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Past Simple Passive
For example: · The Statue of Liberty was designed by a French engineer. = = A French engineer designed the statue of Liberty. · Copper was discovered long ago.
For example: · Alex was not taught English at school.
For example: · Was the first robot designed in the 20th century?
Past Continuous Passive Affirmative
For example: · For a long time the electronic devices were being used for control. · The bomb was being defused when it exploded. Negative
1. Fill in the table.
2. Read and translate the following international words: Nouns (n): coefficient, concentration, diagonal, gramme, minute, position, symptom. Adjectives (adj): absolute, original, physical. Verb (v): consult.
3. Put in the missing words, using the words from the table above: a. Steel is produced by … iron with semiconductors. b. The … of greenhouse gases in atmosphere is high. c. Greenhouse gases … with hydrocarbons to form smog. d. We considered many problems … with semiconductors. e. Recombination causes a continual … of holes and free electrons. f. а) The alarm system was not … when the paintings were stolen. g. Some people believe the universe was … by a big explosion.
4. Put all possible questions to the following statements. For example: Fuel was usually stored in a fuel tank. · Where was fuel usually stored? · When was fuel usually stored in a fuel tank? · What was usually stored in a fuel tank?
1. This fuel was used in all types of engines. 2. The fuel system was controlled by engineers. 3. Volkswagen Beetle was designed by Rudolf Diesel. 4. The first steam engine was produced in France. 5. Bronze was first discovered in Africa.
5. Put the verb in brackets into the Past Simple Passive. 1. The concept of an atom (to propose) by early Indian and Greek philosophers. 2. The principles of quantum mechanics (to use) to successfully model the atom. 3. Electricity (to turn) from a scientific curiosity into an essential tool for modern life. 4. The Joule heating effect (to employ) in light bulb. 5. Theoretically, most of the electrons (to create) in the big bang.
6. Change the following sentences so as to use the Past Simple Passive. 1. The students measured the temperature of water 5 minutes ago. 2. Alex increased the volume of liquid an hour ago. 3. Paul checked this device in the lab. 4. People spoke much about the new invention. 5. Our professor carried out the experiment yesterday.
7. Form nouns from the following verbs and translate them: For example: to combine – комбинировать; combination – комбинирование.
to construct – строить; to form – образовывать; to organize – организовывать; to adjust – регулировать; to equip – оборудовать;
8. Read and translate word-combinations A. start from the first component
B. start from the second component
9. Match the following words and phrases with their translation. A. 1. contact loss; 2. loss of vacuum; 3. energy loss; 4. metal loss; 5. temperature loss 1. потеря энергии; 2. спад температуры; 3. угар металла; 4. потеря в контакте; 5. ухудшение вакуума
В. 1. impurity concentration; 2. ion concentration; 3. rate of discharge; 4. corrosion rate; 5. information rate 1. концентрация ионов; 2. скорость коррозии; 3. скорость передачи информации; 4. скорость разряда; 5. концентрация примесей. 10. Choose the nouns from the following words. 1. a. producer; b. produced; c. production 2. a. relativity; b. relative; c. relatively 3. a. formed; b. formation; c. formally; d. formality 4. a. employment; b. employed; c. unemployment; d. employer 5. a. possible; b. impossible; c. possibility; d. impossibility 6. a. continued; b. continuation; c. continuous 7. a. conduct; b. conductor; c. conduction; d. conductivity 8. a. consideration; b. considered; c. considerably 9. a. attract; b. attraction; c. attractive; d. attracted
11. Match the following expressions with their translation:
12. Choose as many words from the table оf ex. 1 as you can and form sensible sentences in Past Simple Passive or Past Continuous Passive (affirmative, negative and interrogative). For example: · Your heating bills could be greatly reduced by using low-energy heaters.
13. Read the text “Electrons and Holes” only once. How much can you remember? Answer these questions without additional reading. 1. What takes place in an atom when one electron frees itself from a covalent bond? 2. Is the hole able to attract electrons? 3. Can you define the process of recombination? 4. Can you say anything about the rate of recombination? 5. What is intrinsic semiconductor?
If you failed try to answer these questions again after doing the exercises given below the text. If the temperature of a silicon crystal is above absolute zero, some of the valence electrons will receive sufficient energy to free themselves from covalent bonds. When an electron leaves the covalent bond it leaves behind it an ‘absence of an electron’. This absence of an electron consists of a missing negative charge ‘e’, and it is equivalent to a positive charge called ‘a hole’. Each hole is able to attract electrons and can be filled by a passing electron. This process is called recombination. Recombination causes a continual loss of holes and free electrons. The rate of recombination of holes and electrons is always equal to the rate of production of new holes and electrons. The total number of free electrons and holes is constant. The material having equal concentrations of mobile electrons and holes is called an intrinsic semiconductor.
14. Read the text again and complete the sentences. 1. The rate of recombination of holes and electrons is always equal to … . 2. … causes a continual loss of holes and free electrons. 3. The material having equal concentrations of mobile electrons and holes is called … . 4. If the temperature of a silicon crystal is above absolute zero, … . 5. … is equivalent to a positive charge called ‘a hole’. 6. The total number of free electrons and holes is … . 7. … is able to attract electrons and can be filled by a passing electron. 8. The absence of an electron consists of … . 9. When an electron leaves the covalent bond it leaves … .
15. Match the terms in Table A with their definitions in Table B.
16. Summarize the text “Electrons and holes” in 150 words. 17. In pairs ask and answer text-based questions. For example: · What will occur if the temperature of the crystal rises above absolute zero? · Can you explain what takes place in an atom when one electron frees itself from a covalent bond? · Is the hole able to attract electrons? · What can you say about the process of recombination? · Can you say anything about the rate of recombination? · And the total number of free electrons and holes is constant, isn’t it?
18. Divide into 2 groups. Group 1 translates Extract A and group 2 – Extract B of the text “Supernovae” with a dictionary in writing.
Extract A A supernova (the plural is supernovae) is the explosion of a star. They are extremely important for understanding our Galaxy. They heat up the interstellar medium, distribute heavy elements throughout the Galaxy, and accelerate cosmic rays. But what causes a star to explode? And is there more than one type of supernova? Indeed, there seems to be two distinct types of supernovae – those which occur for a single massive star and those which occur because of mass transfer onto a white dwarf in a binary system. As you will see, however, it is only what gets the process started toward the explosion which differs between the two types. Stars which are 8 times or more massive than our Sun end their lives in a most spectacular way; they go supernova. A supernova explosion occurs when there is no longer enough fuel for the fusion process in the core of the star to create an outward pressure which combats the inward gravitational pull of the star's great mass. First, the star swells into a red supergiant...at least on the outside. On the inside, the core yields to gravity and begins shrinking. As it shrinks, it grows hotter and denser. A new series of nuclear reactions begin to occur, temporarily halting the collapse of the core. But alas, it is only temporary.
Extract B When the core contains essentially just iron, it has nothing left to fuse. Fusion in the core ceases. In less than a second, the star begins the final phase of gravitational collapse. The core temperature rises to over 100 billion degrees as the iron atoms are crushed together. The repulsive force between the nuclei is overcome by the force of gravity. So the core compresses but then recoils. The energy of the recoil is transferred to the envelope of the star, which then explodes and produces a shock wave. The shock then propels that matter out into space. The material that is exploded away from the star is now known as a supernova remnant. Another type of supernova involves the sudden explosion of a white dwarf star in a binary star system. A white dwarf is the endpoint for stars of up to about 8 times that of the Sun. The remaining white dwarf has a mass less than 1.4 times the mass of the Sun, and is about the size of the Earth. In a binary star system, the companion star of the white dwarf is often a red giant. The stars may be close enough to each other and the red giant large enough, that material may flow from the red giant onto the white dwarf. This results in a thermonuclear detonation of the entire star.
19. In Russian write a content-based summary of the text you have translated. 20. Translate into English the summary made in ex.19 of the text you haven’t read. 21. Make a reverse written translation (from Russian into English) of the extract you have translated. 22. Serve as simultaneous interpreter. Make an oral reverse interpretation of the text. 23. Prepare a paragraph discussing the following question: ‘Will a Nearby Supernova Endanger Life on Earth?’ 24. Find more information about Supernova and tell your group mates.
Дата добавления: 2014-09-10; просмотров: 496; Нарушение авторских прав ![]() Мы поможем в написании ваших работ! |