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(Adjectives, adverbs, numerals)
Степени сравнения прилагательных
Степени сравнения в английском языке образуются тремя способами; 1. при помощи суффиксов (односложные и некоторые двусложные); 2. при помощи вспомогательных слов (многосложные); 3. от другого корня (исключения).
1. Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степень следующих прилагательных. Hot, long, short, clever, silly, great, thin, thick, fat, nice, warm, cold, merry, small, tall, high, weak, strong, heavy, light, dry, clean, dirty, wide, deep, brave.
2. Измените данные словосочетания, используя сравнительную и превосходную степень прилагательных и переведите их:
a short story a large window a beautiful flower a big dog a high mountain a difficult task a new dress an old friend a late visit a comfortable flat a young lady an easy question a clean room a thin ice a thick forest a good dictionary much snow a bad weather little information many mistakes a hot day a heavy rain a useful instrument a far way late news an interesting decision an important meeting
3. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на различный перевод прилагательных в сравнительной степени. 1. It is colder today than it was yesterday. I prefer colder weather. 2. There are deeper and longer rivers than Volga, but I didn’t see them. 3. In summer days are longer than in winter. 4. This story is shorter than that one. Read the shorter story. 5. The Neva is wider than the Moskva River. 6. A city has wider streets than a village. 7. This book is more interesting than yours. 8. English is easier than Russian. 9. This flat is less comfortable than ours. 10. The sun is more than one million times larger than the Earth. 11. This forest is thicker than the one near our village. 12. The higher mountain is nearer to us. 13. More industrious students always get better marks. 14. This film is more interesting than other films of this producer.
4. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на степени сравнения прилагательных. 1. It is better to go there by plane, it is quicker than by train. 2. The physics laboratory of this institute has the best apparatus for the experiment. 3. The road became worse as we went along. 4. He was given the most difficult task. 5. The last report at the conference was the most interesting. 6. Edison could work at his experiments for days and weeks. Sometimes he slept less than five hours a day. 7. The work has to be done in the least possible time. 8. It is the least you could do for her. 9. He thought he was the happiest man in the world. 10. The new car is more comfortable than the previous one. 11. The Neva is wider and deeper than the Moskva River. 12. Last year he spent less time on English than this year. 13. Most students regularly attend lectures and work in laboratories.
5. Выберите правильную форму степени сравнения. 1. Pete is (better, the best) student in our group. His term-papers are always (better, the best) than yours. 2. This subject is (more interesting, the most interesting) of all subjects in this faculty. But it is (more difficult, the most difficult) than other subjects. 3. This student does not work at all. He is (worse, the worst) of all the students in our group. 4. Last year the enrolment to this institute was (larger, the largest) of all the institutes. 5. Moscow University is one of (the largest, larger) in the world. 6. (Most, more) of all I like this museum. 7. Mathematics is (the most, more interesting) than chemistry. 8. She is (more, the most) beautiful girl here. 9. This student is (the cleverest, cleverer) in our group. 10. The course in this Institute is (longer, the longest) than in ours. 11. Your work is (the shortest, shorter) than hers.
6. Поставьте прилагательные в следующих предложениях в сравнительную или превосходную степень. I. Moscow is (large) than Kiev. 2. John is (short) than William. 3. Henry is (tall) of all. 4. This summer is (hot) than last summer. 5. December 22 is (short) day of the year. 6. This is (beautiful) house in the city. 7. He is (good) student in the group. 8. Which is (large) city in our country? 9. Mathematics is (difficult) for him than physics. 10. The Volga is one of the (long) rivers of our country. 11. My home town is (good) town for me. It is the (beautiful) town in the far north. It has (great) population in the region. (Good) way to get to it is by plane. It takes you (little) time and besides it is comfortable. 12. The town is (far) than you think. 13. He lives (far) from the college than I do but has (much) free time. 14. I spend (much) of the time at college. 15. At seminars he is always (brilliant).
7. Ответьте на следующие вопросы. 1. Who is the youngest in your group? 2. Which of you is the oldest? 3. Who is the best student? 4. Who studies better than you? 5. Which is the most difficult subject for you? 6. Which is the easiest subject for you? 7. Is mathematics less difficult for you than English? 8. Is English easier for you than physics? 9. Who is the tallest in the group? 10. Who is the shortest in the group? 11. Which is the least interesting subject for you? 12. Which is the best season for traveling? 13. Which are the worst conditions for growing fruit trees: frost, rain or heat? 14. Where is January the hottest month of the year? 15. Which is the least effective method of learning foreign words: to write them down, to pronounce them aloud or to look them up in the dictionary?
8. Заполните пропуски сравнительной степенью выделенных прилагательных. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. Are there many days in October? When are there ... warm days: in September or in November? 2. Does it cost much money to get education in England? What costs ... money: to get education at Oxford or at a technical college? 3. Is it pleasant to live in the country? Which is ...: to live there in summer or in winter? 4. Is it useful to make physical exercises? Which is ...: to make them in the open air or in the room? 5. Is it necessary to study languages? Which is ...: to study Latin or English? 6. Does it take little time to travel by an express train? What takes ... time: to travel by air or in a car? 7. Is it difficult to speak English? Which is ...: to speak or to read English?
9. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык. 1. Какая планета ближе к Солнцу - Земля или Марс? 2. Что больше - Земля или Марс? З. Какая планета самая большая в солнечной системе? 4. Почему Меркурий получает больше тепла, чем Юпитер? 5. Какая планета самая яркая? 6. Является ли Солнце самой большой звездой? 7. Почему мы думаем, что Солнце самая яркая звезда? 8. Сталь - твердый металл, медь - менее твердая, а алюминий - наименее твердый. 9. Звезды кажутся яркими, луна - ярче, а солнце самым ярким. 10. Это самый маленький дом на этой улице.
10. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на союзы “as … as” и “not as … as”. 1. The day yesterday was not as fine as it is today. 2. I do not get up as early on Sunday as on week-days. 3. Lesson 1 is not as difficult as lesson 3. 4. She does not work at her English as much as she did last year. 5. Chemistry is not as interesting to him as mathematics. 6. Is chemistry as difficult for you as physics? 7. Are you as tall as your friend? 8. His radio set is not as powerful as mine. 9. The book is not as interesting as you think. 10. No planet is as hot as the Sun. 11. The speed of the first sputniks was as big as 4 kilometers per second. 12. The Moon is as far as 384 thousand kilometers from the Earth. 13. The mass of the Sun is 11 times as dense as lead (свинец).
11. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Семинарские занятия такие же интересные, как и лекции. 2. Этот магнитофон такой же хороший, как и наш. З. Его шутка была не такой остроумной (witty), как ее. 4. Его зонт был не такой мокрый, как твой. 5. Этот учебный предмет требует не так много времени, как тот. 6. Эта деревня не такая живописная, как наша. 7. Фильм доставил мне столько же удовольствия, как и книга. 8. Вчера был такой же прекрасный день, как сегодня. 9. Я живу не так далеко от института, как он. 10. Он приходит в институт так же рано, как и я. 11. Он решает столько же примеров, как и другие студенты этой группы.
12. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на сложный союз “the … the…”. 1. The more you study the better you know the subject. 2. The more powerful our industry is the stronger is our country. 3. The more students listen to records, the sooner they will master English. 4. The lower the losses, the higher the efficiency of an electrical device. 5. The nearer the Earth, the denser the atmosphere. 6. The bigger the mass, the bigger the weight of the body. 7. The more the scientist studied the problem, the better he understood its importance for man. 8. The stronger the magnet, the greater the distance through which it acts. 9. The nearer the centre of the Sun, the higher the temperature. 10. The fuller the dictionary the more meanings of words it contains. 11. An old American joke says: “The more we study, the more we know. The more we know, the more we forget. The more we forget, the less we know. The less we know, the less we forget. The less we forget, the more we know. So why study?” 12. The sooner they finish the construction of the plant, the better. 13. The more one studies the more one knows.
13. Составьте и напишите предложения, употребляя сложный союз “the … the…”. Образец: When the night is long the day is short. – The longer the night the shorter the day. 1. When the sky is dark the stars are bright. 2. If the sea is near the air is fresh. 3. If the windows are large the room is light. 4. When the sun is bright the air is warm. 5. Where the climate is warm the winter is short. 6. If the wind is strong the storm is near. 7. If you experiment much you get good results. 8. If you study hard you will have good knowledge. 9. If you listen to this music long you will like it very much. 10. If you like the subject very much it seems interesting to you. 11. If the work is important you should be careful. 12. When the experiment is complex you are very attentive.
14. Закончите предложения, подобрав по смыслу фразы из правой колонки. The sooner we finish our work... …the fresher is the climate. The more the students read English… …the earlier we can go home. The earlier we get up ... …the better he speaks English. The younger the children ... …the fresher we feel. The nearer the sea... …the worse she skates. The more they study… …the better they speak. The more physical exercises the children do… …the more care they require. The longer I think of your plan… ... the more I like it. The less she trains… …the stronger they become. The more English words one learns… ... the deeper is their knowledge. The more time you spend in the open air… ... the sooner you will recover after The stronger the wind… your illness. …the harder the conditions of work.
15. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на сложные союзы: as long as - пока; так как; as soon as – как только ; as well as – так же, как; а также; as well – так же. 1. I shall remember this event as long as I live. 2. A solid has length as well as width. It has thickness as well. 3. I’ll telephone you as soon as I return home. 4. This book is useful as well as interesting. 5. Jupiter as well as Venus is a planet. 6. The Sun gives us light and heat; it gives us energy as well 7. George will remember his father’s words as long as he lives. 8. As soon as we build this power station it will give light and heat to all the towns and villages of this region. 9. Meta1s as well as minerals are of great importance for industry. The development of science and engineering makes us continue learning as long as we live. 11. Smith is a good specialist; he is a good sportsman as well. 12. As long as we study at the Institute we acquire good knowledge. 13. Petrov has a good knowledge of English, he speaks French as well. 14. As soon as all the calculations are completed we shall begin tests. 15. As long as you refuse to apply new methods, the output will remain low. 16. The investigations at the Arctic research stations are carried out in good as well as in bad weather.
16. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на слово-заместитель “that (those)” и на прилагательное. 1. The atmosphere of the Earth is denser than that of Mars. 2. In the daytime the temperature of the land is higher than that of the water, but at night the temperature of the water is higher than that of the land. 3. Your translation is better than that of your friend. 4. The territory of the Kara-Kum desert is as large as that of France and Holland. 5. The days on Mars are longer than those on the Earth. 6. My friend’s interest in mechanic is as great as that in chemistry. 7. The walls of this container are not as thin as those of the receiving tank. 8. There is no problem more important for this series of experiments than that of keeping constant temperature of the product during the experiment. 9. These books are more interesting than those lying on the table. 10. In 1929 the power capacity of Moscow was more than double that of 1917. 11. This machine is more powerful than that operating in our shop. 12. Hydrogen atoms are lighter than those of any other element. 13. Radio instruments are more reliable in operation than those used before.
17. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на слово-заместитель “one”. 1. These trucks are too small, they will need bigger ones. 2. This apparatus is more powerful than the one installed in our laboratory. 3. This investigation is of greater importance for the development of our science than the one mentioned above. 4. This dictionary is very large, show me a smaller one. 5. This solid is denser than that one. 6. The right hand is usually stronger than the left one. 7. These boxes are very large, give us smaller ones. 8. This street is as long as that one. 9. This book is not as interesting as the one I read last week. 10. These instruments are not as important for the experiment as those ones. 11. Of all the subjects studied at our institute mathematics is the most important one.
ТЕКСТ Выпишите из текста прилагательные и наречия в сравнительной и превосходной степени, дайте их исходную форму. Переведите текст.
The Solar System
There is nothing more important to life than the sun. It gives us heat, light, power and food and all the beauty of color and form in nature. The sun is a star. There are many thousands of stars in the sky that are like the sun. They are as large as the sun, as hot as the sun and contain the same chemical elements. The sun is a great mass of white hot matter. The temperature at the sun’s centre is as high as 10 000 000 ‘C. The sun is much nearer to us than other stars. That is why we think that it is bigger and brighter than other stars. The average distance from the sun to earth is as much as 150 million kilometers. It is difficult to realize such a distance. But it is much more difficult to realize the distances to the stars which are millions and millions of kilometers still farther away. To express these great distances the astronomers use a very much larger scale than kilometers. Nothing in the world moves faster than light. It moves at the rate of 300 000 kilometers per second. So the astronomer’s unit of measure is one light year, the distance that light travels in one year. It is a little less than 9.5 million million kilometers. Most of the stars are thousands of light years away from the earth. It is hard to realize that these are not the greatest distances in the world. Our solar system consists of nine planets and their moons. The closest planet to the sun is Mercury. No other planet receives more light and heat than this one. It is the smallest of the planets. Mercury revolves around the sun at a higher speed than other planets. Its speed is much higher than theirs. Jupiter is the 1argest planet in the solar system. Venus is not as large as Jupiter, but it is the brightest planet in the sky. We see its quiet light in the morning as well as in the evening. When it is in the West it is the first point of light which we see in the evening. We see it best of all on a dark night. The darker the night grows the brighter it shines and the better we see it. When Venus appears in the East it is possible to see it in the early morning hours as well. Mars shines with reddish light. The appearance of Mars varies from year to year. It depends upon the distance of the planet from the earth. It is closest to us every two years and two months. Mars has an atmosphere though it is not as dense as that of the earth.
18. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление артикля перед прилагательным в превосходной степени. l. Smoking is one of the worst, most harmful, most objectionab1e (неприятный) and most widely-spread habits. 2. Leo To1stoy was the greatest, a most talented and a most popular writer in Russia in his time. 3. Chemistry is a most perspective, a most important and a most widely-applied branch of science 4. According to the local sources that President was the least popular, the 1east respected and therefore the least influential president. 5 What subject is the least difficult, the least interesting and the least time-consuming? 6. The Volga is the longest, a most picturesque, a most famous and a loveliest river in the European part of our country. 7. The press of that country is the least objective and therefore the least reliable one in the world. 8. This secretary is the most beautiful girl, but the laziest and that is why the least efficient and the least dependable (надежный) employee in our office. 9. Scientific literature must be the least emotional, the most informative and the least misleading source of knowledge. 10. This is by far the most important work of all done in the laboratory. 11. This is by far the most interesting book than yours. 12. This equipment is by far the most efficient one. 13. These calculations are by far the easiest ones.
19. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на прилагательные и наречия. 1. A proton is about two thousand times as heavy as an electron. 2. The new radio-set is half the size of the old one. 3. The weight of this heavenly (небесный) body is half as much as that of another meteor. 4. The year on Mars is twice as long as that on the Earth. 5. This book is twice as thick as here. 6. The instruments at our laboratory are five times as efficient as those at yours. 7. Their office is almost four times as far away from here as our. 8. Try to finish this work as soon as possible. 9. Make this box as large as possible and as strong as possible as well.
20. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на наречия, стоящими перед прилагательным в сравнительной степени. 1. Try to get there by plane; it is a great deal quicker than by train. 2. He began to work a little earlier than I. 3. The coal seams (пласты) of Siberia are much thicker than those of the Donbas basin. 4. The storms in the Polar region are much stronger than in the central part of the country. 5. The distance from the Sun to the Earth is much larger than that from the Moon. 6. The nights in summer are much shorter than those in winter. 7. This article is a great deal more difficult than the one we translated yesterday. 8. Our old laboratory was but a little worse than the new one. 9. The new method is much more efficient than the old one. 10. The number of discoveries in the 19th century was much bigger than in the 18th century, but the number of discoveries in our century is still bigger. 11. There are far lower temperatures on other planets than on the Earth.
21. Переведите на русский язык: определите в каких предложениях слова “only”, “very” являются прилагательными, а в каких наречием. 1. This is a very good beginning. 2. Read the article from the very beginning. 3. This is the only way out in that case. 4. I can do this work only tomorrow. 5. This is the only article on your speciality in that magazine. 6. Comrade N. is the very man who wants to work at our plant. 7. That is the very student who wants to speak to you. 8. His only wish was to master English as soon as possible. 9. This is the only method which we can use at present. 10. Her only desire is to work at that scientific research institute. 11. The only way of getting knowledge is to learn. 12. We must not only know theory but also have practice. 13. Only strong and firm people can work in the Polar zone. 14. Only his son remained in the tent. 15. His only son remained in the tent.
22. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на выделенные наречия. 1. Though we work hard we shall hardly be able to finish our work tomorrow. 2. This new method is largely used at our plant lately. 3. He will return shortly. 4. I could hardly catch the tram as there were very many people at the tram stop. 5. She works at her English very hard and makes good progress. 6. We proceeded with our work shortly after his coming. 7. That great scientist greatly helped us in our work. 8. The use of new railway trucks will greatly increase the traffic capacity of railways and train speed. 9 Some parts of the canal were built under particularly hard conditions. 10. She spoke so quickly that we could hardly follow her. 11. The Caspian Sea occupies a very important place in the country’s fishing industry: nearly 50 per cent of all the fish comes from the Caspian. 12. The laser beam can melt diamonds, burn holes in the hardest metals and is largely used in welding. 13. This method is highly efficient. 14. The train is scarcely moving. 15. Wait a bit, he will presently come, and will readily answer all your questions. 16. The climate of a country depends greatly upon its locality.
23. Напишите словами. 8, 18, 80, 8000, 13, 1, 11, 2, 12, 4, 14, 40, 365, 9, 19, 90, 192; 13-й, 20-й, 30-й; 1, 16, 60, 600, 5, 15, 50, 500, 2,345, 386; 2.5; 0.25; 3.07.
24. Прочитайте словами. a) 5, 15, 3, 13, 30, 51, 18, 11, 12, 20, 74, 112, 201, 946, 698; 10,574; 576, 276; 7,000,000; 1.022; 0.85; 5/3; 1/2; 1/4; 2/3; 1 1/2; 2 5/6; b) 1,005 magazines; 506 students; 4,790 specialists; 5 000 000 books; 6.75 miles; 1,431 kilometers; 627 rubles; on page 733; by bus 9; by tram 27; in room 218; on the 12th day; c) on the lst of May; on January 18th, 1967; on November 7th, 1947; at the end of 1789; 1903; at the beginning of 1970; d) 5.3 tons; 2/3 kilometers; 0.2 mile; 2.75 tons.
25. Переведите на английский язык. а) 9 мая 1945 года, 23 февраля 1917, 12 февраля 1962, к 31 января 1971, в ноябре 1957, к 17 ноября 1947, 9 января 1905, в 1812, 1941; б) 26 км, 175 тыс. рублей, 20 миллионов людей, 3500 студентов, 8750 книг, 375285 машин, 17 слов, 75 портфелей, I3 лошадей, 30 часов, 19 комнат, 90 страниц, 3,5 мили, 3/4 пути, 0,5 кг.
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