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The history of the Olympic Games
According to Homer, Pelops, the God of Fertility staged the most memorable games in antiquity in 1370 B.C. Later on the games were organized several times more. They can be considered the previous types of sport games which are known as the Olympics. The founder of modern Olympics was a Frenchman, Pierre de Fredy, Baron de Coubertin. Keeping with the romantic notion of the Olympic revival, it was decided to hold the first Olympic Games in Athens, in Greece. It was in 1896. Only 12 countries were represented there. Despite many problems which existed in Athens, the Olympic Games had been introduced to stop wars. The main motto of the Olympics was: Faster! Higher! Stronger! From that time the Olympics were held more or less regularly, depending on the political situation on the continent and in European countries. In 1990 they were held in Paris, in 1992 – in Alberwill, in 1994 - in Lillehammer, in 1998 - in Nogano and so on and so forth. The 22nd Olympic Games were organized in Moscow. Our sportsmen were very brave and strong and won 60 gold, 64 silver and 49 bronze medals there. There were the best results among other national teams. The modern Olympics were organized to encourage peace and friendship in the world and to promote amateur kinds of sport among sportsmen of different countries. The Olympics symbol consists of five interlocking rings that represent the continents: Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North and South America. The rings are black, blue, green, red and yellow. The flag of every country competing in the games has at least one of these colours. The Olympic Games are held every two years now in winter and in summer. They contribute much to the struggle for peace, understanding and trust among people all over the world. Next Winter Olympic Games will be held in our country in Sochi. All our sportsmen are going to take an active part in it. We are proud of our country and our sportsmen.
1. Ответьте на вопросы. 1) What is the prehistory of the Olympics? 2) Who was the founder of the Olympics? 3) What is the historical role of the Olympics? 4) What was the motto of the Olympics? 5) Do the Olympics help to promote understanding among nations? 2. Употребите следующие предложения в настоящем и будущем неопределенном времени (Present Simple and Future Tenses). (Не забудьте изменить обстоятельства времени или наречия) 1) The Olympic Games were very popular in many countries. 2) The motto of the contest was “Stronger! Higher and faster!” 3) She did her training every day. 4) My brother played tennis yesterday. 5) We liked to watch TV match. 3. Переведите следующие предложения. 1) 22 Олимпийские игры проходили в Москве в 1986. 2) Создатель Олимпийских игр очень любил смотреть спортивные соревнования. 3) Наш юный спортсмен выиграл золотую медаль. 4) Дважды в день она делает зарядку. 5) Все молодые люди любят смотреть футбол. 6) Следующие зимние игры состоятся в Сочи. 4. Заполните пропуски необходимыми предлогами. 1) We live … Moscow. 2) We study … the University. 3) I usually train … the morning. 4) Look … the window, please. 5) I put my chess … the bag. 5. Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам. 1) The sportsman read an article about different methods of training. 2) We saw a famous man in the hall. 3) The people have changed the rules of the game. 4) The students answer many questions. 5) The teacher will explain everything.
Односложные и двусложные прилагательные образуют степени сравнения при помощи суффиксов у сравнительной степени - er, и превосходной степени сравнения прилагательных - est. Например: wide-wider-the widest Но, если прилагательное многосложное, то его степени сравнения образуются при помощи слов: more, the most. Например: interesting- more interesting- the most interesting Запомните, что сравнение может быть и в сторону уменьшения качества предмета и его степени сравнения образуются при помощи слов: less, the least Например: important – less important – the least important Не забывайте о том, что -less может быть корнем в словах. - less суффикс прилагательного, указывающий на отсутствие качества Например: helpless- беспомощный, homeless-бездомный. Для выражения сравнения существует также ряд конструкций, таких как:as… as (такой же …как), not so … as, (не такой … как), more/less … than (больше меньше … чем),the … the …, (чем … тем) и другие. Например: He is as tall as his father. The text is not so difficult, as that one. The sooner you come, the better. 6. Переведите предложения, учитывая разные значения суффикса – less. 1) The less you read English, the less you understand English. 2) The book is less important for a future sportsman. 3) We need less time for it. 4) The sky was cloudless and the sun was shining brightly. 5) The subject is less interesting for students. 6) A lot of people became homeless in the country. 7.Напишите следующие предложения, используя степени сравнения прилагательных. 1) My book is … than yours. 2) This student is … in our group. 3) The days are … in winter, and nights are ... 4) The Volga is … than the Ob. 5) You are as … as anyone. 6) The more you read, … you know. 7) The less you listen to the news, … you know.
Урок 4
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Many young people try to change their lifestyle in order to improve their health. One of the greatest problems is the problem concerning overweighting. So many scientists try to find different ways and solutions. Some of them think that a possible way out of the situation is to go in for sports and to keep to a diet. The advertisers made a famous motto for successful people: “Welcome to ABC of Fitness”. If you think that you are a successful person, this motto is for you. “Do morning exercises every day and your health will become better”. It is high time for many people with such problems try to keep to a healthy way of life. It means you must do any physical exercises you like, walk much every day and eat less. A good coach may help you to correct your figure by explaining you everything important concerning information about fitness and physical exercises. The information is very important because you must be very attentive to your body and spirit. You may write a daily report about your results. You may watch TV programs and they will help you to learn more about the world of fitness and health. Any fitness shop assistant can help you to select and buy the right fitness equipment and clothes. Some people would like to join a fitness community and have good recommendations there but others prefer to work independently. It’s up to you to make a choice. Better later than never, so start working now and you will have a result tomorrow! This appeal is typical for any modern Fitness club. Proper Weight Training can make your body become strong, slim and healthy. But if you want to be really fit, add Aerobic Exercises to your program. Aerobic exercisesare a type of sports activity that makes your heart rate over a sustained period of time. It may seem odd but aerobic exercises attract a lot of people. Aerobic Exercises help you to decrease your fat body, but weight training session will improve the tones of your body and firm your muscles. It is important to include different types of aerobics and weight training exercises in your every day training – it’s a real way for you to achieve a balanced healthy body.
1. Употребите глаголы to be, to have в нужной форме. 1) It … difficult to find a good diet and keep to a good diet. 2) Health … a priceless value of a person. 3) He … a lot of trouble with his heart last year. 4) What … you fond of? 5) We … a football match tomorrow. 6) Your fitness clothes … out of fashion. 2. Поставьте следующие предложения в Past and Future Simple, не забудьте изменить обстоятельства. 1) There is much snow in winter. 2) There are a lot of fitness centers in our town. 3) There is a large sport ground at our college. 4) There is always much light in the hall. 5) The students are at the laboratory now. 3. Объясните следующие понятия, обращая внимание на образец. Образец: A student is a person who studies at a college. 1) A coach is person who … . 2) A teacher is a person who … . 3) A sportsman is a person who … . 4) An athlete is a person who …. 4. Раскройте скобки, употребив нужную видо-временную форму глагола. 1) You (to see) this film already? 2) He (to be) at the cinema with you? 3) You ever (to drive) a car? 4) I (not to meet) my school friend for many years. 5) I (to see) a football match yesterday. 6) He (to do) everything when we came to his flat. 7) The coach (to do) special exercises every day. 5. Вставьте неопределенно-личные местоимения, из данных в скобках. 1) We can see (some, any, no) sportsmen in the hall 2) (someone, anyone, nobody) can change his lifestyle. 3) I have no (any, some,) books at home. 4) Do you know (any, some, no) Aerobic exercises? 5) I have (any, some, no) interesting projects to improve health of students at our college. 6. Выберите правильный вариант ответа. 1) I have (some, somebody, no) interesting books. 2) There is (some, something, somebody) in swimming pool. 3) Have they got (any, anything, anybody) fitness clubs in the town? 4) We have (no, nothing, nobody) sports clothes now. 5) There is (some, something, somebody) interesting in the chess contest. 6) There is (no, nobody, nothing) on the shelf. 7) There is (something, somebody, some, anybody) in the hall.
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