She has got … rings.


Exercise II. Fill in few, a few, little, a little


1. We’ve got ….. eggs. Go to the grocery and buy the eggs, please.

2. There are ……people in the park today because it’s raining.

3. There’s …. milk in the fridge. Go to the supermarket and buy a carton, please.

4. There’s …. lemonade in the jug. Let’s have two glasses.

5. There is ……soup in the bowl. It’s almost empty.

6. There are ……elephants in the zoo.

7. Put …..chocolate in the cake.

8. I’ve got ….free time now!

9. He’s got ….sweets in his pocket.

10. I ‘ve ….free time for hobbies because I work a lot


Exercise III. Correct the mistakes.


1. There is few soup in the bowl.

2. How much carrots are there in the fridge?

3. Rita has got many money.

4. There are a little people in the shop.

5. Mike hasn’t got much friends.

6. There is few snow on the mountains.

7. There are much animals in the zoo.

8. How many sugar is there in the bowl?

9. I have got little CDs but a lot of cassettes.

10. How much deer can you see in the picture?

11. They have not got a lot of apples.


Exercise IV. Underline the correct word(s).


  Dear Alice, Thanks 1) a lot/much for your letter. I’m very happy to be your pen-pap. I’ve 2) a little/a few things to tell you about myself. I live with my parents and my dog, Scottie. I haven’t got any brothers or sisters. I go to a big school. There are 3) a lot of /a littlestudents in my class and I have 4) very little/ a lot of friends. I haven’t got very 5) much/little free time so I have 6) a lot/few hobbies. On Saturdays I go to the cinema with my friends. I also like to go shopping. There are 7) little/ a lot of shops in my town. I‘ve 8) little/very few money to spend, but I like looking at the things in the shops! Please write to me soon and tell me 9) a little/little about yourself. Best wishes, Sophie


Местоимения Some, Any, No


  исчисл. сущ. неисчисл. сущ. примеры
+ SOM E несколько некоторые немного pens, cars tea, bread I’ve some pens There are some cars here There’s some tea in the cup There’s some bread at home
? - ANY NOT ANY   carrots   coffee Are there any carrots? No, there are not any. Is there any coffee? No, there is not any
- NO   friends   money I have no friends He has no money
Remember!!! ? –some Would you like some coffee? (предложение) Can I have some coffee, please? (просьба) + - any любой, всякий any book, any student, any bus. if - If you have any questions ask me. Buy some pears if you see any.



Exercise V. Use some, any, and no.


1. I want to show you… pictures of houses. 2. There is …coffee at home. 3. Are there … bookshelves in your study-room? 4. There are … English students in our University. 5. Are there …newspapers on his desk? 6. Have you got …French magazines at home? 7. Jane has …brothers and a sister. 8. Has he … children? 9. I have …friends in Britain. We have … pets at home. 11. Have you got … pets at home? 12. Do you have … classes today? – No, we have …classes on Saturday. 13. Have you got… questions? 14. Come here, I’ll show you …pictures of our country-house. 15. There is … in the fridge (холодильник). Go and get food.


Exercise VI. Translate from Russian into English using some, any ,no


1.Я собираюсь купить яйца. 2. Я могу заплатить (pay). У меня есть деньги. 3.В этой части города нет магазинов. 4. У Джорджа (George) и Эллис (Alice) нет детей. 5. У вас есть братья или сестры? 6. В саду несколько красивых цветов. 7. Для меня есть письма? 8. У меня нет марок (stamp), а у Ани есть несколько марок. 9. Не покупай рис (rice). Нам не нужно. 10. У нас нет хлеба, поэтому (so) Я выйду(to be going out) и куплю, немного хлеба (bread). 11. Я хочу пить (to be thirsty) . Можно мне воды, пожалуйста?


Exercise VII. Read the text and answer the questions.




This is my family: my wife, my son, my daughter and I. My name’s Peter Black. I’m 40. My wife’s name is Helen Black. She’s 32. We have two children, a boy and a girl. The boy’ name’s John. He’s twelve years old. He’s a schoolboy. My daughter’s name’s Mary. She’s very young. She’s only five.

I’m an electronic engineer. I work at a large factory. My wife is a housewife. She has a lot of work to do.

We have many relatives; cousins, uncles and aunts. My parents are sixty years old. They are farmers. Helen’s father is fifty-six and her mother is fifty-three. Helen’s sister Ann is her best friend. Ann is a college teacher. She’s twenty-four. She is not married. She is fond of our children.

My hobby is sports. My wife’s hobby is knitting. My son’s hobby is reading. My daughter’s hobby is dancing.

We are a very happy family.


Exercise VIII. Answer the questions about your family.


1. What’s your name?

2. Have you got a family?

3. Is your family large or small?

4. Have you got any sons or daughters?

5. What are their names?

6. How old are they?

7. What’s your wife’s name?

8. How old is she?

9. What is she?

10. Have you got any relatives?

11. Have you got a flat or a house?

12. Is your flat large?

13. How many rooms are there in your flat?

14. What is there in the living –room?

15. What’s there in the kitchen?

16. Do you like your flat?


Предлоги времени (Prepositions Of Time)


We use prepositions of time to say when something happens, happened or will happen. The most common ones are at, in, and on.

the time: at 7o’clock months: in September days: on Monday
holidays: at Christmas at Easter seasons: years: in winter/spring in 1996, in 1998 dates: on New Year’s Day on May 6th part of
in the expressions: at the weekend at the moment at present at dawn at noon at night at midnight centuries: in the expressions in the 20th century in the morning in an hour in a minute in a week in a few days in a year a particular day: on Tuesday evening
adjective+ day: on a hot day
It’s half past twelve It’s rainy in autumn It’s snowy in winter
It’s warm in summer It’s cool in spring We cook traditional Christmas pudding at Christmas
The Easter Bunny brings eggs at Easter I get a lot of gifts on my birthday  


Exercise IX. Say each word or phrase with the correct preposition.


Model: in March, at Christmas

April, spring, Friday, the weekend, Sunday evening, noon, June, July 5th, the morning, 9 o’clock, Saturday, 1982, night, the 19th century, 6 o’clock, Monday morning, September 16th, the afternoon, the winter Christmas Day, dawn, Easter, a cold day, New Year’s Day, a minute.




Exercise I. Make a story about your family.


Exercise II. Fill in a lot of, many, much, a few, a little, few, and little.


1. Jane has ….. English and French magazines at home. 2. There are not ….. students in the library. Let’s stay and look through some magazines. 3. Are there …. students in your English class? 4. Do you have… friends at school? No, not many. I have …friends. 5. I have to write … letters today. 6. Do you have … homework? No, not very much. 7. She usually has … milk in her tea. 8. I’m busy now. I’ve ….time. 9. There is not … milk in the fridge. 10. There are … rooms in the house. 11. Are there …. bedrooms in your house? 12. Nick has … English books but very … Russian books. 13. There is … light in that room because there are … small windows in it. 14. Is there …. or… furniture in your new flat?



Exercise III. Read the text, ask questions and retell it.


The Victoria Hotel

The Victoria is a large and comfortable hotel in the centre of Oxford. It has 66 double rooms and 43 single rooms, all with private bathrooms. There are two restaurants, a coffee shop, a bar, and a beautiful lounge. All the bedrooms have colour television, telephones and central heating. The hotel has a lift and a car park.



GRAMMAR: Модальные глаголы (Modal verbs) can, must.


Modal Verbs


Модальные глаголы используются только с основными глаголами. Они не выражают действие, а лишь отношение к действию, т.е. возможность, необходимость, просьбу, разрешение.


Can- Can’ Must – Mustn’t
умственная способность I can speak English (мочь, уметь). соблюдение правил, предписаний You mustn’t smoke in hospital. It’s against the rules. (не должны)
физическая способность Не сan swim well (мочь, уметь). выполнение обязанностей I must do my homework
Разрешение You can stay, if you want. Вы можете остаться, если хотите. выполнение строгих советов You must see a doctor. You mustn’t eat so many sweets.
просьба Can you tell me the time, please? Вы не могли бы сказать мне, который час? запрещение You mustn’t be late for work
просьба о разрешении Can I use your pen? Можно мне воспользоваться вашей ручкой?  
Отказ в разрешении No, you can’t use my pen. I need it.  

Exercise I. Fill in: must, can, mustn’t, can’t.


1. A: I’m not feeling well again.

B: You … see a doctor this time.

2. A: ….I have some salad, please?

B: Sure.

3. A: It’s too hot. ……you open the window, please.

B: Certainly.

4. A: ……I use your phone?

B: Yes, of course.

5. A: Bob, ….you help me with the dishes?

B: I’m afraid I can’t.

6. A: The baby is asleep. You …..shout.


7. A: You ……tell anyone. It’s a secret.

B: Don’t worry.

8. A: I….. see well.

B: Why don’t you wear your glasses?


Exercise II. Think of the factors that could help us live longer. Rewrite the following sentences as in the example. Use must, or mustn’t.


Can we live longer?

1. Don’t eat fatty foods!

You mustn’t eat fatty foods.

2. Don’t drink coffee!


3. Don’t sleep late!


4. Train every day!


5. Eat lots of fruit and vegetables!


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