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Практическое задание 6
I. Ответьте на следующие вопросы: Какие принципы классификации ОД документов вы знаете? В соответствии с какими правилами оформляются ОД документы? Что составляет коммерческую корреспонденцию? Какие деловые письма вы знаете? Какова стандартная структура делового письма? Http: www.newyorker.com II. Изучите следующие ниже деловые письма, назовите стиль, подстиль и жанр, в рамках которого письма написаны, а затем выполните их предпереводческий анализ, проанализировав их графические и языковые особенности. Free Sample Letter of Recommendation in Education
Dear Sir or Madam:
Miss Furnival Han has left me a very deep impression for her zeal and earnest in English literature studies. I am very glad to write this letter of recommendation for her because as her teacher and also as director of her foreign studies college, I know very well her change from dislike and unfamiliarity to ardent love for English literature.
I remember she was interested in economics when she first entered university because she was highly gifted in mathematics, ranking first in college entrance examination. She was first repulsive to English literature due to lack of understanding. But after just a semester, she soon became greatly interested in the specialty. Though a first-year student, she soon acquired a penetrating comprehension and stood out as one of my best undergraduates in all my years of teaching experience.
As a second-year student, guided and encouraged by teachers returning from abroad in our department, she made up her mind to further her studies in the United States and exerted herself for this sake. She attended many professional literature forums and even observed postgraduate curricula. Apart from reading reference books with all earnest, she was well read in relevant Western professional books, immensely substantiating her knowledge. This was clearly visible from her theses and distinctively perceivable from our routine communication.
Miss Han was also a good announcer and journalist with the college broadcasting station. The program she hosted was much to the liking of student audiences. I am proud of her performance and amazed at her literary quality. I backed her up fully when she opted for the pedagogy specialty according to her specialty advantage and personal features and the future trend of development in China. I cherish great hope that such a good student would receive better education because this would expedite the advancement of China's relevant faculty.
As a professor I greatly appreciate such an energetic and inquisitive, diligent and clever student. When she told me her desire to study abroad, I expressed full support and encouraged her to work hard for her goal. As college director, I hereby recommend her to you with self-pride and pledge that she will bring your university a new refreshing atmosphere of researches. I hope you will lend her a helping hand with her application.
Source: proftrans.com Inc.
Sample Letter of Recommendation for Teacher
Kay Traester has been my student teacher in my eighth grade English classes during the winter/spring period of the 2004-2005 school year. Kay came well prepared to her student teaching experience. Prior to being my student teacher, she was a tutor for several weeks for some of my needier students after school. In this capacity she was consistent, compassionate and reliable. While student teachers are required to spend one hundred hours for field study, Kay had clocked well over double that amount prior to her student teaching experience with me further evidencing her dedication to the teaching profession. This enthusiasm and philosophy of hard work did not wane after she began her formal student teaching in earnest.
When she began her student teaching, it was immediately evident that Kay had a love for the profession and a sincere interest in and concern for the students. She was willing to come up with creative lessons that proved to be interesting and educationally effectiive. Furthermore, she spent many hours with an individual student working on reading strategies on her own time to help one of my less capable readers.
Kay has approached any and all aspects of the work involved in teaching my students with eager anticipation. She wrote extremely detailed and well thought out plans in spite of the fact that during this entire student teaching experience she maintained her responsibilities as editor in chief of the Colgate University Maroon News weekly newspaper. In fact, in my thirty years of teaching I have never experienced any student teacher who was better prepared and who worked harder than Kay. Her lessons have been thought out and professional. She was always willing to adjust any parts of her lessons she thought could be improved.
Kay’s classroom management style seemed closer to that of a veteran teacher than to the student teacher she is. Her maturity in dealing with the students was evident and, as a result, commanded real respect from the students.
On a practical level, all the papers, quizzes and tests Kay assigned to the students were immediately graded and returned to the students. She maintained a level of efficiency that was fueled by her obvious work ethic and her professional concern for her students’ progress. No time was wasted in her class.
While teaching in my classroom Kay took the initiative to create many colorful, creative and effective bulletin boards relating to the work being done and the units studied in class. She became ever more efficient in her teaching, keeping lists of students who owed work on the board as well as announcing the homework assigned each day.
Overall, as the chairman of our English department, I would not hesitate to offer Kay a teaching position in our district were we to have an opening. Wherever she decides to accept a teaching position, I know with all confidence that she will do an outstanding job and become an asset to the school district fortunate enough to receive her application for employment Should you desire further information, please contact me at Sherburne-Earlville Central School.
Respectfully submitted, Reinerus M. Korver, English Department Chair Sherburne-Earlville Central School Sherburne, N.Y. 13640
Дата добавления: 2014-10-14; просмотров: 276; Нарушение авторских прав ![]() Мы поможем в написании ваших работ! |