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История отечественной конфликтологии.

Первые отечественные публикации, посвященные проблеме конфликта, появились в начале 20х годов. В них проблема конфликта впервые выделяется как самостоятельная, в названиях работ само понятие “конфлики” и его производные. Как самостоятельная наука конфликтология в России существует с начала 90х годов. Первая работа в данной области была опубликована в 1924 году. Ее написали П.О. Гриффин и М.И. Могилевский. Она носила в большей степени социологический характер и была посвящена трудовым конфликтам. До 1924 года конфликт изучается в рамках философии, права, психологии, но не выделяется как самостоятельное явление.

Период зарождения, становления и развития частных конфликтологических наук, как отраслей конфликтологии происходит с 1924 по 1990 годы. У нас в стране сейчас существует две серьезных организации, спектр интересов которых находится в области изучения конфликтов.

Unit 4

1. Read the tongue– twisters as fast as you can

a) Which witch wished which wicked wish?

b) Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, black bread.

Spread it thick, say it quick!

Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, black bread.

Spread it thicker, say it quicker!

Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, black bread.

Now repeat it while you eat it!

2. Read and translate the text

Conflict in the modern world

These days, the type of threats we usually experience are not physical threats but psychological ones. There are threats to our self–esteem, threats to relationships we value, and threats to our success. Many people also experience a sense of threat when they encounter conflict or a problem that seems unsolvable.

Conflict is often best understood by examining the consequences of various behaviors at moments in time. These behaviors are usefully categorized according to conflict styles. Each style is a way to meet one's needs in a dispute but may impact other people in different ways.

· Competing is a style in which one's own needs are advocated over the needs of others. It relies on an aggressive style of communication, low regard for future relationships, and the exercise of coercive power. Those using a competitive style tend to seek control over a discussion, in both substance and ground rules. They fear that loss of such control will result in solutions that fail to meet their needs. Competing tends to result in responses that increase the level of threat.

· Accommodating, also known as smoothing, is the opposite of competing. Persons using this style yield their needs to those of others, trying to be diplomatic. They tend to allow the needs of the group to overwhelm their own, which may not ever be stated, as preserving the relationship is seen as most important.

· Avoiding is a common response to the negative perception of conflict. "Perhaps if we don't bring it up, it will blow over," we say to ourselves. But, generally, all that happens is that feelings get pent up, views go unexpressed, and the conflict festers until it becomes too big to ignore. Like a cancer that may well have been cured if treated early, the conflict grows and spreads until it kills the relationship. Because needs and concerns go unexpressed, people are often confused, wondering what went wrong in a relationship.

· Compromising is an approach to conflict in which people gain and give in a series of tradeoffs. While satisfactory, compromise is generally not satisfying. We each remain shaped by our individual perceptions of our needs and don't necessarily understand the other side very well. We often retain a lack of trust and avoid risk-taking involved in more collaborative behaviors.

· Collaborating is the pooling of individual needs and goals toward a common goal. Often called "win-win problem-solving," collaboration requires assertive communication and cooperation in order to achieve a better solution than either individual could have achieved alone. It offers the chance for consensus, the integration of needs, and the potential to exceed the "budget of possibilities" that previously limited our views of the conflict. It brings new time, energy, and ideas to resolve the dispute meaningfully.

3. Answer the questions:

What are the psychological needs of humans that can cause conflicts?

What are the conflict styles?

What are the consequences of competing?

Does it mean we might force the others to accept ‘our‘ solution?

What may the acceptance of ’our’ solution be accompanied by?(fear and resentment)

What are the consequences of accomodating?

May the relationship proceed smoothly?

Is it accompanied by fear that our needs are going unmet?

What are the consequences of compromising?

What is its disadvantage?

Do we harbor resentments in the future?

What are the consequences of collaborating?

Do we feel better about our chances for future understanding and woodwill than a compromise?

What are the consequences of avoiding to discuss the conflict?

Are both parties satisfied with the real underlying issues and concerns?

4. Match the following words with the translation:

to encounter– подавить

to impact– сдерживать, подавлять

to yield– томится, гнить

to advocate– воздействовать

to overwhelm– сталкиваться

to retain– поддерживать

to pent up– отстаивать

coercive– положительный

assertive– принудительный

smoothing– восприятие

collaboration– объединение

tradeoff– дела

concerns– компромисс, соглашение

pool– сотрудничество

perception– сглаживание

to fester– уступать

5. Translate into English

Стратегия поведения в конфликте

Наиболее часто применяемая стратегия в конфликте это соперничество. Оппоненты пытаются реализовать данный способ достижения своей цели в более чем 90% конфликтов.

Сотрудничество позволяет осуществить поиск такого решения, которое удовлетворило бы обе стороны.

Компромисс предполагает взаимные уступки в чем–то важном и принципиальном для каждой стороны.

Приспособление основывается на понижение своих стремлений и принятии позиций оппонента.

При избегании участник находится в ситуации конфликта, но без всяких активных действий по его решению.

Unit 5

1. Read the tongue– twisters as fast as you can

a) Three grey geese in the green grass grazing.

Grey were the geese and green was the grass.

b) Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.

A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.

If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,

Where’s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

2. Read and translate the text

How we Respond to Conflict: Thoughts, Feelings, and Physical Responses

In addition to the behavioral responses, we have emotional, cognitive and physical responses to conflict. These are important windows into our experience during conflict, for they frequently tell us more about what is the true source of threat that we perceive; by understanding our thoughts, feelings and physical responses to conflict, we may get better insights into the best potential solutions to the situation.

Emotional responses: These are the feelings we experience in conflict, ranging from anger and fear to despair and confusion. Emotional responses are often misunderstood, as people tend to believe that others feel the same as they do. Thus, differing emotional responses are confusing and, at times, threatening.

Cognitive responses: These are our ideas and thoughts about a conflict, often present as inner voices or internal observers in the midst of a situation. Through sub-vocalization (i.e., self-talk), we come to understand these cognitive responses. For example, we might think any of the following things in response to another person taking a parking spot just as we are ready to park:

"That jerk! Who does he think he is! What a sense of entitlement!"


"I wonder if he realizes what he has done. He seems lost in his own thoughts. I hope he is okay."


"What am I supposed to do? Now I'm going to be late for my meeting… Should I say something to him? What if he gets mad at me?"

Such differing cognitive responses contribute to emotional and behavioral responses, where self-talk can either promote a positive or negative feedback loop in the situation.

Physical responses: These responses can play an important role in our ability to meet our needs in the conflict. They include heightened stress, bodily tension, increased perspiration, tunnel vision, shallow or accelerated breathing, nausea, and rapid heartbeat. These responses are similar to those we experience in high-anxiety situations, and they may be managed through stress management techniques. Establishing a calmer environment in which emotions can be managed is more likely if the physical response is addressed effectively.

3. Answer the questions:

What are the other responses except behavioral ones during conflicts?

Why are they important ?

Why are emotional responses often misunderstood?

What examples of emotional responses can you give?

What are cognitive responses?

What can self–talk promote?

When do we experience physical responses?

How can they be managed?

4. Match the following words with the translation:

cognitive – поверхностный

to threaten– повышать

to experience– величие

to heighten– угрожать

finsight– обратная связь

despair – петля

entitlement– испытывать

confusion– тошнота, отвращение

jerk– потение

feedback– тревога

loop– отчаение

perspiration– тупица, чудак

shallow– познавательный

nausea– замешательство, путаница

anxiety– интуиция

5. Translate into English and discuss

Предупреждение конфликта

1. Не идти на конфликт, если не уверен, что оппонентом правильно поняты ваши мотивы.

2. Снижать личный фон устойчивой агрессии многочисленными тренингами.

3. Избегать предконфликтных ситуаций при переутомлении.

4. Чаще практиковать в конфликтной ситуации сотрудничество, компромисс, избегание и уступку.

5. Не давать предварительных оценок и не ожидать единственного желаемого результата.

Unit 6

1.Read the tongue– twisters as fast as you can

a) The boot black bought the black boot back.

b) A flea and a fly in a flue,

Were imprisoned so what could they do?

Said the flea let us fly.

Said the fly let us flee.

So they flew through a flaw in the flue.

2. Read and translate the text

The Role of Perceptions in Conflict

As noted in our basic definition of conflict, we define conflict as a disagreement through which the parties involved perceive a threat to their needs, interests or concerns. One key element of this definition is the idea that each party may have a different perception of any given situation. We can anticipate having such differences due to a number of factors that create "perceptual filters" that influence our responses to the situation:

· Culture, race, and ethnicity: Our varying cultural backgrounds influence us to hold certain beliefs about the social structure of our world, as well as the role of conflict in that experience. We may have learned to value substantive, procedural and psychological needs differently as a result, thus influencing our willingness to engage in various modes of negotiation and efforts to manage the conflict

· Gender and sexuality: Men and women often perceive situations somewhat differently, based on both their experiences in the world (which relates to power and privilege, as do race and ethnicity) and socialization patterns that reinforce the importance of relationships vs. task, substance vs. process, immediacy vs. long-term outcomes. As a result, men and women will often approach conflictive situations with differing mindsets about the desired outcomes from the situation, as well as the set of possible solutions that may exist.

· Knowledge (general and situational): Parties respond to given conflicts on the basis of the knowledge they may have about the issue at hand. This includes situation-specific knowledge (i.e., "Do I understand what is going on here?") and general knowledge (i.e., "Have I experienced this type of situation before?" or "Have I studied about similar situations before?"). Such information can influence the person's willingness to engage in efforts to manage the conflict, either reinforcing confidence to deal with the dilemma or undermining one's willingness to flexibly consider alternatives.

· Impressions of the Messenger: If the person sharing the message - the messenger - is perceived to be a threat (powerful, scary, unknown, etc.), this can influence our responses to the overall situation being experienced. For example, if a big scary-looking guy is approaching me rapidly, yelling "Get out of the way!" I may respond differently than if a diminutive, calm person would express the same message to me. As well, if I knew either one of them previously, I might respond differently based upon that prior sense of their credibility: I am more inclined to listen with respect to someone I view as credible than if the message comes from someone who lacks credibility and integrity in my mind.

· Previous experiences: Some of us have had profound, significant life experiences that continue to influence our perceptions of current situations. These experiences may have left us fearful, lacking trust, and reluctant to take risks. On the other hand, previous experiences may have left us confident, willing to take chances and experience the unknown. Either way, we must acknowledge the role of previous experiences as elements of our perceptual filter in the current dilemma.

3. Answer the questions:

What factors create “perceptual filters” in conflict?

How can culture, race, gender, knowledge influence?

How can general or situational knowledge influence the person’s willingness to manage the conflict?

How does the messenger influence our responses?

Is previous experience an element of perceptual filters?

Why should we pay attention to previous experiences?

Among them what influence more/less our perception of situation?

4. Match the following words with the translation:

to anticipate сознавать

substantive неохотный

willingness честность

to engage кричать

pattern на первый взгляд

to reinforce предвидеть

immediacy тщедушный

mindset тип мышления

at hand тип, модель

to yell заниматься

diminutive незамедлительность

credibility вероятность

to acknowledge усиливать

integrity готовность

reluctant материальный

Unit 7

1. Read the tongue– twisters as fast as you can

a) A pleasant place to place a plaice is a place

where a plaice is pleased to be placed.

b) How many cookies could a good cook cook if a good cook could cook cookies?

A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies.

2. Read and translate the text

Conflicts of interest generally (unrelated to the practice of law)

More generally, conflicts of interest can be defined as any situation in which an individual or corporation (either private or governmental) is in a position to exploit a professional or official capacity in some way for their personal or corporate benefit.

Depending upon the law or rules related to a particular organization, the existence of a conflict of interest may not, in and of itself, be evidence of wrongdoing. In fact, for many professionals, it is virtually impossible to avoid having conflicts of interest from time to time. A conflict of interest can, however, become a legal matter for example when an individual tries (and/or succeeds in) influencing the outcome of a decision, for personal benefit. A director or executive of a corporation will be subject to legal liability if a conflict of interest breaches his duty of loyalty.

There often is confusion over these two situations. Someone accused of a conflict of interest may deny that a conflict exists because he/she did not act improperly. In fact, a conflict of interest can exist even if there are no improper acts as a result of it. (One way to understand this is to use the term "conflict of roles". A person with two roles—an individual who owns stock and is also a government official, for example—may experience situations where those two roles conflict. The conflict can be mitigated but it still exists. In and of itself, having two roles is not illegal, but the differing roles will certainly provide an incentive for improper acts in some circumstances.)

As an example, in the sphere of business and control, according to the Institute of Internal Auditors:

conflict of interest is a situation in which an internal auditor, who is in a position of trust, has a competing professional or personal interest. Such competing interests can make it difficult to fulfill his or her duties impartially. A conflict of interest exists even if no unethical or improper act results. A conflict of interest can create an appearance of impropriety that can undermine confidence in the internal auditor, the internal auditor activity, and the profession. A conflict of interest could impair an individual's ability to perform his or her duties and responsibilities objectively.


3.Answer the questions:

What is a conflict of interest?

When does a conflict of interest occur?

Is a conflict of interest always legal or illegal?

What does “conflict of roles” mean?

What can two different roles of a businessman provide?

What brings an internal audit to a conflict of interest?

4. Match the following words with the translation:

capacity– стимул

benefit– преданность

evidence– акция

incentive– компетенция, положение

liability– беспристрастно

to breach– отрицать

loyalty– выгода

to deny– нарушать

to own– подрывать

to impair– портить

to mitigate– владеть

improperly– не так, как нужно

impartially– ответственность

stock– основание

to undermine– смягчать

5. Translate into English

Два типа конфликта

Существуют когнитивный конфликт и конфликт интересов. Конфликт взглядов, точек зрения и знаний – это когнитивный конфликт. В таком конфликте целью каждого субъекта является убедить оппонента, доказать правильность своей точки зрения, своей позиции. Конфликт интересов можно представить как противовес конфликта когнитивного, что означает противоборство, основанное на столкновении интересов различных оппонентов (групп, индивидов, организаций).

Кто и как занимается урегулированием конфликта интересов на государственной гражданской службе?

Урегулированием конфликтов интересов на государственной гражданской службе занимаются представитель нанимателя и специально созданные для урегулирования конфликтов такого рода комиссии по соблюдению требований к служебному поведению государственных гражданских служащих и урегулированию конфликтов интересов.

В случае возникновения у государственного гражданского служащего личной заинтересованности, которая приводит или может привести к конфликту интересов, государственный гражданский служащий обязан проинформировать об этом представителя нанимателя в письменной форме.


Unit 8

1.Read the tongue– twisters as fast as you can

a) A mother to her son did utter

“Go, my son, and shut the shutter”

“The shutter’s shut” the son did utter

“I cannot shut it any shutter!”

b) A noisy noise annoys an oyster.

2. Read and translate the text

Conflicts of interest related to the practice of law

Judicial disqualification, also referred to as recusal, refers to the act of abstaining from participation in an official action such as a legal proceeding due to a conflict of interest of the presiding court official or administrative officer. Applicable statutes or canons of ethics may provide standards for recusal in a given proceeding or matter. Providing that the judge or presiding officer must be free from disabling conflicts of interest makes the fairness of the proceedings less likely to be questioned.

In the legal profession, the duty of loyalty owed to a client prohibits an attorney (or a law firm) from representing any other party with interests adverse to those of a current client. The few exceptions to this rule require informed written consent from all affected clients. In some circumstances, a conflict of interest can never be waived by a client. In perhaps the most common example encountered by the general public, the same firm should not represent both parties in a divorce or child custody case.

A prohibited or undisclosed representation involving a conflict of interest can subject an attorney to disciplinary hearings, the denial or disgorgement of legal fees, or in some cases (such as the failure to make mandatory disclosure), criminal proceedings. In the United States, a law firm usually cannot represent a client if its interests conflict with those of another client, even if they have separate lawyers within the firm, unless (in some jurisdictions) the lawyer is segregated from the rest of the firm for the duration of the conflict. Law firms often employ software in conjunction with their case management and accounting systems in order to meet their duties to monitor their conflict of interest exposure and to assist in obtaining waivers.

3.Answer the questions:

What is a judicial disqualification?

When does it occur?

What is forbidden in legal profession?

Are there any exceptions to this rule?

What punishment can a lawyer involved in a conflict of interest be subjected to?

How can law firms meet their duties?

4. Match the following words with the translation:

to abstain– возвращать незаконно присвоенное

аpplicable– нынешний

recusal– разоблачение

to owe– изолировать

to waive– подвергать

to prohibit– отказываться

to segregate– приносить, дать

to subject– запрещать

adverse– применимый

current– пострадавший

consent– попечительство

affected– враждебный

custody– согласие

disgorgement– воздерживаться

exposure– неподчинение

5. Translate into English

Экономические конфликты

Они представляют собой широкий спектр конфликтов, в основе которых лежат противоречия между экономическими интересами отдельных личностей (групп). Это борьба за определенные ресурсы, льготы, распределения собственности и т. д.

Социальный конфликт

Социальный конфликт представляет собой противоречия в системе отношений людей, которые характеризуются усилением противоположных интересов. Разновидностью социальных конфликтов считаются конфликты трудовые и социально–трудовые. Это большая группа конфликтов, которые возникают очень часто в виде забастовок.

Международные конфликты

В международных конфликтах основными субъектами преимущественно являются государства. Исходя из этого выделяют:

межгосударственные конфликты, национально- освободительные войны (одна из сторон - государство), антиколониальные, войны народов, против расизма,

Виды межгосударственных конфликтов:

Ø конфликт идеологий

Ø конфликт из-за политического господства

Ø территориальный конфликт

Ø религиозный конфликт

Межгосударственный конфликт часто реализуется в форме войны. Нужно проводить четкую границу между войной и межгосударственным конфликтом: война частично меняет дальнейшее развитие государства, военный конфликт может привести лишь к незначительным изменениям.

Unit 9

1. Read the tongue– twisters as fast as you can

a) I slit the sheet, the sheet I slit, and on the slitted sheet I sit.

b) I need not your needles, they’re needless to me;

For kneading of noodles, ‘twere needless, you see;

But did my neat knickers but need to be kneed,

I then should have need of your needles indeed.

2. Read and translate the text

Types of conflicts of interests

The following are the most common forms of conflicts of interests:

Self–dealing, in which an official who controls an organization causes it to enter into a transaction with the official, or with another organization that benefits the official. The official is on both sides of the "deal."

Outside employment, in which the interests of one job contradict another.

Family interests, in which a spouse, child, or other close relative is employed (or applies for employment) or where goods or services are purchased from such a relative or a firm controlled by a relative. For this reason, many employment applications ask if one is related to a current employee. If this is the case, the relative could then recuse from any hiring decisions. Abuse of this type of conflict of interest is called nepotism.

Gifts from friends who also do business with the person receiving the gifts. (Such gifts may include non-tangible things of value such as transportation and lodging.)

Pump and dump, in which a stock broker who owns a security artificially inflates the price by "upgrading" it or spreading rumors, sells the security and adds short position, then "downgrades" the security or spreads negative rumors to push the price down.

Other improper acts that are sometimes classified as conflicts of interests are probably better classified elsewhere. Accepting bribes can be classified as corruption; almost everyone in a position of authority, particularly public authority, has the potential for such wrongdoing. Similarly, use of government or corporate property or assets for personal use is fraud, and classifying this as a conflict of interest does not improve the analysis of this problem. Nor should unauthorized distribution of confidential information, in itself, be considered a conflict of interest. For these improper acts, there is no inherent conflict of roles, unless being a (fallible) human being rather than (say) a robot in a position of power or authority is considered to be a conflict.

3. Answer the questions:

What are the forms of conflicts of interests?

Are gifts, bribes, pumps and dumps considered improper acts? Why?

When can the improper acts bring to inherent conflict of roles?

What is fraud considered to be?

Can confidential information provoke a conflict of interest?

4. Match the following words with the translation:

to cause– отказываться

to contradict– взвинчивать

official– могущий ошибаться

nepotism– обман, мошенничество

deal– активы

assets– сделка

to recuse– вздувать

abuse– врожденный

to inflate– противоречить

inherent– неправомочный

to upgrad– заставлять

bribe– кумовство

fraud– взятка

unauthorized– злоупотребление

fallible– служащий

5. Discuss the following


Self–policing of any group is also a conflict of interest. If any organization, such as a corporation or government bureaucracy, is asked to eliminate unethical behavior within their own group, it may be in their interest in the short run to eliminate the appearance of unethical behavior, rather than the behavior itself, by keeping any ethical breaches hidden, instead of exposing and correcting them. An exception occurs when the ethical breach is already known by the public. In that case, it could be in the group's interest to end the ethical problem to which the public has knowledge, but keep remaining breaches hidden.

Insurance companies retain claims adjuster to represent their interest in adjusting claims. It is in the best interest of the insurance companies that the very smallest settlement is reached with its claimants. Based on the adjuster's experience and knowledge of the insurance policy it is very easy for the adjuster to convince an unknowing claimant to settle for less than what they may otherwise be entitled which could be a larger settlement. There is always a very good chance of a conflict of interest to exist when one adjuster tries to represent both sides of a financial transaction such as an insurance claim. This problem is exacerbated when the claimant is told, or believes, the insurance company's claims adjuster is fair and impartial enough to satisfy both theirs and the insurance company's interests. These types of conflicts could be easily be avoided by the use of disclosures.

A person working as the equipment purchaser for a company may get a bonus proportionate to the amount he's under budget by year end. However, this becomes an incentive for him to purchase inexpensive, substandard equipment. Therefore, this is counter to the interests of those in his company who must actually use the equipment.

Representatives, in general, have different interests than their constituents. Thus, accepting bribes to vote a certain way is in their interest (assuming they don't get caught), while not in their constituents' interest. These actions are sometimes illegal, but often not, as in the case of a politician accepting large amounts of money for a political campaign, and in return, granting the contributor access to political leaders. This is often cited as an argument for direct democracy (the replacement of representatives' votes with referenda).

Revolving door (politics), government workers or elected officials quitting public service to work for the companies they used to regulate. Regulators are accused of using inside information for their new employers, or compromising laws and regulations in hopes of securing employment in the private sector.

6. Translate into English

Межличностный конфликт

Это столкновение между отдельными индивидами в процессе их социального и психологического взаимодействия. Примерами таких конфликтов являются: противоборство между студентами из–за влияния в группе или привлекательной девушки; противоречие между руководителем и подчиненным из–за размера зарплаты; между пассажирами общественного транспорта. Такие противоборства могут происходить в различных сферах общественной жизни.

В организациях межличностный конфликт проявляется по– разному. Чаще всего это борьба руководителей за ограниченные ресурсы: капитал, помещение, рабочую силу. Межличностный конфликт может возникать также, например, между двумя кандидатами на повышение при наличии одной вакантной должности.

Межгрупповой конфликт

Любая организация состоит из множества социальных групп разного размера, формальными и неформальными, временными или постоянными, открытыми или закрытыми с одной стороны, и профсоюзом, с другой стороны.

Часто из–за различия целей начинают конфликтовать между собой функциональные группы внутри организации. Например, отдел сбыта ориентирован на покупателя, а производственные подразделения больше заботятся о соотношении прибыль– затраты.

Unit 10

1. Read the tongue– twisters as fast as you can

a) One– One was a racehorse.

Two– Two was one, too.

When One– One won one race,

Two– Two won one, too.

b) The big black bug bit the big black bear,

but the big black bear bit the big black bug back!

2. Read and translate the text

Ways to mitigate conflicts of interests


The best way to handle conflicts of interests is to avoid them entirely. For example, someone elected to political office might sell all corporate stocks that he/she owns before taking office, and resign from all corporate boards. Or that person could move his/her corporate stocks to a special trust, which would be authorized to buy and sell without disclosure to the owner. (This is referred to as a "blind trust".) With such a trust, since the politician does not know in which companies he/she has investments, there should be no temptation to act to their advantage.


Commonly, politicians and high-ranking government officials are required to disclose financial information - assets such as stock, debts such as loans, and/or corporate positions held, typically annually. To protect privacy (to some extent), financial figures are often disclosed in ranges such as "$100,000 to $500,000" and "over $2,000,000".

Certain professionals are required either by rules related to their professional organization, or by statute, to disclose any actual or potential conflicts of interest. In some instances, the failure to provide full disclosure is a crime.


Those with a conflict of interest are expected to recuse themselves from (i.e., abstain from) decisions where such a conflict exists. The imperative for recusal varies depending upon the circumstance and profession, either as common sense ethics, codified ethics, or by statute. For example, if the governing board of a government agency is considering hiring a consulting firm for some task, and one firm being considered has, as a partner, a close relative of one of the board's members, then that board member should not vote on which firm is to be selected. In fact, to minimize any conflict, the board member should not participate in any way in the decision, including discussions.

Judges are supposed to recuse themselves from cases when personal conflicts of interest may arise. For example, if a judge has participated in a case previously in some other judicial role he/she is not allowed to try that case. Recusal is also expected when one of the lawyers in a case might be a close personal friend, or when the outcome of the case might affect the judge directly, such as whether a car maker is obliged to recall a model that a judge drives. This is required by law under Continental civil law systems and by the Rome Statute, organic law of the Inernational Criminal Court.

Third-party evaluations

Consider a situation where the owner of a majority of a publicly held corporation decides to buy out the minority shareholders and take the corporation private. What is a fair price? Obviously it is improper (and, typically, illegal) for the majority owner to simply state a price and then have the (majority-controlled) board of directors approve that price. What is typically done is to hire an independent firm (a third party), well-qualified to evaluate such matters, to calculate a "fair price", which is then voted on by the minority shareholders.

Third-party evaluations may also be used as proof that transactions were, in fact, fair ("arm's-length"). For example, a corporation that leases an office building that is owned by the CEO might get an independent evaluation showing what the market rate is for such leases in the locale, to address the conflict of interest that exists between the fiduciary duty of the CEO (to the stockholders, by getting the lowest rent possible) and the personal interest of that CEO (to maximize the income that the CEO gets from owning that office building by getting the highest rent possible).

3. Answer the questions:

What are the ways to cope with conflicts of interests?

What is the best strategy to handle conflicts?

If avoiding is impossible what other good strategy

What is “blind–trust”?

What are officials and professionals required to disclose?

When does it turn to a crime?

What do officials and professionals recuse from?

What does the imperative for recusal depend on?

Why is the third – party involved in a conflict?


4. Match the following words with the translation:

to mitigate– обнажать, раскрыть

to takе office– воздерживаться

board– законодательный акт

trust– место действия

stockholder– властный приказ

to disclose– смягчать

temptation– оценка

evaluation– соблазн

imperative– акционер

to abstain– сдавать в аренду

statute– совет, правление

to lease– занимать должность

fiduciary– очевидно

locale– кредит

оbviously– доверительный, конфиденциальный

4. Translate the information into English and give examples of mediators


Посредничество или медиация– это завершение конфликта с участием третьей стороны, не заинтересованной прямо в исходе конфликта. Это процесс, в ходе которого участники конфликта с помощью нейтрального посредника (медиатора) выявляют проблемы и пути их решения, ищут альтернативы и пытаются достичь консенсуса. Это целенаправленное вмешательство. Официальным медиатором могут быть межгосударственные организации ; государственные правовые институты; представители правоохранительных органов; общественные организации. Конфликтологи и социальные психологи – это профессиональные медиаторы.

Unit 11

1. Read the tongue– twisters as fast as you can

a) On mules we find two legs behind

and two we find before.

We stand behind before we find

what those behind be for.

b) I know a boy named Tate

who dined with his girl at eight eight.

I’m unable to state what Tate ate at eight eight

or what tate’s tete a tete ate at eight eight.

2. Read and translate the text

Workplace Conflict

Workplace conflict includes any type of conflict which takes place within a workplace or among workers, potentially including conflict between employees out of work hours. It is a broad concept that includes several types of conflict that are normally treated separately, including employment conflict and labor– management conflict. Unlike those two types, however, workplace conflict may not involve the employer as a party; a workplace conflict may be between two or more employees.

Because workplace conflict inherently includes several other kinds, it can be difficult to distinguish from them. But it is not difficult to describe: Any type of conflict which involves employees, managers, owners, customers, or others present in a workplace can be an example of workplace conflict. Typically, because more precise definitions of several sub– categories of workplace conflict exist, the term “workplace conflict” is used to define interpersonal or employer– employee conflict in the workplace which does not involve a union or an allegation of discrimination based on race, gender, or another legally protected criterion.

There is hardly anyone in the work force who has not been exposed to a workplace conflict at one time or another. The concept is therefore almost universally relevant. But relatively few understand the intricate distinctions between types of workplace conflict, which heavily influence how they are actually handled in contemporary life. For example, the rights which U.S. workers now have were not all established at once, but over decades, and the resulting patchwork of laws, regulations, and agencies can be very confusing. A basic understanding of how labor law and employment law have developed, of why they are separate concepts, and of the different mediation and arbitration procedures that now exist to streamline the handling of large numbers of cases, can help anyone understand better how the workplace works.

3. Answer the questions:

Who is involved in a workplace conflict?

What parties are not involved in it?

Can a qualified employee avoid such conflicts? How?

In a broad sense it includes several other kinds of conflicts. What are they?

How are workplace conflicts handled today?

What is your personal understanding of laws and regulations?

Is there any difference between them?

What may help better understand how the workplace works?

4. Match the following words with the translation:

to involve– устанавливать

to expose– упрощать

to handle– в своей основе

to establish– предполагать, включать в себя

to streamline– подвергать

allegation– путаница

patchwork– посредничество, медиация

confusing– сложный

intricate– запутанный

inherently– управлять

mediation– заявление

5. Read and discuss the example

A successful new product is selling well, and its maker is running the factory an additional four hours a day Monday through Friday as required overtime for all employees. But for the fourth Saturday in a row, the same three employees are called in for yet more overtime. If one of them objects about the perceived unfairness of being singled out for unwanted overtime, and gets into a heated argument with a supervisor, while the other two have no objection, this would be described as a workplace conflict. But if the reason the employee gives for believing he was singled out is related to race, sex, national origin, age , or another protected category, this would be viewed as an employment conflict– whether or not the employee was ultimately found correct in that perception. And if all three employees together went to management to complain about being selected for the additional overtime, this would be a concerted activity, which is related to union activity, and which would make the event even more appropriately described as a form of labor– management conflict.

Unit 12

1.Read the tongue– twisters as fast as you can

a) Six sick hicks nick six slick bricks with picks and sticks.

b) Whether the weather be fine

or where the weather be not.

Whether the weather be cold

or whether the weather be not.

We’ll weather the weather

whether we like it or not.

2. Read and translate the text

Labor– Management Conflict

For reasons of political issues that go back more than a hundred years, this concept is used somewhat differently in different countries. In the U.S., the term “labor– management conflict” generally refers to disputes between an employer and a group of employees, while a conflict between an employer and a single employee acting alone is usually referred to as an “employment” dispute. An organized labor union is usually involved in labor– management conflicts, though these conflicts can be as basic as two employees approaching a supervisor with a shared complaint about overtime or some other working condition.

Initially, conflict may arise when an employer refuses to recognize a union as representative of its employees; in the U.S., these disputes are usually resolved by an employee election supervised by a government agency. More common are contract disputes and grievances. Contract disputes occur when a union contract covering a group of employees is about to expire and the parties disagree about the terms of a new one. Usually wages, health insurance, and other economic issues are at the center of these conflicts, but sometimes they are about other issues, such as seniority, hours, sick leave, overtime, etc.

Grievances are objections that employees make about the way an employer is handling an existing contract. A typical grievance accuses the employer of doing something that violates the union contract, such as firing an employee without “just cause”. The union and employer will often negotiate at successively higher levels until the grievance is resolved by the union dropping it, by management conceding it, or by a compromise. Grievances which cannot be resolved by negotiation are typically submitted to arbitration for a final decision; some contracts also use mediation.

3.Answer the questions:

How do you define this conflict?

Does it take place within a workplace?

Who is involved in a labor– management conflict?

When does this type of conflict occur?

What economic issues usually provoke sush conflicts?

How are grievances resolved?

What does the employee make if the employer violates his/her union contract?

4. Match the following words with the translation:

labor– жалоба

shared– старшинство, трудовой стаж

grievance– возражение, протест

complaint– труд

firing– заработная плата

to expire– уступать

to accuse– подчиняться

to violate– прекращать

to negotiate– обвинять

wage– увольнение

seniority– обоюдный

objection– недовольство

to drop– нарушать

to concedе– истекать (о сроке)

to submit– вести переговоры

5. Read and discuss the example

A common type of labor– management conflict occurs when a contract governing a group of employees is about to expire. Typically, the negotiations over the terms of a new contract will be lengthy; although the vast majority of these are resolved without a strike, a significant number run some risk of a strike as the parties compete to get the best deal possible for their side. It is not uncommon for the parties to meet dozens of times and still to need a mediator as the deadline gets close.

Unit 13

1. Read the tongue– twisters as fast as you can

a) I saw Susie sitting in a shoe shine shop.

Where she sits she shines, and where she shines she sits.

b) One smart fellow, he felt smart.

Two smart fellows, they felt smart.

Three smart fellows, they felt smart.

Four smart fellows, they felt smart.

Five smart fellows, they felt smart.

Six smart fellows, they felt smart.

2. Read and translate the text

Employment Conflict

Employment conflict is a term often used loosely by employees, but its proper meaning refers to conflict that is about one or more of the types of legally prohibited discrimination: race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or handicap.

An employment conflict usually arises when an employee claims that someone else, who has similar skills and experience, is beingtreated better by the employer, and that the reason can be traced to one of the legally prohibited forms of discrimination. It is not necessary that the link be immediate or direct. At the same time, an employment conflict does not necessarily arise just because persons of differing races, genders, etc., have a dispute at work: many such disputes on a day–to–day basis arise over personal issues, and are not really based on legally prohibited discrimination. Employment conflicts are thus distinguishable from workplace conflicts, in which the fact of conflict in the workplace is the defining factor, rather than the legally prohibited or permissible cause of the conflict. Most employment conflicts involve an individual who disputes some type of decision of an employer, but a significant number involve groups of employees.

Discrimination does not have to be proven for employment conflict to be extremely disruptive in the workplace. Differing cultural expectations make it quite likely that the same action will be perceived differently by people of differing gender, race, religion, color, handicap, national origin and/ or age. An understanding of how employment conflict arises, and of what the mechanisms are that best help parties deal with it, is therefore important not only to managers, but to first–line supervisors and employees.

3. Answer the questions:

What is imployment conflict? Give a brief description).

Does it take place within a workplace?

What other conflict is it similar to?

Why isn’t a descrimination for union activity described as employment conflict?

Who is involved in an employment conflict?

There is a concept that conflict is a way to win authority at work. What do you think?

4. Match the following words with the translation:

employment– инвалид

loosely– допустимый

handicap– работа, занятость (рабочей силы)

issue– вид на будущее, ожидание

to claim– прослеживаться

to trace– заявлять, утверждать

prohibited– разрушительный

permissible– свободно

disruptive– запрещенный

expectation– спорный вопрос

5. Read and discuss the example

Sally, a member of a legally protected group, loses out in a promotion and believes the decision was traceable to legally prohibited discrimination. Her employer answers the complaint by showing that Sally lacked certain training necessary for the higher rated job. But if the employer failed to make the training available on equal terms for a reason related to race, sex, etc., the employer is still vulnerable.

Unit 14

1. Read the tongue– twisters as fast as you can

a) A quick witted cricket critic.

b) To sit in a solemn silence in a dull dark dock

In a pestilential prison with a life long lock

Awaiting the sensation of a short sharp shock

From a cheap and chippy chopper on a big black block.

2. Read and translate the text

Consumer Conflicts

Consumer conflicts include all forms of conflict between a private consumer (or family) and a business which has sold them a product or service. It can also include, for practical purposes, situations where the customer is at work, and is buying something for his or her employer’s use, as well as situations where the supplier is a unit of government, but one which is selling a product or service in the same manner as a private company.

An enormous number of consumer problems are resolved by simply returning the item, or with one or two phone calls. So for most purposes, a consumer conflict is considered to begin not when the consumer first identifies a problem with a product or service, but only after a first attempt has failed to get the business to repair the product, provide a refund or solve the problem in some other way.

Systems and structures for handling these conflicts vary greatly depending on the industry involved. Some types of businesses have elaborate procedures for claims, while others provide only a basic address or phone number of the business. States regulate certain kinds of transactions, and may provide consumer fraud assistance. Also, the Better Business Bureau provides mediation and arbitration services for many types of consumer complaints, while some entire industries, such as the automobile industry, provide dispute resolution systems for claims over defects. But most such conflicts, when they cannot be negotiated directly with the supplier, are still taken to Small Claim Court. These courts do not necessarily treat every case as a “court case”; increasingly, they provide mediation and other alternative dispute resolution options.

Every consumer needs a basic understanding of what rights he or she has. These rights vary enormously depending on the location as well as the particular type of purchase, so there is no one simple solution, nor even a single source of information. But the key advice is to do your homework. For advice about your rights and appropriate dispute resolution avenues, checking with the Better Business Bureau in your city is wise, and also looking up what services are available from your city government.

3.Answer the questions:

Is consumer conflict one of the most frequently used in workplace?

What are the parties involved in it?

Have you ever dealt with it as a consumer?

Is this type of conflict positive? Why?

What are the first steps of the consumers when they are sold indecent items?

What are the final steps if negotiations fails?

How does the state help the deceived consumers?

Who actually benefits from such conflicts?

4. Match the following words with the translation:

consumer– средство

supplier– возмещение., уплата

purchase– сделка

item– определять, устанавливать

refund– целый

transaction– покупка

entire– соответствующий

avenue– потребитель

to treat– отличаться

to identifу– предмет

appropriate– поставщик

to vary– рассматривать

5. Translate into English

Защита прав потребителей

Практически каждый человек в той или иной форме сталкивался с некачественной продукцией, контрафактами или поддельным товаром.
В большинстве случаев конфликт потребителя с тем или иным продавцом исчерпывается в момент обращения покупателя и предъявления некачественного товара. Как правило, крупные магазины предпочитают решить вопрос мирно и вернуть потребителю деньги. Однако, в некоторых случаях в игру вступают принципиальность руководства. И в том, и в другом случае могут потребоваться консультации по защите прав потребителей, правом проводить которое обладают государственные организации.

В каждом отдельном случае может потребоваться определенный порядок действий для установления истины, поэтому до того как вы решите действовать, имеет смысл обратиться к специалистам с целью получения консультации по защите прав потребителей

Эта служба обладает правом не только проводить квалифицированные консультации по защите прав потребителей, но и осуществлять саму экспертизу с участием собственных аккредитованных лабораторий. Для каждой продукции используется свой набор необходимых анализов на соответствие заявленным параметрам и установленным в стране нормативам. По результатам экспертизы составляется профессиональное заключение, которое служит основным документом в решении конфликта и влечет за собой соответствующие меры.


Unit 15

1. Read the tongue– twisters as fast as you can

a) Elizabeth’s birthday is on the third Thursday of this month.

b) If you can’t can any candy can,

how many candy cans can a candy canner can

if he can can candy cans?


2. Read and translate the text

Commercial Conflict

Commercial conflict describes conflict which takes place between firms, including certain types of situations when a solo individual is in business. But it does not include every kind of conflict which takes place in a commercial setting; labor– management conflict, workplace, and employment conflict are often found in commercial environments, but have their own characteristics and resolution procedures.

Many people find themselves involved in commercial conflicts as interested parties or as bystanders with little control as in a troubled merger of companies, when you happen to work for one of the companies involved. People who operate small businesses, work as managers of larger ones, or contract with any size of business have more direct roles in commercial conflict, and need to understand how these conflicts develop and how they are typically handled.

Because commercial firms are free to contract or not contract with any other firm, commercial conflict is generally said to arise between firms which are already in some kind of contractual relationship. business settings provide many opportunities for conflict to begin, particularly because commercial contracts often cannot contain all of the specifications which are implied or expected by the parties as conditions to the contract. Construction contracts, in which unexpected problems frequently arise during the construction, are common examples of this pattern. Also, conflict frequently arises because one party finds it difficult or uneconomic to comply with terms it had expected to be able to live with when the contract was agreed to, and tries to escape a requirement it now finds onerous.

Because the parties are generally in a relationship which can be described in contractual terms, and because a great deal of business negotiation involves secrecy, commercial conflicts can often lead to one party seeking legal resolution after a relatively brief attempt to negotiate.

A recognizable pattern is therefore that many places, parties to commercial conflicts “file suit first, and talk later”. This often results in less–than–creative resolution even when negotiation or mediation is used at the last minute to avert trial, because the escalation of demands and accusations get in the way of attempts to think through both parties’ best interests for the future. To get around this, some industries are developing elaborate systems that anticipate conflict as a normal part of a complicated relationship, and build in more productive ways of dealing with it when it arises. An example is the “partnering” approach now increasingly used in large construction projects.

Doing good business depends on being able to make good distinctions between the few conflicts that really demand legal procedures, and the many that demand clarification or adjustment of relatively minor terms in otherwise acceptable contracts.

3. Answer the questions:

Which conflicts does a commercial conflict describe?

Where does it traditionally occur?

What sort of people are mostly involved in a commercial conflict?

Who are bystanders and what is their role in the conflict?

What kind of relationship is there between businesses?

What does a construction contract mean?

What forms of conflict resolution can be used?

How can commercial conflicts be anticipated if possible?

4. Match the following words with the translation:

setting– обременительный

bystander– урегулирование

troubled– тщательно продуманный

merger– объем

secrecy– все больше и больше

escalation– слияние

to contract– предвидеть

to implу– предотвращать, не доводить до

to comply– соглашаться

to get around– преодолевать

to avert– предполагать

onerous– окружающая обстановка

elaborate– тревожный

increasingly– тайна

to anticipate– заключать договор

adjustment– свидетель

5. Translate into English

Под коммерческим спором понимается спор, возникающий в сфере коммерческой деятельности по поводу материальных и нематериальных благ между субъектами международного коммерческого оборота. В основе коммерческого спора лежит противостояние частных интересов контрсубъектов товарного обмена.

Омбудсмен (ombudsman) - в переводе со шведского - представитель чьих-либо интересов. В частном праве омбудсмен - это специальное независимое лицо, учреждаемое в отдельных сферах бизнеса, в сфере услуг и обслуживания для рассмотрения жалоб потребителей. Его решения являются обязательными для компаний, являющихся частью этих структур. Если потребитель не согласен с решением омбудсмена, он может обратиться в суд.

Омбудсмен как способ альтернативного разрешения конфликтов, возникающих в международных коммерческих сделках широко применяется в Великобритании, в Австрии, а также в Германии. В Великобритании структура омбудсмен изначально возникла для рассмотрения жалоб физических лиц по поводу деятельности некоторых общественных органов или обслуживания в частной сфере. Механизм урегулирования споров при помощи омбудсмена является не основанной на законе добровольной структурой, созданной в той отрасли, которой это требуется. В Германии конфликты в банковской сфере разрешаются при помощи омбудсмена, применимого ко всем видам споров, вытекающих из банковских операций. В Австрии при помощи омбудсмена разрешаются конфликты, вытекающие из договоров страхования, банковских операций, строительного подряда. Кроме того, создан интернет-омбудсмен, или "удобный суд".

Unit 16

1. Read the tongue– twisters as fast as you can

a) There those thousand thinkers were thinking how did the other three thieves go through.

b) Betty Botter bought some butter but, she said, the butter’s bitter.

If I put it in my batter, it will make my batter bitter.

But a bit of better butter will make my bitter batter better.

So she bought some better butter, better than the bitter butter,

put it in her bitter batter, made her bitter batter better.

So ‘twas better Betty Botter bought some better butter.

2. Read and translate the text

Codes of Еthics

Generally, codes of ethics forbid conflicts of interests. Often, however, the specifics can be controversial. Should therapists, such as psychiatrists, be allowed to have extra-professional relations with patients, or ex-patients? Should a faculty member be allowed to have an extra-professional relationship with a student, and should that depend on whether the student is in a class of, or being advised by, the faculty member?

Codes of ethics help to minimize problems with conflicts of interests because they can spell out the extent to which such conflicts should be avoided, and what the parties should do where such conflicts are permitted by a code of ethics (disclosure, recusal, etc.). Thus, professionals cannot claim that they were unaware that their improper behavior was unethical. As importantly, the threat of disciplinary action (for example, a lawyer being disbarred) helps to minimize unacceptable conflicts or improper acts when a conflict is unavoidable.

As codes of ethics cannot cover all situations, some governments have established an office of the ethics commissioner. Ethics commissioner should be appointed by the legislature and should report to the legislature.

3. Answer the questions:

What organizations handle less conflicts of interests? Why?

How do the available codes of ethics resolve conflicts of interests?

What else help to resolve problems with conflicts of interests?

Who is the ethics commissioner?

Why is the office of the ethics commissioner established?

Are ethics commissioners elected, appointed or inherited?

What does a code of ethics include?

4. Match the following words with the translation:

controversial– уполномоченный, заведующий отделом

to forbid– лишать права адвокатской практики

to avoid– объяснять точно

to spell out– избегать

extent– неприличный, непристойный

unaware– неприемлемый

improper– степень

to disbar– запрещать

unacceptable– незнающий

commissioner– законодательство

legislature– противоречивый

Translate into English

Кодекс профессиональной этики должен включать в себя свод правил и процедур, обязательных к соблюдению всеми должностными лицами и сотрудниками соответствующих организаций, а также санкций, применяемых к нарушителям за их неисполнение.

Требования кодекса профессиональной этики должны быть направлены на:

1) выявление и предотвращение конфликта интересов отдельных сотрудников управляющих

<== предыдущая страница | следующая страница ==>
The background of conflict | Reaching a Solution

Дата добавления: 2014-11-24; просмотров: 184; Нарушение авторских прав

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