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Вспомогательный глагол служит для образования вопросительных и отрицательныхпредложений в PRESENT и PAST SIMPLE. На русский язык переводится основной, смысловой глагол. Пример: How do SMS messages actually get to your phone? Как на самом деле СМС сообщения попадают в ваш телефон? 4.3.Замещает ранее упомянутый глагол. На русский язык переводится как заменяемый глагол или не переводится. Пример: SMS doesn't require you to go on line like e-mail and instant messaging (IM) do - СМС не требует от вас выхода в Интернет как (этого требуют) электронная почта и мгновенные сообщения.
4.4.Усиливает значение другого глагола. На русский язык переводится словами «действительно, на самом деле, всё же». Пример: The possibilities for integrating SMS into your lifestyle do seem endless - возможности интеграции СМС в ваш образ жизни действительно кажутся бесконечными. Упр. 15. Прочтите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на функции глагола do: 1. A wireless network uses radio waves, just like cell phones, televisions and radios do. 2. Wireless networks do have a lot of advantages, they are easy to set up and inexpensive. 3. Now employees do not simply require access to business email, calendar functions, and contacts while they are on the move. 4. Does Internet banking allow users to access their accounts and check their balances? 5. What sorts of tasks do you need to do when you’re away from the office? 6. We sell the latest smart phones and laptops and have problems because the tills don’t work. 7. This company made profit from voice calls as most other telecoms companies did. 8. This anti-virus program does scan your PC for spyware that threatens your security. 9. Our sales assistants can use Waiter Pads in the store just as waiters do in restaurants. 10. How often do you download and use a new application? 11. Spotty (нестабильный) electricity doesn’t affect low-power phones as much as it does computers. 12. This type of smartphone did have advantages.13. Do be careful with that device!
Упр. 16. Прочтите и переведите следующие микротексты: a) SMS does have several advantages. It is a store-and-forward (с буферизацией пакетов) service. When you send a text message to a friend, the message does not go directly to your friend's cell phone. The advantage of this method is that your friend's cell phone doesn't have to be active or in range for you to send a message. The message is stored (for days if necessary) until your friend turns his cell phone on or moves into range. SMS doesn't overload the network as much as phone calls do. b) Are there ways to do business more efficiently? There can be an app for that. As the smartphone revolution does expand, there is a growing demand for software programs that allow employees to work faster and from anywhere. Now with iPhones and with Android devices employees don’t want to carry two devices. They want to be able to use one for business as well as personal functions. When you think about business becoming mobile, you need to think about what you do at your desk and what you can do online.
Дата добавления: 2014-11-20; просмотров: 655; Нарушение авторских прав ![]() Мы поможем в написании ваших работ! |