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How the Parents’ Conflict Affects Children
Common sense tells you that the parents’ conflict affects children, but it is even worse when the parents feel hatred towards each. The following article discusses a common situation that many people face after a divorce. What’s a kid to do when parents hate each other? Sometimes the animosity between separated parents is so thick, you can cut it with a knife. In such cases both parents deflect blame on the other while denying or minimizing their own contribution to conflict. In some instances the allegations of both parents are unfounded. The parents are like oil and fire and simply do not get along. They both may be hurt for the demise of the relationship. They may feel embarrassed for the breakdown and need to vilify the other. In other instances mutual allegations are founded. Both have in fact acted untoward. Both have acted poorly although not abusively. Yet, neithertakes responsibility and both use the transgressions of the other to legitimize their own. **** I. Find the equivalents in the text: Ненависть; типичная ситуация; враждебность; перекладывать вину на другого; обвинения необоснованные; ладить; конец отношений; чувствовать себя неловко; разрыв; унижать; обоснованный; действовать неправильно; оскорбительно; взять на себя ответственность; прегрешения; оправдать. Caught In the Middle Pity the children whose parents are so locked in mutual despise. The child becomes the battleground. Each parent begrudges the child’s relationship to the other. Even though a parent may hold their tongue, the attitude still exudes. The child lives with their disdain. The child is between a rock and a hard place. To survive they learn to mask their feelings. To avoid the disapproval of their parents they alignwith each parent through negative comments about the other. So when with mom the child tells bad stories of dad to gain mother’s approval and minimize tensions with her. Then with dad the child tells bad stories of mom to gain his approval and minimize tensions with him. Sadly though, the strategy only feeds the conflict between the parents as they feel more justified in their position with the new ammunition delivered by the child. Thus the parental conflict escalates and the child is subject to greater hostility. ***** I. Find the equivalents in the text: Между двух огней; завязнуть во взаимной вражде; поле битвы; выражать недовольство по поводу…; придержать язык; проявляться; презрение; между молотом и наковальней; выжить; скрывать чувства; неодобрение; вступать в союз; разжигать конфликт; оправданный в собственных глазах; боезапас; обостряться; подвергаться; враждебность.
How the Parents Conflict Affects Children Eventually the child breaks down under the strain of conflict between despising parents. The child’s distress may take the form of school related problems, anxiety, depression, bullying, victimization and even physical complaints such as headaches and stomachaches. Because of the pre-existing parental animosity and then stories of the child, both parents blame each other for the child’s distress. Both parents present self-righteously in their position and both parents are remarkably defensive towards any insinuation that their behaviour may be contributory to the child’s distress. Discussing their dynamic with one parent can trigger a defensive barrage of the other parent. ***** I. Find the equivalents in the text: Не выдерживать; напряжение; враждующие родители; страдание; тревога; агрессивность; комплекс жертвы; жалобы на плохое самочувствие; вражда; обвинять; отстаивать правоту своих взглядов; яростно отвергать; намек; способствовать; динамика поведения; запустить механизм защиты;
Resolving Parental Conflict In situations like these, favourable outcomes for the child are best achieved by working with both parents. The service provider must be well experienced in working with such high conflict situations and the dynamics as described. The approach requires expertise with clinical assessment, mediation, education and reconciliation counseling. Eventually, the parents must understand that their antagonistic tug of war is the toxicity hurting their child. In some situations both parents feel they must let go of the rope at the same time. In other situations some parents take the position that the other parent must go first making amends or changes. The challenge is to achieve a plan for both parents that encourages a relaxation of the animosity and new collaborative behaviour. Finally, the child needs to be brought into a session with both parents where they demonstrate their maturity by cooperating for the child’s sake and grant permission for the child to love both parents equally. **** I. Find the equivalents in the text: Сотрудник социальной службы; специальные знания; клиническая оценка; посредничество; консультирование по вопросам урегулирования разногласий; перетягивание каната; яд; отпустить конец каната; полагать; задача; снятие враждебности; поведение, направленное на взаимодействие; сеанс; зрелость; сотрудничество; ради ребенка.
II. Answer the questions: What is victimization? What do sometimes parents feel and do after the divorce? What does a child do if the parents hate each other after the divorce? How to resolve parental conflict?
Дата добавления: 2014-11-24; просмотров: 186; Нарушение авторских прав ![]() Мы поможем в написании ваших работ! |